Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 227 - Aiwen's New Year's goods

Chapter 227 – Ai Wen’s New Year’s Purchases

After Chen Yanzi got up, while she was washing up, Ai Wen moved things into the car one after another.Although Lao Ai had already delivered the New Year's goods to Shanshui Yunjian in advance, there was still a lot of food in his house that he couldn't finish.Teacher is a profession with many hidden benefits.

Anyway, since Aiwen can remember, their family doesn't seem to have bought New Year's goods for the New Year - all the food and drinks for the New Year are sent by Aiwen's father's students.Especially after his students graduated from all walks of life, the things they sent were also varied.

Among them, the most things are all kinds of food and beverages, whether it is rice noodles, grains and oils, or various non-staple foods, mountain products, and seafood gift boxes.And even if the student is not in the local area, the gift will be mailed back directly for the courier brother to deliver it to the door.

In previous years, the seven aunts and eight aunts would send gifts to each other, and the neighbors upstairs and downstairs would also share things with each other--most of the residents in the entire community are teachers, and it seems that the family has purchased goods during the Chinese New Year.Whenever the Chinese New Year is approaching, it is the saddest time for the couriers in the old teacher's community. The municipal headquarters has to send a lot of couriers every year to deliver the mountains of New Year's goods to every household.

This year, Ai Wen also enjoyed the treatment of a class teacher—that's right!The one who can receive all kinds of gifts must be the head teacher, and the department is not worthy of any extra income!Ai Wen has been a subject teacher for three years, and every Chinese New Year, he would look sourly at Lao Ai receiving various couriers.

Because of the excellent grades of Class [-] in the past six months, the excited parents wished to move the department store to Aiwen's house.How many things are there?Let's put it this way!The living room of Chen Yanzi's house is almost running out of space!This is not an exaggeration, but a fact!

Have you ever seen an abalone as big as a plate?

Have you ever eaten a vacuum-packed three-pound lobster?

Have you ever seen a truffle that looks dark but not autumn?In fact, the smell is quite ordinary, it smells almost like the smell of unwashed bed sheets.
As for supplements, there are many ginseng, velvet antler, and wolfberry. Aiwen always feels that his parents seem to have misunderstood him. His white face is due to good skin rather than weak waist.

Therefore, Aiwen has no place to deal with these things, so he just took them directly to Shanshuiyunjian-as much as he can eat during the Chinese New Year, and if he can't eat them, he can just send them to his mother-in-law's house without thinking!

Calculating carefully, the things that Ai Wen received during the Chinese New Year this year alone are enough for Ji Wei to visit his house for tea.This thing can't be studied in detail, the more you study it, the cooler your heart will be. Fortunately, there are not many people who really pursue the matter of the teacher accepting gifts.

This thing has always been ignored by the people, and Confucius accepted students and wanted bacon!Back then, bacon was the top ingredient!There are two types of gifts for teachers, one is to ask parents to ask for it brazenly, and the other is a kind of gratitude from the parents of the students for the hard work of the teacher.For the former, you can't beat it too much; but for the latter, even if you control the parents, they will blame you.

Whether it is Teacher Ai or Teacher Ai, their gifts are all spontaneously sent by students and parents.Alvin never said he would charge anything - was he short of money?Difference!All the money on him was stolen by the system and used as tool money!But he really wants to buy something, and there is a little rich wife by his side!
And Aiwen is not that hypocritical, he is not the kind of boss who does not drink Evian mineral water, even if he is thirsty to a certain extent, he will be happy with Kangshuaifu mineral water.

With so many things under his command, it's really hard to turn down the kindness - is it okay if you don't accept the parents who are really impatient with you?Being a teacher to the level of Aiwen can be regarded as a super happiness.

In fact, even if Ai Wen didn't wantonly "sprinkle coins" this semester, the grades of Class Seven would not be too bad.Aiwen's advanced speech level is there, and the students in class with red lips and white teeth can listen with gusto.Even when he was a subject teacher, the Chinese scores of the classes he led were always at the top of the year group.

Although he is the head teacher for the first time, his various manipulations can make students toss to death.His theoretical level is super high. After all, he is now considered half a graduate student in education—the results of the postgraduate written test have been announced, and Ai Wen's score is much higher than the national line.

Ai Wen's grades are very confident even if he goes to the Imperial Capital Normal University, but the importance of choosing a tutor for graduate school is no less important than reincarnating. Home!
The fellows whom he had dominated in grades back then had already graduated with a master's degree, and some stayed at Northern Normal University while studying for a Ph. D. and working as an instructor.These people are very familiar with Aiwen, even if they haven't seen each other for three years, they shouldn't be unfamiliar.

Although he jumped from the Faculty of Arts to the Faculty of Education after studying for a master's degree, the leaders of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Ai Wen, are very familiar with him—he was the existence who talked and laughed happily with the college's bookmakers back then.You ask what level is the school secretary?Not high—that is, just at the top level
As for the background of Lao Jin in the College of Education, would anyone dare to bully Ai Wen?In the College of Education, Lao Jin is the third person with real power besides the dean and book planner.Moreover, the dean is full of immortality and hardly cares about other affairs, and most of the administrative work is done by Lao Jin.

As a result, the back seat and trunk of the Wrangler are filled with various gift boxes.After sweating all over, Ai Wen went back to the room to rest for a while, and then Chen Yanzi finally came out of the bedroom slowly.Girls are really slow in applying makeup. They are absolute artists when it comes to adorning their faces!

But think about it from another angle-girls don't make up for themselves!Ai Wen is the first beneficiary!So it was a little exciting to think about it.
"Is it packed? Are you ready to go?" Ivan asked.

After Chen Yanzi put on her coat, she jumped onto Ai Wen's back like a bunny: "Let's go!"

Aiwen hummed Zhu Bajie's little tune and sang a song: "You told me while crying~ the stories in fairy tales are all deceptive~~ I am also doomed to be impossible, and I am not your prince~~ (I want to hear the author sing Please offer a reward—if it’s less than ten yuan, don’t sing!)”

"Ahhhh! Stop singing! I almost forgot what the original melody was!" Chen Yanzi was buzzing listening to Ai Wen's mouthful of Zhu Bajie's wife-in-law version of "Fairy Tale". This melody is too brainwashing. !
Aiwen laughed and jumped into the elevator, and threw her directly in the co-pilot after going downstairs.Chen Yanzi was about to break out in a cold sweat looking at the car full of gift boxes: "Look! This is all people's fat and people's ointment."

"Pull it down! Why don't you see how much money I spent on the students? I guess I'll pay for so many things," Ivan snorted.

To be honest, Aiwen received these things without spending as much as he did—not counting the small money spent on students this semester, even a few large-scale activities:

Resort trip!
Athletic performance costumes!
After the monthly exam, a large-scale disco scene!
After the final exam, more than 40 people in the class traveled to the Imperial Capital!
How much will it cost?Can hundreds of thousands stop it?It costs around 60 yuan for a trip!

So Ai Wen didn't feel guilty at all for accepting these things, but he was guilty for not sending them!But he, Mr. Aiwen, is magnanimous, and he will never memorize small books!

Do you really think I am Aiwen Bodhisattva?Do you understand reciprocity?understand!

(End of this chapter)

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