Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 229 – Sea King's Heartbreak 1st Strike

Chapter 229 – Sea King’s Heartbreaker

It is said that Ai Wen is cooking in a hurry in the kitchen, but the four old people of Ai's family and Chen's family are sitting in the yard chatting steadily.Mother Chen wanted to help in the kitchen, but was stopped by Aiwen's mother.

"It's okay, my family's New Year's Eve dinner is made by Ai Wen every year. Just let his son-in-law show his hands in front of the father-in-law and mother-in-law." Ai Wen's mother said with a smile.

Chen Jiaer has always seen Aiwen's cooking skills, and Aiwen showed off his superb cooking skills on his first visit.Without this skill in cooking, the second elder of the Chen family is really not at ease to hand over his daughter to Ai Wen.After all, Chen Yanzi is also a child who doesn't stick to the sun, so asking her to cook is simply murdering for money.

So Ai Wen's mother-in-law still sat in the yard watching the lake and drinking tea. It was the first time for the Chen family to come to the mountains and rivers. When they saw such a luxurious house, they had a terrible estimate of the Ai family's family fortune.

What's even more frightening is that this is just a wedding room given by Aiwen's father. Ai Jiaguang owns several school district buildings and hundreds of other scattered houses in Q City for rent collection. The Chen family struggles The wealth accumulated for decades is nothing but Aiwen's wedding house.To be honest, the two elders of the Chen family were under a lot of pressure when facing Ai Wen's parents.

But when they got acquainted with the Ai family, this pressure was eliminated-although the Ai family had a lot of money, both Addison and his lover were silently dedicated to relatively ordinary jobs.In comparison, Chen Yanzi's father is more like an all-powerful boss than Addison.

After Ai Wen prepared the reunion dinner, Chen Yanzi came to the door and shouted: "Mom and Dad! It's time to eat!"

Chen Yanzi struggled with the wording for a long time—how to call someone?The four people in the yard have two sets of parents, what do they call it?Dads, moms?It's strange to say.
Ai Wen served a total of 880 dishes, including North and South dishes.Those who fly in the sky, those who run on the ground, and those who swim in the water are all gathered. If a table of meals like this is placed in a hotel, the price is at least [-].However, in your own home, there is not much premium except that the ingredients are slightly more expensive.

The most frustrating thing is that, in order to show off his knife skills, Ai Wen used a whole radish to carve a phoenix flying high in the plate containing red wine pears.Don't ask how he learned how to carve - I should have mentioned before that Ai Wen's carving skills are all practiced by carving chalk heads with a carving knife because the invigilator was too boring!
The appearance of a table of dishes can be displayed at any level of banquet. Ai Wen untied his apron while directing Chen Xiaolin to get wine and drinks from the refrigerator.

Because it was Chinese New Year, the mistresses of the two families temporarily lifted the ban on alcohol for the two old men.The elders have been drinking, so the younger generation, Ai Wen and Chen Chengwang, must accompany each other!
If the female relatives cannot drink white wine, there are still some good red wines to choose from at home.Ivan never buys a mouth that tortures himself - he really can't appreciate the taste of grape skin mixed with alcohol in dry red. In contrast, he prefers the taste of sweet red or sweet white.

Ivan also kept some of the good wine I gave to Lao Jin last time at home. As the saying goes, the best wine is never in a beautiful wine bottle.Anyone who really understands wine knows that the baijiu in the mineral water bottle is the best.

However, it is not suitable to drink too much at noon, otherwise it is easy to sleep until the first day of the new year.So the few men who were drinking were just taking a taste of it. Before the meal, Chen Xiaolin didn't forget to take pictures and send them to Moments.

I don’t know when it started, every New Year’s Eve in the circle of friends will usher in the reunion dinner photo awards, of course Chen Xiaolin is not to be outdone - she wants to post the most beautiful reunion dinner in the circle of friends!

Aiwen's craftsmanship can really make a little girl look good. Her friends' replies are full of envy and hatred, especially the friends in Class [-] have eaten several lemons in silence-why none of us looks like What about my aunt who looks like a fairy!If Boss Aiwen became my uncle, wouldn't these honors be mine?

After a reunion dinner, the family went for a walk in the community.The occupancy rate of villas in Shanshuiyunjian is relatively high only during the Chinese New Year, reaching about 60.00%.It is rare to see neighbors walking around here. Those who live here are all successful people, and they are usually very busy.

Aiwen's home is very close to the Lakeside Plaza, and the family met many neighbors walking in the Lakeside Plaza.The per capita income of residents in this community is more than [-] million yuan, which is higher than the per capita income of one million yuan in the forum!
So here you can easily see successful entrepreneurs who appear in the local news and advertisements. In fact, the circle of people with the highest income in Q City is not large, so everyone in Shanshuiyunjian is easy to be familiar with.

Many people even know Addison—after all, he is the dean of the Experimental High School, who doesn't have a child going to school?Some strong children go to the No. [-] Middle School, but the pressure on the Provincial Key No. [-] Middle School is too great. If the children in the family are not good enough, they tend to be autistic, so some children from rich families are sent to the experimental high school where the pressure is not so high.

You have to worship the mountain to send your children to school, right?The principal is too embarrassed to invite the principal to dinner, so he must bring a director of educational affairs with him, right?But these bosses are very curious why the dean of the experimental high school will appear in the mountains and rivers. Can a dean be so rich?
So the parents of former students who had met Addison a few times found a convenient place to chat with Addison.Compared with Edison, Chen Yanzi's father knew more people - but it was limited to acquaintance, Chen Yanzi's father had not yet mixed into the level of this group of people.

Of course, the bosses who worked with Chen Yanzi's father always knew him, so he could find someone to chat with.As for Chen Yanzi and Ai Wen and other juniors, what should they do? Ai Wen doesn't know this group of people. Although forming a good relationship will have many benefits in the future, he is just a little teacher now after all. Seeing that he is hard to say.

However, being able to enter and leave Shanshuiyunjian is also a status symbol, it doesn't matter what you do - as long as you are the owner of Shanshuiyunjian, it means that you have the right to chat with everyone here on an equal footing.The gate between mountains, rivers and clouds is actually an important test for social status.

Who talks about business during Chinese New Year!Wouldn't it be good to go home and find Neptune to make trouble at that time?So Chen Yanzi and Ai Wen went for a stroll, and took Chen Xiaolin with them and ran home.The three of them took Haiwang to form an ono team and started the skydiving simulator.

Through chatting with Aiwen, I learned that Neptune is also very boring, and all kinds of relatives of their seven aunts and eight uncles got together.He, an older unmarried man, became the focus of all his relatives. He couldn't bear the disturbance and retreated in a panic, and only then went online to play games.

"Who told you not to get married? You see, my family doesn't urge you at all!" Ivan laughed unkindly.

Haiwang suddenly offered a stabbing blow: "Are you sure your parents and father-in-law didn't talk to you about having a child?"

Alvin: .
Heartbroken!Old iron!And the tie is really meow accurate!
(End of this chapter)

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