Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 233 - A lot of money!burn hands!

Chapter 233 - A lot of money!burn hands!
After discussing with Fatty Lin, Aiwen finally determined the person in charge of the project.It's too unreasonable to let two children lead a project, so just let them play an important role in the project. As for the direction, it should be left to more professional people.

So on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Lin Wan held a meeting with all the staff of Qi Animation and announced the official start of the project, and promulgated various rules and regulations of the company.One of the strangest was the working hours—from eleven in the morning to seven in the evening.This time can make people who love to sleep late can't be late, and the employees are surprised.

In fact, this schedule is to take care of two small temporary workers, Wang Huixiu and Wang Yizhen. They can only work part-time during their lunch break and after school every day. In this way, they can only stagger the working hours of the employees to accommodate them.

When the school starts, Aiwen will definitely give these two children higher authority-for example, they can go home from school directly after the third self-study class in the afternoon, just like they are promoted.Of course, the two of them can't go home directly-they have to go to work in a company near the school.

As for salary?That is definitely not the case!

If Aiwen pays the two children wages, it means that there is an employment relationship between them.According to the labor law, Aiwen's behavior is the employment of child labor, which is definitely illegal and criminal.

So there is definitely no salary. But red envelopes can be given.Please note!This is not called salary, the name of the red envelope is: scholarship for excellent extracurricular practical achievements!After changing the name, there is no problem at all!

Although it is an act of taking off your pants and farting, you must play according to the rules.Otherwise, why did Lin Wan insist on persuading Ai Wen to form a legal department?Having a bunch of lawyers is really useful at critical moments.Among other things, as long as Aiwen has the strongest lawyer team in Q City, no one would dare to provoke him.

If you don't accept it, go to court!Do you understand the warning letter from the lawyer?
Not paying wages is the suggestion of the company's legal department, and Ai Wen didn't think of this at first.The significance of the existence of the legal department is to prevent the development of the company, so that the development of the company can try its best to avoid the requirements of most laws and regulations.

Regarding the budget of the first project, Lin Wan discussed with the project leader for half a day and finally came up with a result of 2000 million.In China, 2000 million funds can definitely produce quite high-quality animation without wasting money.As long as the plot does not feed the audience, it is absolutely guaranteed that the screen will not be thrown into the street.

Anime is different from anime, and now many manga adaptations are just moving pictures with dubbing - Ivan almost fell into autism after watching it.Does anyone watch this stuff?It's a scam!
Ai Wen thought about it after reading the project budget, and finally approached Lin Wan directly to ask for an increase in the budget: "I'll give you [-] million! You can discuss how to spend it yourself! You can leave [-] of the [-] million as an incentive bonus, and the rest If anyone dares to tamper with the money, the legal department will take care of it!"

This is also a high salary.There are less than 100 people in the whole company, and the 1000 million reserve bonus is far more than [-] per person on average!If there are still people messing around, that's really too much.The strongest department of the company that Lin Wan formed was not the legal department, but the finance department—the person in charge of the finance department was found by Ai Wen.

This person, Ai Wen, has to be called "Sister"—she is not related to Ai Wen, and the reason why she is called "Sister" is because she is a student of Ai Wen's own father and an apprentice of his own mother.When Ai's mother knew that Ai Wen wanted the financial director, she immediately recommended her.And this elder sister immediately resigned from her original unit and left after hearing Ai Ma's call - you must know that her original annual salary was as high as hundreds of thousands!
Aiwen didn't treat this sister badly at all. When she joined the job, her salary immediately increased by 40.00%.The team she brought also increased by 20.00% according to the original salary.The finance department is in charge of the company's money bag, and the chief financial officer must be someone Ivan trusts.

When this sister was in high school, because of her poor family, she was sponsored by Lao Ai until she graduated from college.Because she is from City Q, she chose to return to City Q after graduation to be closer to her parents.Because she was studying financial management, Lao Ai sent her to Ai Ma's unit to study with Ai Ma.With Ai Ma taking care of her, she can work with peace of mind and improve herself.

During her tenure, she passed the exams for accounting-related certificates through her own efforts, including accounting practice, securities practice, fund practice, banking practice, certified public accountant, ACCA, and USCPA. The super academic who has been cheating all the way, even after graduation, has not stopped the journey of cheating.

After the death of her parents, this elder sister has always been as filial to Ai's father and Ai Mom as her own parents. She visits Ai Wen more frequently during the holidays than Ai Wen, a son, because Ai Wen is quite familiar with this elder sister.Ai Wen can also be regarded as the elder sister who grew up watching him.

When her goddaughter got married, Ai Ma took out a new house in the downtown area of ​​Q as a dowry for her.Ai Ma's original words are as follows: the child's parents are gone, and there are godfathers and godmothers!Even if a daughter gets married, she can't lose the ostentation. This is what Ai Wen heard when she chatted with her god-sister after she entered the job.

This godmother is living a happy life now.Her husband is a civil servant, and now he seems to be a deputy director-level cadre in his 30s. The deputy director-level cadre is already quite good!In a prefecture-level city like Q City, the deputy director level can already be the deputy director of each department.

So Ai Wen has a lot of trust in Sister Gan, and the employees she brings are also very trustworthy.As long as there are no problems in the financial department, there will be no major problems in the company. As long as a company has financial problems, it will not be far from disintegration and bankruptcy.

Although Aiwen's company has just started, the cash flow is really huge!Can you believe that a company with less than [-] employees dares to give a budget of [-] million for the first project?Believe it or not, Aiwen directly invested [-] million yuan for the people below to play. This kind of behavior is quite a feeling of money burning hands.

That's right!Aiwen is a money burner now!As long as the guys in the studio dare to burn it, Ai Wen dares to throw more in it!The important thing now is not the ability value of money, but to burn the balance in the tool money account!
The function of early settlement is too bad!The balance of the tool money account will be liquidated if you are careless!Why did I settle the investment in Xie Mingjie in advance? 500 million to [-] million!Where do you go to reason?

If there were no three billion Aiwen, would he be so entangled?Wouldn't it be nice to spend a small amount of money safely to make students better?Therefore, Aiwen decided that future projects would not be settled in advance if they were not settled in advance. Putting the money in the project can be regarded as spending the money and returning the funds slowly, which will also allow him to have enough energy to spend the money on the students.

If he becomes famous in the future, Aiwen’s speech must be written like this: "All my success comes from my hatred against money! Money is hot in my hands! So I can only throw coins but I am in pain! The more money I spread, the more I feel More, more and more. Really! It's too painful!"

(End of this chapter)

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