Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 253 – The Attribute Point of Panacea

Chapter 253 – Panacea Attribute Points
After the daily workout, Ai Wen drove to Chen Yanzi's dance school for a walk.Since he got married, he basically stopped all kinds of bad hobbies - drinking and clubbing are even more unnecessary.

I have to say that Chen Yanzi is a very powerful elf, but even though Ai Wen is physically strong, he is still a little weak.Recently, he has been keeping a thermos and goji berry water for health preservation—it’s not that our army’s firepower is weak, but that the enemy lives too much!
The teachers of Chen Yanzi's art school found that the principal has become more and more charming during this period of time.Going to work every day is full of rosy faces, which makes people feel like a spring breeze, and is full of energy and vitality. Comparing with Aiwen's whiter and tenderer face, everyone can make up various small theaters in their brains.

Chen Yanzi has let go of Ai Wen's past.However, there are lessons learned from the past, so Chen Yanzi can't wait to keep Aiwen in the sage mode in the state of a saint. It is best to make him feel powerless when he sees any beautiful woman.

I have to say that this is a girl with extraordinary talent. Her long-term dancing career has allowed her to develop her body to a very advanced level.Even though Ai Wen has traveled all over the world and read countless worlds, he is still addicted to Chen Yanzi and cannot extricate himself.

Aiwen is now dressed in sportswear and a thermos cup, which has the demeanor of a retired veteran cadre, and his temperament is well-crafted.As soon as he walked into the art school, he was spotted by the lady at the front desk: "Teacher Ai! Are you here?"

"Well, your principal still has classes?" Ivan asked.

The young lady at the front desk said: "There is still a yoga class! You can go to her office and wait for a while!"

Ai Wen nodded, and then strolled into Chen Yanzi's office with a thermos cup in his hand.Her office is a fingerprint lock, and Ivan's fingerprints can also unlock the door.

He now comes to art school more often than he goes home!There is no way, this girl Chen Yanzi has never ridden a motorcycle since she fell in love with Ai Wen. That thing leaks wind in winter and rain in summer, how can riding a motorcycle be comfortable?

Although the hardcore Wrangler is not as comfortable as the three major bba brands, is it more comfortable for someone to drive than to ride a motorcycle?Anyway, Chen Yanzi has already used Ai Wen as a full-time driver. As for going to work during the day?How much does it cost to take a taxi?
Being bored, Ai Wen saw an unopened package on Chen Yanzi's desk.Adhering to the boring idea of ​​hitting three poles with dates and no dates, he took apart the express delivery with a carving knife.

As soon as he opened the courier, Aiwen found that there were snacks inside.For example, a whole box of jelly, such as a big bag of popping candy. Huh?There is no explosion in it!As a teacher machine who has traveled all over the world, Aiwen certainly knows the specific process of the legendary Crystal Love and Desert Storm.Looking at a box of snacks, Ai Wen felt a little weak in his waist.

mmp!At any rate, he is a strong man with a physique of ninety!How could you kneel down in front of the little snack?no!Gotta add some!Otherwise, my physique will go crazy!Aiwen checked his attribute points——Sure enough, Wenrou Township, Hero Tomb.Aiwen found that his physical strength had dropped!Has dropped from ninety to 87!

Damn!It's only been three months of marriage!When this girl is over [-], won't my body be destroyed?What kind of fairy wife did he marry?

Aiwen's face changed again and again, and after checking the bank's ability value account, he immediately mobilized the bank's ability points to make up for his physical strength!This time, Aiwen's point increase was very gentle. The last time the mang ten point operation was really dangerous, so Aiwen gradually restored his physical strength to more than [-] points.

Hey, don't tell me - as his physical strength recovered, Aiwen's face became more rosy, tender and shiny.The feeling of weakness inside the body was also swept away - even in the face of a box of snacks, Aiwen dared to defy the wind!
It is worthy of an attribute value of 100 million!Whoever tries will know how comfortable it is when you add it!So Ai Wen twitched his hand, and replaced all the remaining banknote ability points with attribute points for himself.

So his four-dimensional attributes jumped directly to over ninety, only one step away from the full value of all values.Ai Wen, who was sitting at Chen Yanzi's work station, felt that he had been reborn, as if he was riding the wind and soaring in the daytime.But when he opened his eyes, he found that he was still in the world.
When Chen Yanzi returned to the office after class, she saw Ai Wen dismantling her courier.She generously stuffed the snacks into her bag: "Why did you unpack the express delivery?"

"Curious." Ivan said seriously.

"You won't be curious after a while," Chen Yanzi said softly, lying next to Ai Wen's ear.

Alvin: .
"Fairy! My old grandson has cultivated into an indestructible body of diamond! I am no longer afraid of you!" Ai Wen plausibly said.

Chen Yanzi raised Ai Wen's chin: "Yo? Baby stood up today? What? Today's Ai Wen is no longer the Ai Wen who begged for mercy and called her mother?"

"Cough! The evildoer is so rude! It's hard to say who's the father!" After taking another look at his attribute value, Ai Wen gained more confidence in his heart.

Chen Yanzi jumped onto Ai Wen's back all of a sudden: "Hey? Then today I will see how good Xiao Wenzi is!"

"Hey! Don't evildoers want to ruin my practice! Dawei Tianlong!" Ai Wen, who had greatly increased his strength, pulled Chen Yanzi off his body like a plastic bag, and threw it on the sofa in the office.

Chen Yanzi said quietly: "It's already off work, there is no one in the building anymore."

Ai Wen took off his clothes like throwing a cassock: "Hey!"

One hour.
Two hours
Three hours
It's midnight
In the end, Chen Yanzi's party finally declared the defeat of the whole line, and in order to survive, he accepted the thief as his father.Aiwen's side also reached the limit. This is a battle with no winners and all winners.

So the two of them didn't go home, so they could only spend the whole night wronged in the lounge in the principal's office.What?Where is the lounge from, you ask?Isn't it a basic operation to hide the bedroom in the office?Although there are always calls on the Internet to ban dolls, these three floors are all owned by Chen Yanzi. Is it too much to reserve a bedroom for myself?

The only inconvenience is that there is no way to take a shower and change clothes in the lounge, but neither of them cares about such details anymore.Sleeping with eyes closed at this time is the top priority, what's the matter, wait until you wake up!
It's just that poor Alvin has to go to work the next morning!Think about the blue thin shiitake mushrooms--sincere!
So the next day, the students in Class [-] discovered that Mr. Ai Wen, who changed his clothes every day, came to work wearing yesterday's clothes for the first time.This is very mysterious-so the jokers from all walks of life began to frantically make up their minds about what Ivan did last night.

The most popular story should be "Aiwen sneaked into the night with the wind", and the most bizarre story is that Aiwen encountered a space-time storm and returned to Earth after struggling to survive in another world for eight years.

However, Ai Wen never expected that these guys with a bright mind could come up with so many stories in their brains!If he knew - he would definitely buff the guy who made up the story, and assign him five compositions to practice by the way!And it's the kind that he personally inspects!
(End of this chapter)

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