Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 26 - Young man, do you know the meaning of Chinese?

Chapter 26 - Young man, do you know the meaning of Chinese?

When the figurines were invited into the classroom, the expressions of the students were as follows:


Then when they knew that these figurines were about to become their prizes, their expressions looked like this again:
* (* ° ▽ ° *) ╯

So it's not feasible to tell the children the big truth, it's better to lure them.

Aiwen walked up to the podium stepping on the class bell, and the students looked at him with asteroids () bulingbuling in their eyes-well, it was Aiwen who was narcissistic, and the eyes of the students were all focused on the figure.

"Ahem. Please take back your obscene gazes and focus on your handsome teacher," Ai Wen cleared his throat.

The students have long been accustomed to Ai Wen's sleazy way of speaking. The teacher in charge of his homeroom seems to be an aloof male god, but after getting acquainted with him, he realizes that this guy is not good at all.

However, everyone still withdrew their attention and looked at Aiwen in unison.

"Let me introduce myself again. This time I will introduce myself as a Chinese teacher. I, Aiwen, graduated from the Normal University of China with a major in Chinese Language and Literature. In the next three years, I will accompany you to travel the world of Chinese. There are roads in the mountains of books, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning. Turning back is the shore, but since you have already boarded the ship, the cabin has been welded and you cannot jump off the ship, so you can only hold your nose and recognize it.”

"Although education pays attention to whether the twisted melon is not sweet, but I think the twisted melon only needs to quench your thirst, so I don't care if you like learning Chinese or not. It's not important. The important thing is that you must do well in the Chinese test. Remember this It's very important!" Ivan emphasized seriously.

"Some people may think in their hearts: What is the use of learning Chinese? This is a question worthy of serious study! These days you are always surfing the Internet, and you can always see the so-called theory that reading is useless. But you will find that talking about these things People are always the losers in life-because who is the winner who has nothing to do to post online? Isn’t it good to have that time to make money?”

"Some people said: Teacher, I will earn a lot of money by becoming a celebrity and an Internet celebrity. I only need people with beautiful voices and sweet skills, and I don't need to learn Chinese. Then you are wrong. Take me to show off when I was in military training. For the song "Thunder" that your scalp is numb, its lyrics involve a very interesting knowledge point in the Chinese major-rhyme. For example, the thunder of Jinglei--and the hammer of Zijin Hammer, you appreciate it carefully. ——Are their vowels the same? lei and chui"

"So strictly speaking, Yaomai can also forcibly move closer to poetry - in terms of forcible escort, Yaomai has never convinced anyone. If one day you become an Internet celebrity, you must have your own famous song if you want to become a big anchor. Right? If you make a typo, won’t you be ashamed? Can’t you lose fans? At least I can hack you as a Chinese teacher! I won’t talk about other subjects, at least Chinese is with you from birth to death Subject, don’t think that you can leave Chinese after you die, the guy who cries for your grave has to rhyme.”

Ai Wen's ingenious opening is quite different. At the beginning, he refuted the theory that reading is useless and Chinese is useless. At least it can correct the attitude of students in learning Chinese and prevent students from underestimating Chinese.

"Here comes the question. How should we learn Chinese?" Aiwen asked himself and answered: "It's very simple! Read more books, read more newspapers, eat less snacks and sleep more. The teacher can only teach you the methods and skills of answering questions. You need to accumulate by yourself. There are hills and valleys in your chest, mountains and rivers in your eyes--you can only splash ink on the test paper if you have ink in your head. You may think that you can get a good grade in the test without studying, which is normal - Chinese Grades have never been linked to language proficiency. But when you speak, it can reflect your background."

"Let me tell you a story. When I was in high school, I was the representative of the Chinese class, and the sports committee and I both liked a girl. The way he confessed to the girl was to pull the girl to the corner at noon and say, "I want to be with you." You fell in love; and I sent her a dazzling love poem on exquisite letter paper and elegant cursive characters: life and death are in harmony with each other, and talk to Zicheng. Hold your hand and grow old together. Once compared, stand up Judgment, I just won a city for my teacher."

"Although the girl finally turned around and fell into his arms because the sports committee gave her an iphone--but the title of the little prince of love poems for the teacher has spread like wildfire since then, and any brother chasing the girl in the future will beg to write love poems for the teacher Relying on this business alone, I haven’t lost my pocket money in three years of high school, so what this story really tells us is that there is a house of gold in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book.”

Aiwen’s magical turn once again flashed the waist of the students. When listening to Aiwen’s lecture, you should never try to guess what his next sentence will be. There are many twists and turns.That's why the last class of students love to listen to the Chinese class - you can listen to Ai Wen's class as a cross talk!

The highest level of lectures is: the teacher is happy, the students are happy, and the knowledge is also learned.The subject of Chinese is the easiest subject to reach this level - because Chinese is more about interest and accumulation, no matter how deep the teacher reads the textbook, it can't match the students who don't like to learn.

"Today, as a teacher, I will also give you a chance to have your own golden house in the book - have you seen these plastic villains? They are all genuine goods ordered for the teacher - don't you like to fight pesticides? A chance to take heroes home It's close at hand!"

o (^ ▽ ^) o
The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became heated, and Li Guoyao shouted anxiously: "Teacher! Give it to me! I want it!"

"I suspect you are driving but I have no evidence." Ai Wen said lightly, "Okay. Since you are so enthusiastic, I will give you a chance. Which one do you want?"

"Li Bai! Li Bai!" Li Guoyao jumped up and shouted.

"Okay, please recite Li Bai's famous article "Will Enter the Wine". After memorizing it, this figure will belong to you." Ai Wen said with a smile.

Li Guoyao stuck his head on the table - when he was about to drink, he knew two lines that Li Bai always chanted, "When he is about to drink, don't stop drinking." Besides these two lines, he can't do more!

"Teacher! Where's Cai Wenji?" A girl asked.

"Recite "Poems of Sadness and Anger" written by Cai Wenji. Friendly reminder, "Poems of Sadness and Anger" has a total of 540 sentences and [-] characters." Ai Wen laughed badly. He can guarantee that no one here can recite "Poems of Sadness and Anger" .

At this moment, Xie Mingjie stood up abruptly, staring at Li Bai's figure and began to recite:
""Will Enter the Wine" Li Bai

Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, rushing to the sea never to return.

Don't you see Gaotangmingjing's sad white hair, the morning is like a blue silk and snow is at dusk.

Life is full of joy, so that the gold is empty for the moon.

I am born to be useful, and come back when my wealth is gone.

Cooking sheep and slaughtering cows is fun, and you will have to drink three hundred cups.

Master Cen, Dan Qiusheng, will be drinking, not stop drinking.

A song with Junge, please listen to me.

Bells, drums, and jade are not expensive, I hope I’m drunk and don’t want to wake up.

In ancient times, the saints and sages were lonely, and only the drinkers kept their names.

In the old days, Wang Chen feasted and fought for peace and joy.

What is the master's word for less money, you have to sell to the king.

Five-flowered horses, Qianjin Qiu, Hu'er will exchange for fine wine, and sell the eternal sorrow with you. "

Xie Mingjie had just finished reciting, and the whole class gave him neat applause.This is admiration from the heart for the boss, and it is the instinctive yearning of the scumbags for the tyrants.

Ai Wen smiled and gave Xie Mingjie the custom-made Li Bai·Feng Qiuhuang. The young man can memorize "Will Enter the Wine" at a young age and has a bright future!

(End of this chapter)

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