Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 261 – Learning from Brother Hei to Carry a Sedan Chair

Chapter 261 – Learning Heige to Carry a Sedan Chair

After the costumes, props, personnel, and venue were all coordinated, Ai Wen and Director Xiao Tang came to the open space behind the school building with a small speaker in their arms.The sunlight here is just blocked by the teaching building, and there is a hint of coolness in the warmth, making it an excellent rehearsal venue.

The students who were selected were very excited - after all, it was the grade director Mr. Tang and the grade legend Boss Aiwen who performed with them.Since Class [-] moved out of the original class, his nickname has become Boss Ai or Mr. Ai. It seems that only in this way can he show his wealth.

Only wrong names, no interlaced nicknames.Mr. Ai's nickname became louder and louder, and some teachers even jokingly called Mr. Ai "Mr. Ai" when they greeted Aiwen, which made him a little dizzy.It's okay for the students to yell and play, but it's not good for the teacher to yell like that-it's not harmonious.

But the mouth grows on other people, and it is not easy to correct the name Aiwen——over time, Aiwen really became the boss of Ai.

After the six teachers and students gathered at the back of the building, Ai Wen first tested the strength of the students. Lifting a sedan chair requires a lot of physical strength. Ai Wen looks thin but has a high body mass——Chen Yanzi has a deep understanding of this, and she prefers superior.
Aiwen’s weight on the scale is 85kg, which is 170kg. A normal 170kg fat man is much rounder than Aiwen. Aiwen’s body shape is in the golden ratio, but it is obviously his muscles that can weigh so much More condensed, heavier bones.

How much physical fitness does it take for four classmates to lift the 170-pound Ivan for more than four minutes?That's why Ai Wen asked Director Xiao Tang to look for students in the grade group with strong strength and good physical strength, and change to a weaker student who will lose strength halfway through the performance.

Aiwen's fall is small, but the problem of affecting the effect of the program is a big one--Director Xiao Tang is still waiting to upload the program to make a fortune, and the uploaded video of the broken station must be a complete music program rather than a funny video of a car rollover.

Insert the U disk into the small stereo, and the music will automatically start playing single songs in a loop.Ai Wen sat on the sliding pole and said, "Come on, try lifting it first."

The four students immediately picked up the sliding pole and walked behind the building. The movement of the black man carrying the coffin required exaggerated and funny, but the students were still beginners and needed a little bit of training.

After Aiwen's inspection, the physical fitness of these four brothers is still good.He lifted Aiwen up without blushing and panting, and there was no exhaustion when he sang the music twice. The 170-jin Aiwen is not a major challenge for the four people. If Aiwen weighs 270 or 370 jins, these four students should call their mothers.

At most, they can only lament one sentence: Teacher Aiwen is so heavy!
After passing the strength test, it is time to arrange the actions of these four students, although their program is not black people carrying coffins but students carrying sedan chairs.But the action standard and image temperament must be close to Heige.It is necessary to make Heige smile, and the King of Hades will report; when the coffin is lifted, it will smell like nothing in the world.

Aiwen turned on the portable projector that he carried with him and projected the video on the back wall of the teaching building to explain the essentials of the movements to the students. Director Xiao Tang also listened carefully - his mission was even more important.His role is that of the leading brother Hei, and he has more visceral vibes when he plays the violin.

After playing the video several times, Aiwen asked the students to find out how they felt.He asked the children to use empty sliders to find the feeling, and they must find the feeling of "Dance and Seven Dances Hey" today.

Through imitation, the children gradually found the taste from the land of Feizhou, and they were steady and squeaky when lifting the slider.Ai Wen was playing the suona along with the music - come on!The whole teaching building stretched their necks to see that it was the grandson playing the suona on campus!

The feeling of being focused by the whole school is very subtle, and Ai Wen silently put away the suona and pretended to pass by.Mom sells batches!The penetrating power of this instrument is so special that everyone can hear it clearly through several floors of ceilings.

It seems that he can't practice on campus in the future, otherwise he will definitely be watched or beaten to death by the leaders.After all, even if it was the last self-study class, the leaders didn't go home from get off work.In fact, the leaders sometimes leave later than the teachers, and they will work overtime before the administrative work is completed.

On campus, suona is simply a noise weapon of mass destruction.Some people play suona and want to study hard?Totally impossible!Even in the Class [-] classroom with the highest location and the best sound insulation, some people still heard this desolate and sad voice
Ai Wen shrugged his shoulders to Director Xiao Tang: "See it! The lethality of blowing the suona in school is too great, you can only practice it yourself. Don't worry, you heard me a few times just now, absolutely major!"

Director Xiao Tang nodded unwillingly. He managed to catch Ai Wen today, but he didn't expect to be unable to rehearse because the suona was too loud.Fortunately, the background music, costumes and props are all in place, and the students only need to practice their movements before they can perform.

As for whether it matters whether Ivan is there or not?In fact, it doesn't matter!There is not much difference between putting 170 pounds of weight on the slider and sitting on an Ivan.Even if he participates in the joint training, Aiwen is just a tool person being carried away.

So he slipped away, but he still graciously lent the stereo and projector to Mr. Tang - he bought these at his own expense.It's time to leave school, and the students have already started to pack their things and go home with their schoolbags on their backs.Ai Wen also packed up his things to go on a date with Chen Yanzi.

Although the couple see each other every day, the two who are in a passionate relationship don't feel tired.As for the people around. I really choke when I eat dog food, especially those who eat handsome men and beautiful women.Not only supportive but also sour!
Life is not only about living in front of you, but also about poetry and the distance.Chen Yanzi has been so quiet recently that she wants to move, so she started her live broadcast journey on the broken station.However, her live broadcasts generally focus on dancing, so the audience is still mainly old fans.

However, there is also a large number of CP fans hidden among the old fans. This group of fans has been arguing all day long for Ai Wen to broadcast together with Chen Yanzi.Of course, it's not the kind of fit. Students who think crookedly face the wall on their own. The Chinese language is extensive and profound, and the driving culture is unfathomable.

Therefore, at the request of many netizens, Chen Yanzi approached Ai Wen and asked him to appear in the camera.Aiwen, whose popularity has already been softly landed, has long since passed away, and he didn't expect that a bunch of boring CP fans would want to greedy his prosperous beauty.

After Chen Yanzi's various requests, Aiwen agreed to live broadcast with Chen Yanzi.After school today, Ai Wen drove to Chen Yanzi's dance school——Chen Yanzi left all of today's class schedule to her subordinates, and she stood at the gate of the art school with a stereo, waiting for Ai Wen to leave school like a watchman .

Seeing Chen Yanzi like this, Ai Wen smiled: "It's not that you don't know when I leave school, why are you waiting so early?"

"Doesn't it seem that you value you!" Chen Yanzi said with a smile like a flower: "Let's go, let's go! Let's go to the cultural square!"

Alvin: .
(End of this chapter)

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