Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 263 - Sprinkling dog food, we are serious!

Chapter 263 - Sprinkling dog food, we are serious!

Ai Wen's singing made the audience have goosebumps—it's not that it's hard to hear to the extreme, but it's easy to hear.

There is a program called "The Voice of God", and Ivan's voice is the golden voice blessed by God.Especially after his body has been strengthened by the system as a whole, his voice is even more flawless.

Physical strength is not only to increase the life span and endurance of the body, but also to optimize various physical functions.That's why his ferocious muscles are melted and become more moist. At the same time, his voice can also control more difficult song choices.And he found that as long as he has mastered the essence of a certain pronunciation method, the voice is definitely not a drag on his hardware.

The song "Hotel California" really made Ivan sing the flavor of California, and the vicissitudes of voice made people feel that this is a real boss.So more people took out their mobile phones and prepared to take a random photo to post online to attract fans.Most people who play small videos have this kind of mentality of playing three poles if they have no dates.

There are very few rock players singing on the street, most of them are folk prodigal sons.Ai Wen is going to sing a few folk songs next, since Chen Yanzi is live broadcasting, Ai Wen doesn't mind showing off his love again and spreading some dog food.

He lightly swept the strings of the guitar, then looked at Chen Yanzi softly and whispered: "The next song - "The rest of my life"."

"Look for the sun in a place where there is no wind~ Be a warm sun in a place where you are cold~"

Comrade Ma Liang, the original singer of this song, has a thick and vicissitudes of life, which makes people feel sad when they hear it.This kind of voice sounds more psychedelic, but it lacks the happiness of the lyrics themselves.

Ai Wen did not deliberately imitate the original singer's singing voice, but he used a more soothing and gentle interpretation method to make the singing voice fluent and pleasant to the ear.Aiwen's singing is more like a confession, an oath, and an invitation to spend the rest of his life together. With his singing, the ladies and sisters seem to see the romantic scene of themselves wearing wedding dresses and the person they love riding a white horse.

At this moment, Ai Wen's singing skills have reached the master level - this is his first skill to be promoted to the master level.Although this master-level skill comes with the improvement of physical fitness, it is still very impressive.The top masters in every industry are respected infinitely.

The masters who have been certified by the system are not the same as those contemporary "masters" who try to deceive people by trying to gain fame.Take Aiwen's singing skills as an example. It is an important manifestation of master-level singing skills to be able to resonate with people's emotions through music.

Ordinary singers need the right time, place and people to perform like this, as well as the fit of lyrics and music and the cooperation of the environment, but master singers can use their singing to pull you into specific emotions anytime, anywhere.Since his physical strength was strengthened, Ivan hasn't sung much.So he didn't know that his singing voice had evolved to the point where it could touch people's hearts.

The first song is "Hotel California". Most people don't understand what Ivan is singing, but they just have a feeling of ignorance.But this "The rest of my life" is a popular ballad.The songs with a wide audience and straightforward lyrics sang from Aiwen's mouth, which has a more touching power.

Not only Chen Yanzi, but the barrage netizens stopped a lot when Ai Wen sang.Their souls have been purified. Whether they are single nobles or couples in pairs, after listening to Ai Wen's singing, they all have a longing for love in their hearts.

When the singing ended, Ivan left a 2-minute gap.He needs to adjust his emotions, and the audience also needs to leave blank space to calm their emotions.Chen Yanzi's eyes were full of care, she was almost speechless with happiness.

Countless netizens felt that they ate a sour and astringent dog food. What did we do wrong?Watching a live broadcast and receiving such abuse!Isn't emotional abuse abuse?Isn't a single dog a dog?
More and more tips were thrown into Aiwen's guitar box, and many fashionable and cool ladies chose to scan the QR code to tip.It's a pity that there is a big mountain like Chen Yanzi suppressing, and Ai Wen can't make waves even if he wants to.

If Ai Wen is the sea, then Chen Yanzi is the god of the sea.Even if Ai Wen's steel and iron bones will be beaten to the bone by Chen Yanzi. How was yoga invented?The development of body flexibility is simply crazy!Chen Yanzi graduated from the Department of Dance, and at that time, her body flexibility had already reached a strong level--horse, iron bridge and so on waved her hand.

Then she went to learn yoga to take the certification test--a mere talent, this woman held a nationally certified advanced yoga instructor qualification certificate and yoga instructor qualification certificates certified by major training institutions.

A tough guy like Ai Wen was almost suppressed by Chen Yanzi, which shows what kind of ranking his family's family status is.So in the face of so many young ladies, Aiwen can only say sorry in his heart-brother can't satisfy you all!
As a people's teacher who is keen to show his holiness in front of others, Ai Wen's heart is also full of all kinds of boring manipulations.Otherwise, why did he spend so much time learning so many strange skills?Only when the skill tree is flourishing can there be a hole card for making a show.How cool your operation is depends on how high you stand!
After singing a few more gentle ballads, Ivan put down the guitar-it was time for a wave of explosive operations.After all, today is the joint live broadcast of Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi, and it is definitely not enough for Ai Wen to show up.Ai Wen had to leave Chen Yanzi's stage.

He tidied up the microphone, then put the microphone to his mouth and covered the receiver of the microphone with his hand.

Puff puff puff puff class time
Ai Wen briefly tried the sound and found that the reverberation effect of the sound was not bad. He adjusted the bass reverberation of the sound and waved to Chen Yanzi.Chen Yanzi said to the water friends: "It's time for my performance!"

She pointed the tripod in Ivan's direction, and then asked a very reliable girl beside her: "Help me check the phone, just don't let it fall down!"

Then Chen Yanzi went to Ai Wen's side and kissed him hard on the face to declare her sovereignty, as if she was swearing: "You little rascals should take a break! This guy is the queen's man!"

Ai Wen smiled tolerantly at Chen Yanzi's childish behavior, and stroked her hair lovingly.Chen Yanzi's altitude is more than 1.7 meters, and wearing high heels is not much lower than Aiwen.
Seeing that Chen Yanzi was ready, Ai Wen started the human B-box. He didn't bring the rc-505 at home, so he had to play the rhythm with real people throughout the process. B-box is indeed quite mouth-watering, but for the sake of my daughter-in-law, Aiwen, I have to endure it.

Chen Yanzi began to dance with Ai Wen's rhythm. She can be called a decathlon in dance, only she is not proficient in dancing, but there is no dance she can't dance.

(End of this chapter)

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