Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 277 – Changing face

Chapter 277 – Changing Face
The first blockbuster of this art festival has appeared!The first-year group once again gave the whole school a surprise-the joint performance of the grade teacher and the head teacher let everyone know what professional work is.

After the performance, the students in the audience were still talking about everything about the show, and some students recorded the show for themselves to enjoy or share with each other. There were even a few little grandmas who wanted to post the video to the broken website to earn clicks quantity.

After Director Xiao Tang came off the stage with a blushing face, he excitedly said to Ai Wen: "Mr. Wen, the next step is to see your operation!"

"I'll do things, don't worry!" Ai Wen said with a smile: "If you don't get back 2000 yuan for a video, I'll beep the industrial electric fan."

"So ruthless?" Director Xiao Tang took a deep breath: "Do I need to buy one first?"

"Buy your uncle!" Ai Wen said angrily: "Do you know the analogy? This is a kind of rhetoric! Rhetoric! Fuck you!"

"Everything depends on Mr. Ai!" Director Xiao Tang clasped his hands together, and then returned to the teacher's area to continue watching the program.As soon as he returned to the teacher's area, he was surrounded by teachers and praised him in various ways, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Ai Wen must return to the boundary of Class Seven, the head teacher must be with the students all the time, whoever gives up any accidents is the first person responsible for the head teacher!

As soon as they returned to their seats, everyone in Class [-] looked at Ai Wen with eager eyes, as if looking at a fairy.What a treasure my own fairy head teacher has!After being with the boss for a year, the teachers they met were still just the tip of the iceberg.

This kind of stimulation is like playing a puzzle game. You thought you already knew this person, but you didn’t expect him to surprise you the next day.At this moment, they felt Ivan questioning themselves in their minds:

"What a f*cking explanation you have to explain, it's a f*cking surprise!"

It feels like a treasure class teacher. It's so exciting!

Aiwen arched his hands left and right like a big star, then slumped on the chair and pretended to be a dead body to continue watching the show.The next program is also very exciting, although it is not a hit, but it is quite satisfactory.The guy's basic dance skills are quite good, and he is very skilled in floor movements, especially when he shows Thomas' full spin, he is the most beautiful boy in the Seven.

So sometimes, mastering one more talent can give Jiao Peiquan a little more priority when studying.When Ivan was in college, he was handsome, sweet-talking, not short of money, and knew a little bit of all kinds of bells and whistles.It is definitely the best among the life winner group and the priority Jiao Pei group.

After seeing the brilliance of the performers on the stage, the students in the audience will definitely have some longing in their hearts.Aiwen can take this opportunity to let the children learn talents.To be honest, the grades of Class [-]'s culture class are enough, and they are now facing a ceiling in their grades-the effort they have made to make further progress is far from what it was before.

The rapid progress is due to the low starting point. Before the seventh class, it was a wild and ordinary parallel class. With a little effort, it could stand out from the opponents with the same skills.But the current opponents of class seven are the rocket class of No. [-] middle school and No. [-] middle school.If you are not careful, you will be squeezed out of the current position, and if you step back, you will fall out of the top ten sequence.

Therefore, Ai Wen thinks that the existing grades of Class Seven are enough. Although the higher the score, the better, but it is also enough if it is high enough to a certain grade. Now, all members of Class Seven can be admitted to No. [-] Middle School, even if the grade is the highest in the class. Weak players can also enter the top [-] in the city.

There are about 1000 students admitted each year in No. 50 High School, each year group has [-] classes, and each class admits [-] students.This number is relatively flexible, and can fluctuate up or down by one or two--Q City is so big, there are always a few strong people with all-hands-on-the-eyes who want to squeeze people into No. [-] Middle School, so in many cases, the number of people in each class may be more than five Ten to one or two more.

However, being admitted to the top 200 in the city does not mean that you can safely enter the No. [-] Middle School - because No. [-] Middle School is open to recruit students from the whole province.Among the [-] new students in No. [-] Middle School every year, at least [-] are top students from other cities and counties in the province.

No. [-] Middle School is a provincial key high school, which is eligible to recruit students from the whole province.Among the top high schools in the provincial capital, the teaching quality and student performance of No. [-] Middle School are also among the best.

Therefore, if all members of Class Seven want to be promoted to No. [-] Middle School, some comrades need to continue to work hard, otherwise they will have to forget each other in the rivers and lakes in the future.However, this does not conflict with Aiwen's plan. What he wants to build is a super class with five items of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor.The students he wants are those who are not only good at studying, but also have a wide field of vision - cultural achievements determine the height of your floor, and the breadth of your field of vision determines the height of your ceiling.

The stage is as big as the heart, and Aiwen has been cultivating the students' vision from the very beginning.Otherwise, why did he work so hard to take the students on a seven-day tour of the imperial capital?The value of this research trip is not lower than that of a student who has been studying for a year - read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, and read countless people.

Aiwen wants to let his students have an extremely broad horizon when they are teenagers.The world is so big, why not go and see it?Anyway, Aiwen has a lot of money, and the money that stays in the bank is just a number, and it is wealth to spend it with value!
Investing in industry is an investment. Isn't investing in students an investment with lower risks and greater returns?There are more than 40 people in the seventh class. If one of them becomes the favorite of the heavens, Aiwen can earn back all his investment with interest!

After thinking about it, the face-changing program of the seventh class team began.

Boom. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom.
Boom. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom.
The heavy drums sounded, and the "Flag Waving Squad" in black and red costumes ran onto the stage holding red flags from both sides of the stage, running in a circle for a while, and forming two straight lines for a while.

"Arrogant and laughing at thousands of waves, hot blood beats red sun."

At this time, Li Guoyao turned somersaults from the back of the stage and came to the front of the stage with a thick face.

All the boys in class seven seriously acted as tools, and waved the banner vigorously. Li Guoyao in position C is punching.Just when everyone thought it was an ordinary martial arts performance, Li Guoyao gently put his hand in front of his eyes and swept it away, and the facial makeup on his face was swiped to change to another color.


"Skip, slap, slap!"

"Mom, I'm going to explode!"

"Worthy of being a seven-year, seven-class Fuliufu who has been working professionally for 20 years"

"Good job! Rewarded!"

The school leaders were also a little surprised--it turned out to be a face change?How did these kids come up with the idea of ​​changing faces?And that kid's acting looks very professional!

Li Guoyao continued to punch, but every time his hand waved in front of his eyes, the mask on his face would change.Everyone is curious about who the face behind the face is. Many seniors have already posted on the school forum asking for contact information--the elementary school boy who can change his face is really delicious!

(End of this chapter)

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