Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 279 - The Internet Grand Project, Officially Launched

Chapter 279 - The Big Internet Project, Officially Launched

As a teacher of conscience who keeps what he says and never contradicts his promise.Aiwen needs to fulfill his promise in the shortest possible time.

The difficulty of running a private Internet cafe is very low, because it does not involve external business, so you only need to find a place to decorate it and get reliable hardware to get it done.

house, can spend money to buy;
Computers, which can be bought with money;

And this is the reward Aiwen promised to the students, and there is no need for any profit point to throw coins wantonly.This made Aiwen very happy-because it saved Aiwen from making a report and arguing with the system.

As the holding time of the system prolongs, the intelligence of the system becomes higher and higher.This improvement in intelligence is a mixed blessing for Aiwen.The intelligence of the system has improved, and many ambiguous investments can be approved.However, the return on the ability value of many invested money has become lower due to the improvement of the intelligent algorithm--Ivan still thinks that the original algorithm of spending one dollar to reward one ability value is the most reliable!

This time, Aiwen, the Internet cafe, plans to invest 300 million yuan to do it-180 million yuan for the house, 120 million yuan for decoration and hardware, but this time the reward is only a pitiful 30 yuan worth of cash.The income that has shrunk by ten times makes Ivan a little depressed.

However, providing students with a place to play games has limited improvement for them.Being able to keep one-tenth of the money spent is also based on the fact that Aiwen's measures can effectively reduce students from entering Internet cafes out of curiosity and becoming obsessed with the Internet.According to the scientific education model, blocking is worse than sparse-breaking the sense of expectation in some parts of the student team will make them better on the right path.

Just like the last time Aiwen led the students to dance together, the students felt normal after experiencing what a disco was like—there was no excitement and excitement as imagined, and there was no mystery about that place. After the feeling, there is no sense of expectation.

In the end, the children found that learning can make me stronger; learning can make me happier; learning can make me gain more friendship and humanitarian care from Teacher Aiwen.

The most important thing is the humanitarian care from Mr. Aiwen—it’s not that we love learning, it’s because Mr. Aiwen’s reward is so fragrant!The "True Fragrance Law" proposed by the great philosopher Mr. Wang Jingze is a curse that no one can avoid--just like Aiwen has fallen into the "True Fragrance Cycle" many times--
Online classes are so tiring!I don't want to be a teacher anymore!It smells so good!

Being a class teacher is so troublesome! .It smells so good!

There is no freedom in marriage or anything! .It smells so good!

Even if I, Aiwen, die alone forever!Even if you are beaten to death, you won't wear women's clothing! .It smells so good!

So even if the students in Class [-] didn't show that Yiding was fighting for the rewards, they were impatiently eager for more and better rewards from Boss Aiwen!
The establishment of a private Internet cafe is still left to Fatty Lin. Anyway, this guy gets an annual salary, so it's not for nothing!Isn't he the one who hired millions of dollars just for peace of mind?Fatty Lin is really clean and quick, so Ivan doesn't need to worry about it at all.Don’t you see that Ai Wen’s business is everywhere, but he has no pressure at all except for going to work—this is the value of a professional manager.

Many large domestic companies rarely hire professional managers, and entrepreneurs and bosses can't wait to stay in the company 24 hours a day.Bosses like Aiwen who don't care and don't care are simply the best of the best. After all, Aiwen has a different focus from ordinary bosses.

People start a company to make money, and Aiwen invests to spend money. As for whether he can make money in the future, it depends on fate.
Fatty Lin said he was very relaxed when he received the instruction to set up an Internet cafe. He had almost figured out the context of Boss Aiwen - this guy can't be speculated with common sense, and it's his style to be a hammer here and a stick here.So don't ask, just do what the boss tells you to do!

Anyway, Aiwen's boss is not short of money, and the budget given is more than enough, and the extra money will not be returned--the company's profit Aiwen does not move, and all stays in the head office or branch to continue operations.

Fatty Lin is not alone now, his subordinates now have a scientifically structured administrative office, and it is enough to instruct his subordinates to do anything.A younger brother with no technical content like this can do it properly with a young man, he just needs to grasp the various indicators in the back.

All of Aiwen's investment requirements are based on quality, not price--taking the decoration of each branch, Aiwen requires the highest standard of environmental indicators.Don't be afraid to spend money, just high quality!
Therefore, as long as Lin Wan controls the design of the Internet cafe, computer hardware, decoration style and environmental protection indicators, he can sit back and relax, and leave the trivial work to the administrative staff to run errands. He is such a big president that he needs to be in the army!

After the matter of the Internet cafe is explained, according to Lin Wan's efficiency, the project can be completed in half a month at most.There are no difficulties in this project, and there is no technical content. As long as the funds are sufficient, even a pig can create a good Internet cafe.

The next thing Aiwen needs to consider is the reorganization plan for the Chinese class--the content of the textbooks has been finished long before the midterm exam, and the semester after work cannot be moderated by teachers and students staring at each other, looking at each other and hating each other Let's go!
Before that, Ai Wen had decided that the core of the Chinese class in the second half of this semester would be online movies.His budget is capped at 3000 million—if you don’t hire celebrities, don’t make money-burning CDs, and just want to make a good story, 5000 million is enough for you to cause trouble.

It is no longer necessary to burn film to make movies, and high-definition digital camera equipment has lowered the threshold for movie shooting.So a budget of 3000 million is enough for students to make all kinds of troubles.

The story that the film wants to be shot is made up by the students themselves, and the actors are selected by the students themselves. As for the performance, it really needs an acting teacher to help make up the lessons.Talent is talent, and ability is ability—although the students in Class [-] are all good at acting, it is definitely unknown whether they can make a good movie.Every move in front of the camera will be magnified, and it is unknown whether the performance will be natural and smooth after being pointed at by the camera.

So this is acting is an ability that needs to be studied carefully.Where did you learn acting?This is thanks to this era of rapid information development and increasingly convenient knowledge sharing!Aiwen discovered through understanding that there is an app on the Internet dedicated to training acting skills. As long as you pay to sign up, there will be a dedicated teacher to teach you to train acting skills.

The tuition fee is not cheap!The 6000-week tuition fee for a course is 3000 Huaxia Yuan, but this is within the scope of Aiwen’s acceptance--30 of the budget of 300 million is used to train students’ acting skills, which is more cost-effective than spending [-] million to hire a starlet--anyway Nor is he pointing to the movie to make money.

What children can learn in the process of making movies, and how much spiritual wealth the children can reap are the points that Ai Wen pays attention to.This movie is not just a task for the second half of the semester. If it needs to be filmed on location, the students have to travel all over China with the group during the summer vacation.

How exciting!
(End of this chapter)

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