Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 281 - The Internet University project is officially launched!

Chapter 281 - The Internet University project is officially launched!
"Come, come, let's take the final test for this class. Only those who take the test and pass the test can participate in the extracurricular Chinese teaching activities in the second half of the semester." Ai Wen walked into the classroom with a stack of test papers and said with a smile: "The standard of eligibility is eight [-], students with less than [-] points need to continue to study hard to strive for success next time."

This set of final test papers is a mock test paper prepared by Ai Wen for the students. He needs to have an intuitive understanding of the content of the students' knowledge this semester. The best way is of course the test.

The test paper results will not lie, many knowledge points will mean yes, and no will mean no.The basis for Aiwen to lead the students in all kinds of wind and waves is that they can get good grades in the final exam, otherwise the parents of the students would have jumped out to make trouble for him.

In the stage of compulsory education, the grades in cultural courses are a super threshold that all teachers cannot bypass.If it weren't for Class [-]'s grades that are more prominent than the discs in the waist every time, and each time the ranking directly breaks through the school's status and directly ranks in the top ten in the city, the principal would not dare to support Ai Wen's messing around--after all, the school is for parents. Responsible.

This final exam mock paper is Aiwen's weapon to stop the parents' mouths. You said that I am not doing business with my children?The results are right there for you to see for yourself!And in order to increase persuasiveness, the difficulty of the simulated test papers is one level higher than that of the unified test papers - even Xie Mingjie can't guarantee that he can get 110 points in this set of test papers.

The exam time is two hours-for this exam, the "frail and sickly" music teacher fell ill again. I am really sorry for the music teacher. Ai Wen felt that it was necessary for him to ask the music teacher to go to Qishidai to have a meal to make up for the injury. mind.This is the same as hanging up a red envelope while filming, let's make it auspicious!In Class [-], the number of illnesses of the music teacher is relatively small. In other classes, the students may not recognize who their music and art teachers are.
Ai Wen himself rarely takes up the time of other teachers, but because this mock exam is really important, he made an exception to let the music teacher take a break.

The self-discipline of the candidates in Class [-] is quite in place. The education that Ai Wen has been infiltrating the students all the time is that you can fail in the exam, but you can't cheat.The grades obtained by cheating are cheating, and what you lose in the process of cheating is your own personality.If a person's soul is crooked, even if he occupies a high position in the future, it will be a great harm to the country and the people.

Therefore, the students in Class [-] are extremely calm when facing the exam. The price of cheating in Class [-] is really too high. This price is almost equivalent to social death in Class [-]-your classmates will alienate you, your teacher will Ignore you, and your study life will be extremely difficult.

Since this group of students entered school, there have been no warriors who have dared to touch the red line of Aiwen.The life of the seventh class is so happy, they dare not imagine what kind of life they will live after leaving the seventh class.Look at the brothers in other classes--they are in dire straits!
Aiwen never looked up at anyone during the test in this class, and just sat on the podium to read and write so relaxedly.The students are also used to Ai Wen's presence, anyway, no one cheated, you just sit there if you love proctoring!
Two hours later, the end-of-term mock test is over.After he collected the test paper, he threw it to the Chinese teaching assistant for review.Then he buckled the students and began to announce the "big language development plan" for the second half of the semester.

The big language development plan is an important part of Aiwen's characteristic language education, and it is also the core of his teaching thesis.How can porcelain work without diamonds?Ai Wen wants to study for a Ph.D., and the big language development plan is the key.

"Last semester, we performed a drama public performance and produced a good demonstration effect. This semester, we will go further and focus on class seven - self-edited, self-directed, and self-acted in an online movie. If the quality of this movie is good, we can Push it to the big screen and show it in theaters; if the quality of the movie is mediocre, I will also contact the video website to launch it online. It takes a long time to shoot a movie, so it requires the whole class to work together and give full play to their respective advantages to make a good film together. The movie of our class seven." Aiwen opened the PPT and said flickeringly.

The faces of the group were dumbfounded.
The classroom fell into an eerie silence, and Ivan coughed awkwardly: "Do you have any questions? You can raise your hands to ask."

The silence was broken, the awkward atmosphere disappeared without a trace, and the classroom exploded with a buzzing sound.

"Did I hear that right? A movie? Will it be released?"

"Mom! I'm going to make a movie. I'm going to be a star!"

"Brother Wen in society, people don't speak harshly"

"Buddha is Buddha."

"Isn't it just to make a movie? I want the leading actor!"

"Hey, did you back off before the squad leader even spoke?"

"Princes and generals are so kind! Why can't I be the leading actor!"

The old god Wang Yizhen raised his hand on the ground: "Teacher, do you have a script now?"

Ai Wen laughed: "No, you need to come up with a script for me within a week-of course, the structure can be less rigorous, but I need a complete story, character relationship and character."

"Teacher! Do we have money?" A student asked in a daze.

"My personal investment budget of 3000 million is mainly used for crew maintenance, location shooting, post-production and publicity - so the actors and screenwriters are all selfless contributions. However, the crew manages the food, and the seven food generation luxury package is enough!" Ai Wen stretched out Three fingers said.

Sentient beings in the seventh class: .
The local tyrants are awesome!Long live Teacher Aiwen!

3000 million and then take it?My teacher Ai Wen is really close to a million people!

Teacher Aiwen's status as a local tyrant has long been exposed, and many parents have been invited by Aiwen to dinner at the villa in the mountains and rivers - the family fortunes living there are all calculated in billions.Although the children in class [-] couldn't figure out why Teacher Ai Wen had to be a small class teacher, they knew how lucky they were to be in Ai Wen's school.

Look at the hardware of Class Seven!
Look at the meals of class seven!
Look at the treatment of class seven!
Others study hard, but Class Seven is happy!
Although Boss Aiwen doesn't pay actors and screenwriters, the children are still full of interest.Children of their age are not very interested in money, but are more interested in making movies.Acting in a movie hey!Old and powerful!

Who doesn't have a few friends yet?Just imagine: when you and your friends are bragging, you look at the calendar casually, and then say with a smile: "The movie I participated in will be released in two days", that kind of carefree pretend13 How intense the pleasure is!
Teacher Aiwen understands me!
Teacher Aiwen is number one in the world!
"This week's Chinese topic is - each study group will hand in a script to me next Monday. Open your brains and diverge your four dimensions, whether it is youth, love, campus, science fiction, or funny. As long as you You can do it if you like." Aiwen saw that the atmosphere was almost fired, and he said lightly about this week's homework.

One script per study group?
Not a big problem!When you are young, you have to wake up and fight!Isn't it just a script?It's over!
(End of this chapter)

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