Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 284 - Self-cultivation of a good wife

Chapter 284 – Self-cultivation of a good wife
In the next week, Aiwen used the third self-study class in the afternoon to carry out a five-day large-scale themed education activity with the theme of healthy growth.

Because of the particularity of the educational content, Aiwen adopts the form of dividing men and women into classes to teach.Ai Wen is in charge of teaching the boys' class, and English teacher Song Hongxia helps Ai Wen give the girls physical hygiene counseling.

After a series of teaching, the students in the seventh class have a fairly intuitive understanding of their own growth.At the same time, they can face up to their own physical development, and they will no longer be awkward and ashamed to speak like Li Guoyao.

After Aiwen summarized the teaching plans, courseware, photos and experience after the themed educational activities, he contacted the editor-in-chief of an educational magazine to submit a manuscript.These days, it is really difficult for a teacher to evaluate his title without publishing an article. Ai Wen is a scientific research talent. He can carefully summarize his work and then publish and promote his experience.

Just talk but don't practice fake moves, just practice don't talk about stupid moves.You don’t have any written materials to prove what you have done during your work, and you don’t know what to write when you evaluate excellence in the future.If Aiwen wants to resign for this matter and find another job, his resume will be full of work performance.

When posting the article, Ai Wen conveniently included Song Hongxia's name.Although it is a matter of convenience, publishing an article is still a valuable experience for Mr. Xiao Song.

Teacher Xiao Song expressed his gratitude after hearing that Ai Wen brought him with him. For a new teacher, posting articles is a very important hurdle!

After the weekend, Ivan began to check the scripts of the four groups.As a language teacher, Ai Wen still has a relatively reliable sense of smell in finding good stories—at least he can tell what kind of stories are bad movies at a glance.

I have to say that the students in Class [-] have really big brains.Their scripts are full of wild imaginations.Among the four groups, is it Xie Mingjie's book that Aiwen likes the most, and the one that catches his eyes the most is the work of the scumbag team.

Aiwen saw ambition in their works - because they actually sketched out a very good story in just a few days.Although the stories they produced are a bit thin, but as long as they are enriched by professional screenwriters, it must be a very interesting book.

The protagonists of the story are two agents belonging to different organizations - the male protagonist is a male agent disguised as a teacher, his code name is I:, and the heroine is a dancer as a female agent who hides her identity, her code name is C .

By chance, the two fell in love and got married without knowing it.The organizations behind both sides don't know that the other half of the hidden identities of their two ace agents is the elite of the hostile organization.

The most interesting thing in the story is that the agent status of the hero and heroine is interspersed with all kinds of irony and laughter in daily life.Especially the house of two people - the heroine transforms the kitchen into her secret base; the hero transforms the study into his secret stronghold.When two people are cooking and the other is reading, they are actually communicating with each other.

This shooting method requires montage for editing. If the editor is skilled, this part of the picture is very interesting.

The beginning of the story is the wedding of two people, the first half is all kinds of funny daily life, and the peak of the mid-term plot is when two people meet unexpectedly during a mission.The apex of the contradiction is the astonishment, horror and unimaginability after even one person recognizes the other.

In the later part of the story, the husband and wife unite to fight against their respective organizations.The husband and wife are the elites of their respective organizations, and they will never allow two people to be together.Therefore, the two organizations sent elite agents to prepare to kill the two.

The hero and heroine open up to each other in times of crisis and reveal their secret bases to the other half.The husband and wife teamed up to fight the enemy in various ways - the elements of gun battles, weapon fights, and fighting were fully displayed.It is also interspersed with various small props made by the husband and wife
It can be said that the final battle scene can be salty and sweet: on the one hand, the explosive action scene makes the audience's adrenaline soar, and on the other hand, the agent couple is throwing dog food while fighting the enemy
If the investment is sufficient and the scene is excellent, this movie may achieve good results if it is released online.With the improvement of post-production technology, many large scenes can be synthesized.The production level of domestic special effects is close to that of Hollywood, and some Hollywood special effects blockbusters are even hired by domestic special effects companies for post-compositing—there is no other reason, and the price is cheap!
To be honest, Aiwen really likes this book. If these big scenes can be filmed vividly and vividly, it is possible to invest hundreds of millions of dollars-this is still the result of not inviting stars.If a big name is invited to appear on the stage, an investment of [-] million yuan can almost stop it.

Fortunately, China's film market has transitioned from being king of traffic to being king of quality.Whether it is the success of "The God of Medicine" and "Or Little Broken Ball", or the fall of "Modu Fortress", this is proved.Audiences prefer to pay for high-quality movies. In addition to attracting their own fans, the popularity of passers-by has basically been defeated.Ai Wen felt that if a vegan made a film of extremely high quality, the audience would buy it.

What's more, Ai Wen's appearance is also at the forefront of the entertainment industry, otherwise why would Hu Yutian deceive Ai Wen into the entertainment industry all day long?If Aiwen really makes his debut, he will be a new generation of national husband!

Being able to sing, dance and play, coupled with his handsome face that makes people drool, it's hard for Ai Wen not to be popular!So what if the heroine Chen Yanzi is a vase?Besides, that woman is the reincarnation of a playwright, and as long as she has a little training, her acting skills will improve by leaps and bounds, but she can't say she's sorry for the audience.

Now actors' poor acting skills are mainly due to subjective reasons-facial paralysis, and you can earn money by reciting numbers, why bother to hone your acting skills?In fact, as long as these actors work hard, they have the possibility of becoming old actors.It's a pity that the impetuousness of the entertainment industry made it impossible for them to settle down and improve.

Ever since Chen Yanzi mentioned to Ai Wen that she wanted to be a heroine, she is now working hard to hone her acting skills, even stopping her work and going to the imperial capital to enroll in a training class to improve herself.The teachers who teach her are all professors from the prestigious Imperial Film and Television School. The price of Chen Yanzi's course is calculated in units of [-]!
The saying that knowledge is wealth is true!When you really want to learn real skills, if you don't have money, you can't find a famous teacher to teach you.Thanks to Chen Yanzi's wealthy family and deep family background, although the little rich woman worth several million can only be regarded as just out of poverty in the imperial capital, the money for enrolling in a class is still enough.Signing up for an acting training class can shrink her account by half.But in order to be a good heroine, Chen Yanzi gritted her teeth and had to go all out!
This movie was filmed by Ai Wen for the students, and Chen Yanzi made a joke halfway through, and it was really a bit unreasonable to say it.That's why Chen Yanzi feels that she can't hold back her husband no matter what. Women can be willful sometimes, but they can't affect the overall situation.

This is the self-cultivation of a good wife!
(End of this chapter)

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