Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 305 - A Nest of Playwrights

Chapter 305 – A Nest of Playwrights

The public class needs to be prepared, and the ordinary class should be taught well-after all, this is a great opportunity for Aiwen to earn money.After the system was upgraded, it was able to grade Aiwen's classes, and the scoring system would grade according to the students' attendance, mastery, and classroom design—as if they were guided by a famous teacher.

The most exasperating thing is that the system will send Aiwen a list of areas that need improvement after each class.Every time Aiwen sees the long word file, he will fall into deep autism--is he really so bad?
However, with systematic guidance, Aiwen's progress is rapid.After all, not everyone can be taught by a famous teacher after class, and Ai Wen's treatment is definitely much better than that of his peers.

It's just started now, and Ivan still can't find his progress.After this kind of change has accumulated over time, Aiwen will definitely be full of contempt when he looks back at today's class-bah!What the hell!
According to the standard of the daily tasks, the courses evaluated by the system as B-level or below cannot obtain the ability value. If his courses are rated as E or F-level, he will be punished by the system.This is very uncomfortable-this means that Aiwen must also prepare carefully when he is in the recitation class, and the simple way of answering the answer will definitely be evaluated as E or F.

Sure enough, the training mechanism for users has been strengthened, and Aiwen feels that he will definitely make progress under the long-term spur of the system.

The Chinese class of Class [-] is still a major training in acting skills, which is to accumulate foundation for the shooting of the big summer movie.Otherwise, how could a bunch of extremely amateurs make blockbuster movies?

Hu Yutian has already set up the crew, as soon as Ai Wen's side is on vacation, the crew can immediately send troops to Q City to start filming.Under the education of the masters in acting, the students in Class [-] have already had a preliminary concept of acting, and some students have even touched their own acting style-this can be said to be very talented.

Ai Wen also followed the students to attend classes, after all, he is also a layman in acting.What you know is what you know, what you don’t know is what you don’t know—if you don’t know it, you should listen to other people’s lectures carefully.It is not advisable to bang when a bottle is not full of half a bottle.

Today's lesson is the legendary liberating nature. The main purpose of this lesson is to relieve embarrassment and make actors dare to express themselves on stage.During the course, the acting teacher discovered that the children in Class [-] are really amazing talents-each of them still has the best acting skills under the watchful eyes of the public.This is very spiritual.

The reason why the child star's performance can impress the audience is that kind of spirituality, and most of the students in Class [-] have this extremely valuable characteristic.The acting teacher felt inexplicably that he seemed to have broken into the "drama nest". These little guys were really unambiguous when performing!

It can be said that most of the little guys in Class [-] are geniuses of the experience school, and they can perform on stage with almost no need to liberate their nature.However, if you want to play a role well, you need to learn the characteristics of each role-these contents belong to the method school.

Huaxia's acting teaching has always been easy for anyone to use, and it has never been rigidly restricted to the method school or the experience school.Most of the old dramas in China are compatible with the strengths of the two schools. They not only go deep into what the characters look like, but also show the characteristics of the characters through methods.

It can be said that the acting teaching of Class [-] was very smooth, so smooth that even the acting teachers felt incredible.The acting teacher personally found Ai Wen and said to him excitedly: "The students in your class are all geniuses! If you let them apply for the Drama Academy, there will definitely be more than one acting master!"

Ai Wen rubbed his eyes: "360 lines will be the number one scholar, the children are too young to be sure, let's talk about it later."

"I have been approved by the school to stay in school to teach. I will do my best to help your students enroll in our school in the future." The acting teacher said sincerely - he is now looking at the children of class seven as if he were looking at rare treasures.

Ivan nodded: "Definitely. Definitely."

I didn't expect these actors to be really capable!It can make the big master of the acting school so excited!But who knows what the future holds!Child stars have the most spirituality, but most of them disappear after they grow up.Therefore, Aiwen is not optimistic about the children of Class Seven who will be engaged in the acting industry in the future-who was not a good actor when he was young!

The drama skills of the students in Class [-] are all developed in the battle of wits and courage with Ai Wen, and it is also directly related to their performances on stage.The psychological quality of these guys is really good.Stage fright?nonexistent!
After learning the basic acting skills, Aiwen asked the students to use the script to understand how their characters should perform.Next, acting teachers need to teach children how to grasp the charm of characters-the best way is to observe life and write biographies of characters.

The biography of characters is a hurdle that anyone who learns acting can't avoid - except for those who learn to be gilded.The writing of a character biography needs to construct his basic information, personality, interpersonal relationship, ability, personal hobbies, language style and history in detail.

These things can show the character's characteristics from all aspects, and through these things you can imagine how this person should perform.These dimensions must be constructed around this person, and cannot be made up.If the biography of the characters is well written, the understanding of the characters is basically the same.

Because Ai Wen is going to shoot an action movie, the students don't need to study the characters' hearts in too much detail-most of them are side effects, and they don't need to be set according to the protagonist at all.How can a guy who dies within ten seconds of playing have so much background to dig into?
But the children are beginners, so the acting teacher strictly controls the quality of the students' biographies.This time making a movie is simply the best way to practice the test - the acting teachers were all amazed by Ai Wen's generosity.The teacher who makes a movie when he disagrees with each other is too much!

So the acting teacher also asked Ai Wen for a role-he was going to play the villain boss, and taught the students by precept and example through the process of acting.This acting teacher is really worthy of his class fee, such a responsible external teacher is really rare!

It is definitely welcome to have such an acting school playing the role of the villain boss Aiwen, and having an acting school supporting the scene will also keep the villain side of the film from collapsing.Although it's an action movie, there are also a lot of villain boss scenes, and it really needs a guy with a strong temperament to support it.Although the acting teacher is not as handsome as Aiwen, he has a better accent than Aiwen. It is definitely enough for him to play the boss!

Everything is ready, only the holidays are owed, as long as the final exam is completed, the crew can immediately enter the working state and start filming quickly.The pure shooting time of a film is not long, and one and a half months for the students is enough.There is no problem with the schedule for the students, as long as the horsepower is fully turned on every day, the time is definitely enough.

As for post-production — what does that have to do with actors?Is Hu Yutian's company a display?As long as the money is in place, what kind of late-stage companies cannot find it?

(End of this chapter)

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