Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 315 – The Violent Alvin

Chapter 315 – The Violent Alvin

Aiwen changed into the clothes he had stored in the gym, and he found that his clothes were clean, and he didn't feel like he had left them for half a year.It seems that the beauty boss must have arranged for someone to clean the clothes in the middle.

This is not a member benefit, the entire fitness center is estimated that only Ivan can enjoy this kind of treatment and replace it with other people, ha ha.

Chen Yanzi brought her own sportswear, and when she changed into slim-fit sportswear, she could no longer hide her graceful figure.The soul-stirring curve made Ivan swallow unconsciously.

Although with the development of the times and the advancement of makeup technology, the birth rate of beautiful women in the 21st century is getting higher and higher.But among the many beauties, Chen Yanzi is definitely the top one.Even the beauty boss who has the reputation of a flower in the fitness club is slightly inferior to Chen Yanzi in terms of appearance.

Chen Yanzi went to the dance studio to do yoga with her mobile phone - she herself is a top yoga instructor in China, and her rank is higher than that of the instructors in the fitness center.So when she entered the dance studio, she directly crushed other women practicing freely in it.

Ai Wen came to the equipment area to do core strength awakening training. He cultivated his body for half a year. Exercising a lot without fully awakening the muscles in his body would lead to an increase in muscle acid discharge. The next day, he would feel like his whole body was crawling by ants.

Therefore, Ivan chose a gradual awakening process, and the dumbbells also increased slowly from low to high.Through the core strength awakening training, Aiwen found that his ultimate strength and endurance have been greatly improved. It seems that adding some points to himself has a particularly large bonus to his body.

When he finished the wake-up training with 150 kg squat, there were fitness enthusiasts standing around him who worshiped the great god.Some members who have been working out here all year round know Aiwen-this guy used to work part-time as a tour coach in the gym.Unexpectedly, after not seeing him for less than half a year, this guy immediately became impatient.

Aiwen wiped off the sweat on his body with a dry towel, put on gloves and came to the Sanda training area.Old Ni still insists on working as a Sanda coach in the club -- God knows why a provincial professional player would stay here as a coach.

"Long time no see!" Old Ni saw Ai Wen smiling enthusiastically, he really had no opponent in the clubhouse if Ai Wen didn't come.It's not like that to bully students all the time!

Ai Wen raised his eyebrows and grinned: "Have you tried? See if I have regressed in half a year!"

Old Ni covered his face: "Put away your wanton smile--it's too magical! What's the matter? You've become a God of War with a crooked mouth too? Just crooked your mouth, and you're fully fired!"

Ai Wen turned onto the ring.Old Ni didn't play tricks like Ai Wen, he broke through the rope guardrail and walked onto the ring in a normal way.As soon as Lao Ni entered the ring, Ai Wen immediately launched a rush attack - he wanted to see how much Lao Ni had improved during this time.

Feeling Aiwen's fast and ruthless punching style, Lao Ni dodged his straight punch without any risk.He had an ominous premonition that Aiwen's strength and speed had improved exaggeratedly after he hadn't seen him for half a year.He felt that if he was punched by Ai Wen, he would definitely be confused.

So the steps under his feet became even weirder, and his upper body also swayed with the steps, lest Aiwen catch the opportunity.Aiwen is looking for opportunities like an old dog-his hardware has far surpassed Lao Ni, and he may not be hit by a KO if he plays against Tyson now.

Ivan measured his own weight - 110 kg!Don't look at him looking thin, but his muscle density and bone density are very large.What the humanoid beast is talking about is Aiwen's situation!
Feeling Aiwen's fist like a heavy cannon, Lao Ni felt like his heart was jumping with fear.Is this product open?Are you still human?
In the end, how nimbly Ren Lao Ni dodged, after his physical exhaustion, he could only drink his hatred under Ai Wen's iron fist.After Ai Wen punched out and recovered six points of force, he still beat Lao Ni coughing through the protective gear.

"No more fights! No more fights to death! Your physical strength is too foul!" Old Ni sat on the ring panting heavily and said depressedly: "You can get back a gold belt if you fight UFC now!"

Ai Wen took off the protective gear and handed Lao Ni a bottle of water to restore his vitality: "What is there that I can't think of that I have to go into the cage? Oh, life is really lonely like snow, and my former opponent has been far surpassed by me. "

"I beg you to be a human being!" Old Ni couldn't laugh or cry: "You guys are really too much!"

The students who came to the guild hall to learn Sanda knew how strong their coach was, but they didn't expect that the strong coach couldn't even survive a punch in front of a handsome man with fine features.What a crap result this is!

"Amazing, is this professional grade?" A student asked the old students around him.

The veteran student said solemnly, "Would you believe me if I told you that guy is a Chinese teacher?"

The new student said with a ghostly face: "I believe you! You old man is very bad! You told me that such a humanoid tyrannosaurus is the people's teacher? Is the threshold for being a teacher already so high now? Wouldn't it be better to be his student? Is life in danger?"

The veteran student said disdainfully: "Looking at your strange appearance, do you believe that guy is an excellent provincial teacher and an excellent class teacher at the municipal level?"

"Both civil and military? Really awesome!" The new student exclaimed, if he had Ivan's skills, wouldn't he have the ability to be a hero to save the beauty!

Ai Wen jumped off the ring to say hello to the old students he was familiar with—he would never forget how these guys helped him stand on the platform.Although there was no fight, it was a huge help for people to be there!
In sparring, no one dared to fight him right, so Aiwen could only pile up sandbags to practice boxing and legs.The Sanda players watched in horror as Aiwen ravaged the sandbags, and the tumbler-shaped sandbags were as pitiful as rag dolls in front of Aiwen.Aiwen's violent fists and kicks made the sandbags make loud noises.

When Chen Yanzi came out of the dance studio, she was attracted by the crackling sound.When she followed the sound to the Sanda training area, she saw Ai Wen's vigorous fist.She estimated Ivan's strength, anyway, with her small body, it was definitely not enough, and Ivan punched him with one fist.

To be honest, Chen Yanzi couldn't believe that the tough man who was beating the sandbag was her gentle and humorous husband.Although handsome is the same, the violent aura erupting from Aiwen's body at this time made her feel another sense of suffocation.

So Chen Yanzi smiled idiotically, and sweat dripped from the corner of her mouth unconsciously.She is greedy, greedy for the man in front of her!She admitted that when she pressed the key, she was greedy for his body!But never mind!Who made Ivan look so delicious!

After beating the sandbags for 10 minutes, Ai Wen was completely active.He gathered all his strength into one punch, and hit the sandbag hanging on the beam fiercely.After hearing a muffled sound, Aiwen blasted a big hole out of the other end of the sandbag.

This hole was definitely not punched by Ivan. His previous 10 minutes of beating had already hit the sandbag to a critical value. The last violent punch was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"I go."

"Did you explode the sandbag?"

"Peerless macho!"

"Wife! Come and see God!"

"It's amazing, Brother Word!"

Ai Wen's face changed--does this count as damage to the items in the clubhouse?To be compensated according to the price!If Chen Yanzi and the owner of the gymnasium get together, something will happen!Kill me!
(End of this chapter)

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