Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 317 - The Expectations of the Previous Generation

Chapter 317 – The Expectations of the Previous Generation
Hearing his mother's call, Ai Wen didn't hesitate too much, put on his clothes and drove to his parents' house.There are no unlucky guys out of control on this circuit-it can only be said that Ai Wen's being bumped is considered a jackpot.

As soon as he entered the house, Ai Wen was pressed down on a chair in the dining room by his enthusiastic mother.There are a variety of delicious dishes on the table in the restaurant--steamed oysters with garlic vermicelli, stir-fried kidneys, scrambled eggs with leeks and other nourishing delicacies were placed in front of Aiwen by Ai's mother, and the corners of Aiwen's eyes twitched.

"My lord, you have something to say - why are you hinting so crazy?" Aiwen asked with twitching corners of his mouth.

Mama Ai sat across from Aiwen, and Ai Disheng stood beside Mama Ai with his arms folded and acted as the king of Dharma protection.

"Son, you and Yanyan have been getting the certificate for half a year, right?" Mama Ai asked with a sad face.

Ai Wen is like a chicken pecking rice: "Mmm."

"You two have lived together for more than half a year, right? Don't tell my mother, you two have been sleeping in separate rooms." My mother asked unequivocally, "Why has it been half a year? Didn't you see any hair?"

Alvin broke out in a cold sweat: "This."

Mama Ai asked the soul-piercing question endlessly, "Aren't you okay? Your dad knows the director of the Provincial People's Hospital, and asked him to take you to see it before school starts."

Alvin: ...

"Mom, I'm still young." Ivan hummed as he was dying.

Ai Ma's speech today was full of energy: "What is so young? You are young, but you made me a child!"

Ai Wen almost stuffed his head under his thighs: "Mom, I can't do it, I've been paying attention to safety."

When Ai's mother heard this, she got angry and came up: "You bastard! I said why Yanyan's stomach hasn't moved! You are the co-author! Ai Wen, I solemnly inform you-- If I haven't heard the news of Yanyan's pregnancy by the end of the year, I will sever the mother-child relationship with you. Even if I donate our property, I won't give it to you!"

Alvin: ...

What are you doing?What are you doing!Why is this!

"Mother, you are only in your early fifties. It's your prime youth, why are you in such a rush to have a grandson? And if I have a baby, Yanyan and I have our own busy jobs, and you and my dad also have jobs—" Who will take care of the child?" Ai Wen asked back.

Ai Ma sneered: "Have you ever heard of a system called internal retirement? At worst, I don't need a penny for living expenses. I only keep my rank and salary. Even if your mother and I quit my job, so what? Is our family short of money?"

Aiwen choked speechlessly—as expected, being rich is self-willed!The chief accountant who has been working for almost 30 years said he would quit?But my family is rich enough, even if my mother really resigns, it doesn't matter.

"Mom~ don't be so desperate! My career is still on the rise! I still have three years to study for a master's degree and four years for a Ph.D.! You can't let me be absent from the child's growth!" Ai Wen tearfully said .

Ai Ma didn't hear Ai Wen say this: "I don't care how you continue to study! As long as you can't have children, you don't want to inherit a dime from me and your dad!"

Gas, trembling, cold.
Ai Wen has nothing to do with the messy mother.When a cultural person is unreasonable to you, you can't reason with him, especially when this person is your own mother, you have no power to fight back.
"I see." Ai Wen didn't take a bite of the food on the table - he had already eaten and drank enough before he came.My mother didn't mind if Aiwen didn't eat a bite of food. These things were actually props to show Aiwen's attitude. It didn't matter whether Aiwen ate or not.

When Ai Wen returned home, he found that Chen Yanzi was not at home.He sent a call to his wife to inquire about the situation, and found that Chen Yanzi was also facing the mental torture of his parents and sister-in-law at this time.

"My parents, brother and sister-in-law didn't know what medicine they took wrongly. They called me home today and tried to persuade me to have children. I can't hold on anymore, what should I do?" Chen Yanzi obviously answered the phone in the bathroom, Ai Wen Can clearly hear the sound of running water on the phone.

Ai Wen said dejectedly: "To each other, I have just received the spiritual baptism of my mother. My whole body is about to sublimate."

"In my mother's mouth, I'm almost becoming a heinous woman - I haven't added a son and a half to your family after being married to you for half a year." Chen Yanzi snorted.

Ai Wen covered his face: "It's all my fault"

"Hey, did our parents agree? Otherwise, why did we choose to launch the attack together on one day?" Chen Yanzi speculated.

Ai Wen thinks this is reasonable: "The four elders of our family probably planned it for a long time, and your brother and sister-in-law must have been captured by strong men to make up the number."

"Hey, I don't want to have a baby yet! I'm still a baby! I haven't traveled around the world yet!" Chen Yanzi said depressedly: "After becoming a mother, our lives will revolve around children!"

"Who said it wasn't!" Aiwen didn't have any plans to have a child, even if it was an obligation to carry on the family line, Aiwen didn't plan to have a child so early.

Comrade Aiwen is only 26 years old! 26 years old!It is the golden age of youth!How can it be planted in the hands of children?
The second elders of the Ai family and the second elders of the Chen family probably saw that Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi were still undecided, so they were forced to have a child after promotion and discussion. The child can be said to be a ripening agent for their parents.They felt that if Ai Wen became a father and Chen Yanzi became a mother, they would become calmer.

In the end, Ai Wen decided to go to Chen's house, as long as some things were discussed.Ai Wen felt that there was nothing wrong with simply discussing with his parents. The child can have it, but it is best to wait two years later.

When Ai Wen appeared in front of Chen's house, Chen's mother dragged Ai Wen into the living room as if seeing her own son: "Son-in-law, when will you and Yanyan have a baby?"

This time Aiwen is not going to be vague: "Mom, I came this time to talk to you and Dad about this matter."

"Come on, sit down and talk!" Father Chen pointed to the sofa opposite.

Ai Wen sat down obediently, and Chen Yanzi also broke free from the encirclement of her elder brother and sister-in-law, and sat next to Ai Wen to seek support.Ai Wen gently held Chen Yanzi's hand and said to the elder: "Dad, Mom, Yanyan and I got married in a hurry, so it's best to leave some time to spend together after marriage to make up for the love time. And our careers are still in progress in the past two years." During the rising period, you two elders see if this is okay--three years later, Yanyan and I will have a baby dragon in 2024. After three years, I will graduate with a master's degree, and I can take care of my children while doing research at home while studying for a doctorate; Yanyan's The partner's best friend's child is also grown up, so the art school can be left to her best friend to run."

The elders of the Chen family look at me and I look at you - they think what Ai Wen said makes sense.Although the two children have already settled on their marriage, they have also received their certificates.But the two of them didn't know each other for a year, and it's justified to let the two children live more than two people.And three years later, their careers have indeed entered a plateau, and they can take care of their children more easily.It can make the conflict between career and family smaller.

Parents are very important to the growth of their children. It would be irresponsible for the children to let the two of them have children in a hurry but have no time to take care of them.So the second elder of the Chen family was persuaded by Ai Wen with reason and evidence.

Old Chinese teacher!
(End of this chapter)

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