Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 319 - It's Her!is her!That's her!

Chapter 319 - It's Her!is her!That's her!
As we all know, travel costs money.However, Ai Wen didn't take the usual path, he was going to take a free trip with Chen Yanzi.When they came out of Q city, they didn't bring a dime, only the full tank of gas in the motorcycle and the full battery in the mobile phone.

Although they don't have a penny, the convenient mobile payment allows them to spend freely.However, Aiwen thinks it is better not to know how to use deposits, how boring is it to spend money to have fun?Making money and having fun is the happiest thing.

The speed limit on the provincial highway is [-], and the two of them drove slowly to enjoy the scenery without even maxing out the speed.The sky in August is clear blue and the sun is nice on a clear day without clouds.Chen Yanzi has already done sun protection work, she doesn't want to turn into a little black girl after walking around.

After driving through the county seat to which City Q belongs, the two of them have completely left the scope of City Q. The terrain of City Q is very peculiar—surrounded by hills on all sides, and there are valleys on the east and west sides that can leave the city.During the prevention and control back then, the staff of Q City only needed to strictly guard against the imported personnel from the two valleys to ensure the safety of Q City.

Moreover, the hills on all sides can effectively block the dry and cold airflow from the north, so compared to other places at the same latitude, the winter in Q City is milder.So this is a very livable city, but because it is surrounded by hills, the large-scale agriculture that mainly focuses on food in Q City is not developed.In its place is fruit and vegetable farming and circular farming built around the hills.

What City Q does best is agritourism. Whenever autumn comes, the suburbs of City Q will be enveloped in a rich fruity fragrance.All kinds of modern agricultural picking gardens welcome visitors from all over the world. At the same time, Q City has a complete agricultural modernization industrial chain - canning factory, fruit juice factory, dried fruit factory. It has truly achieved one-stop planting, production and sales.

After leaving Q City, there is an endless plain. It feels like a big river with wide waves and the wind blowing rice and flowers on both sides of the river.The rice in August is almost full, and the water in the field has almost been absorbed.The wind blows the ears of rice and sets off layers of waves. This scene is really beautiful.Smelling the fresh breath of rice flowers, Aiwen felt that his body and mind had been washed.

At noon on the day of hoeing, the sweat dripped down to the soil.Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey.Ai Wen felt that at this time, he should take the students to see the shocking rice sea, and let them feel the hard work of harvesting rice before they can fully understand the true meaning of this poem.Aiwen himself is also a guy who doesn't know what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.

The development of the surrounding counties of Q City is definitely a bit worse than that of Q City, but the living conditions of the people in the counties surrounding Q City that develop surrounding industries are not bad, even in rural areas, there are very few people in difficulties.

Huaxia's standard of difficulty is 3000 yuan per capita, and the assistance measures in Q City are particularly effective-if your family has land, use the land to invest in agricultural cooperatives.Concentrate advantageous land and hand it over to large industrial households for management, and then distribute year-end dividends according to the shares.Calculated inside and out, even if you lie at home and do nothing for a year, your income will reach above the standard line.So want to get something for nothing?Go dreaming!
Driving through the sea of ​​rice, Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi arrived at the first stop of the trip - City S. City S is a prefecture-level city about 150 kilometers away from City Q, and its economic development level is slightly lower than that of City Q.After all, City Q is also one of the most economically strong cities in the province. Apart from being inferior to the giant provincial capital cities, City Q is worthy of no one in terms of GDP.

It was already afternoon when they entered the main city of Q City. After the two of them found a place where they could park their motorcycles, they began to study how to make money.Begging is too low, and handsome men and beautiful women like Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi can't ask for money!
So at this time, it is still necessary to rely on technology to get rich. The concept of the older generation is correct-one trick is eaten all over the world, and Aiwen feels that his survival ability should be extremely strong if he has such strange skills.

First, Aiwen found a stationery store and borrowed a brush, a little ink and a piece of paper.The boss still doesn't care about this - he wants to see what Ivan wants to do.

After borrowing something, Ai Wen dipped the ink with a brush and started dancing on the paper.I saw six big characters with colorful tendons and willow bones appearing on the paper—designing an artistic signature.

The boss was amused by Aiwen's set of operations: "Brother, you are talented! Even if your calligraphy is not at the master level, it is still very good. A talent like you is too talented to design an art signature."

Ai Wen cupped his hands: "I took my daughter-in-law out for a poor trip. It's not that I don't have money, but I just want to use the money I earned to be chic."

The boss looked at the charming and picturesque Chen Yanzi and raised his thumbs up: "Young people can still play, it's not like we were thinking about how to live all day long at that time. My brother, can I borrow you a set of desks and chairs?"

"Thank you very much!" Aiwen smiled and didn't refuse, which was kind - and he placed the stall at the entrance of the stationery store, which might also play a role in drainage.This is also mutual benefit, anyway, the shop owner's investment is not big at all, that is, lending Ai Wen an inexpensive art pen.

As a result, Aiwen's small stall was safely stationed at the entrance of the stationery store, and curious passers-by would always take a look at the sudden extra stalls on the side of the road.It's amazing just by looking at it - the stall owner is a very handsome little brother!

As the old saying goes, boys must protect themselves when they go out.Especially a boy like Aiwen who looks very delicate and easy to bully-but Aiwen just looks easier to bully, if you really treat him as a weakling, Aiwen's nature will shock you of.

Ai Wen, who is full of scholarly vigor, sits in front of the stall and it is a living signboard, coupled with the flying calligraphy to attract customers.As a result, many young ladies choose to watch their younger brothers do business strongly.

Chinese people pay attention to a herd mentality, the more people around a stall, the more people will be attracted to watch the fun.The advantage of more people is that potential customers may come to the booth to spend.If there is the addition of Aiwen's face, passers-by who may not be potential customers will also become customers.

Not long after, a stylishly dressed "little sister" walked up to Ai Wen and asked, "Boss, how much is the design art signature?"

"20 yuan hard pen, plus 30 yuan can design a soft pen signature. This store supports three revisions, and the stall owner will try to make you satisfied." Ai Wen's attitude towards the customers who deliver to the door is definitely quite in place.At the same time, he showed a discharge smile while introducing the business.For a while, passers-by girls and sisters felt that they had been healed.

"Miss Sister" quickly scanned Aiwen's payment QR code, paid 50 yuan and sat in front of the booth to watch Aiwen's prosperous beauty up close.

Ai Wen asked politely: "Dare to ask the young lady's name?"

"My name is Chen Yanzi, Erdong Chen, female Kaiyan, Mu Xinzi"

That's right!Miss Fashion is entrusted by Ai Wen!is her!is her!That's her!Ai Wen's daughter-in-law - Chen Yanzi!
(End of this chapter)

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