Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 328--The Miserable Village School

Chapter 328 – The Miserable Village School

After leaving the provincial capital, Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi headed west all the way.As the journey continued, Aiwen found that the road became more and more difficult to walk.Even the rural roads in Q City are smooth and slippery, but the county roads in the west are not in such a good condition. The cement roads are still cement roads, but they are broken and broken.If it weren't for the top-notch shock absorption performance of their motorcycles, they would be able to shake out the contents of their stomachs after walking this distance.

From the road conditions, we can see how the local finances are.If Aiwen sees this kind of broken road in Q City, he can call the road maintenance section directly to inform him. Someone will repair the damaged road within a day. If you call the road maintenance section here, it is estimated that every ten days and a half months will not There will be a reaction.And because of the cost, the local road maintenance section can only fill the big pit with sand and gravel at most.

Ai Wen has already decided on the destination of this trip - Sandaogang Village Primary School, Tieshan Township.Ai Wen only knew about such a corner place through the introduction of his classmate. After graduating from his master's degree, his classmate became a Chinese teaching and researcher in this city. Through chatting with Ai Wen, he found out that there is such a difficult elementary school in a certain place. .

After arriving in M ​​City where Tieshan Township is located, Ai Wen met with his old classmates to catch up.After graduating from university, a group of brothers and sisters went their separate ways, rarely seeing each other again if nothing major happened.Fortunately, some time ago, Zhang Qi got married at Zhang Qi's place, and Ai Wen and his classmates who were close to each other could meet each other at the wedding.

The classmate Ai Wen wants to meet is a woman - after all, most of the students in the Faculty of Arts are female.This thing is the will of the world, which is the case in any liberal arts academy in the world.It is a miracle that there are more boys in the Faculty of Arts. Unfortunately, Ivan has never encountered such a miracle.

So this cordial meeting was conducted in a friendly manner under the witness of Chen Yanzi.Fortunately, Ai Wen, a female classmate, is also married, so there was no yin and yang imbalance in the dinner.

The classmate's husband is very curious about Ai Wen, a man of the age - he has heard about this man's glorious history when chatting with his wife, and this buddy suddenly became popular at the beginning of the year.Being able to meet real people these days really fills the curiosity.

When he saw the real Ai Wen, he was really surprised--he was really handsome!And his daughter-in-law is also pretty enough, this combination of handsome men and beautiful women is quite eye-catching.Walking on the road, you will get several plus signs!

"Old classmate! Long time no see!" Ai Wen warmly shook hands with his old classmate, and then greeted her husband: "Hi, I'm Ai Wen."

"Hello, I'm Lu Feiyang." The man shook hands with Aiwen enthusiastically: "I've heard Xiaofan mention you a long time ago!"

Ai Wen joked: "Are you saying that I am majestic and handsome?"

"That's right, that's right! It's better to be famous than to meet each other!" The man also gave Ivan a very interesting hand.

The four of them introduced each other as acquaintances, and they became acquainted after chatting and chatting after sitting down.Aiwen's classmate, Aiwen, is also a staff member of the education system, and there is no industry separation between Aiwen and Aiwen.However, he is not a teacher, but a researcher on educational theory at the Municipal Education Research Institute.

Ai Wen, a scholar of these theories, is also full of respect. Education requires sufficient theoretical support in addition to practice.Education without theoretical guidance is blind. If teachers only rely on experience to fight on their own without a systematic and theoretical educational concept and educational thought as support, it will be impossible to form local educational competitiveness.

The strength of a place's education research institute determines the upper limit of a place's education. The Q City Educational Research Institute is full of bigwigs, and the entry threshold there is a master's degree or the title of a key teacher-Ivan is not qualified to enter that door at this time.

Chen Yanzi can also be regarded as half an educator. Although she is only the principal of a private art school, she has deep research and insight into the road of art training.So she fits easily into the conversation of a bunch of educators, too.

The average academic qualifications of the people at this table are astonishingly high - Chen Yanzi has a bachelor's degree in art, Ai Wen is studying for a master's degree, and Ai Wen's old classmate and her lover have a master's degree.So Aiwen is really talking and laughing now, and there are no white people.

The four chatted happily, and the time passed quickly.Unknowingly, I ate a meal for three hours, and the restaurant closed down after chatting.So the four of them found another cafe to continue chatting. For people at their level, they could get quite a lot of inspiration from chatting.

Everyone in the education work has knowledge barriers, and it is easy to inspire one's own thinking through other people's thinking.Both the Aiwen family and the Lu Feiyang family have benefited a lot.

Otherwise, how do you say seeking good teachers and friends? Meaningful chatting is a reasonable use of time, and meaningless nonsense is a waste of time.The four chatted until more than ten o'clock before the end of the conversation. Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi went back to a nearby hotel to rest, and his old classmates and lover went home to sleep.

Early the next morning, Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi got into Lu Feiyang's car and went straight to Sandaogang Village under the guidance of their old classmates.Lu Feiyang's car is a domestically produced SUV with good trafficability.It can drive with ease on various local slopes.

There is no way, one of the responsibilities of Hua Yifan as a teaching researcher is to visit various schools, attend lectures and conduct research.If the chassis of her family's car is too low, it will not be able to go on this rural road.

Coming out of the urban area, they drove unsteadily for more than an hour before arriving at Sandaogang Village.Although this distance is not far away, the speed of the car cannot be raised at all because of the bad road conditions.

Arriving at Sandaogang Village, Ai Wen discovered that the Central Primary School had already started school!This surprised Aiwen. He asked his old classmate: "Isn't it a holiday now? Why do students attend classes?"

"Some teachers in the school are college students who come here to teach during the holidays, so we start classes during the holidays to allow students to receive better education. After the supporting teachers go back to school, this subject will be replaced by other teachers. The school holiday time is flexible. Yes, they have a big holiday during the autumn harvest - they can help the family with farm work during this time." Hua Yifan introduced to Ai Wen.

Hearing such a down-to-earth education system, Ivan was stunned.Is this special meow okay?The school is like this and no superiors manage it?If there is a shortage of teachers, just recruit!Any special post teachers, three support and one support will be arranged!

As if feeling Aiwen's question, Hua Yifan explained to Aiwen: "The city's education investment is limited, and there was a planned withdrawal of points and merger of the school to Julong's superior educational resources. It is too remote, and it is very inconvenient for students to go home after school. Therefore, Sandaogang Primary School cannot be dismissed. But because of the small number of students and classes, the superior cannot send more teachers.”

This Aiwen is understandable—no matter how many people there are in a class, there must be a complete teacher system: a head teacher (part-time mathematics, Chinese teaching), an English teacher, a labor teacher, an ideological and political teacher, a history teacher One teacher and one art teacher. The size of Sandaogang Village Primary School is too small, so it is impossible for the superior to assign a teacher team of nearly [-] people to a village-level primary school with dozens of people.

So this small school can only be maintained between a shutdown and a semi-shutdown, and it looks miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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