Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 330 - Powerful Education in Q City

Chapter 330 - Powerful Education in Q City

After staying in Sandaogang Village until evening, Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi returned to the city to rest.The journey here is completely over, and tomorrow they will return to Q city on the same road on their motorcycles.

When we return to Q City, the school will start, and the seventh class of the first grade will be officially upgraded to the seventh grade of the second grade.A year has passed in a blink of an eye, and time is indeed not very chaotic.How do you sing a song?Time goes by and never comes back, the past can only be recollected~ In two years, these little Doudings will enter high school, then go to university, graduate, and start a family.
This is the first batch of students brought out by Aiwen himself.In the past three years, Ai Wen was only a subject teacher, and the students recalled that a teacher named Ai Wen had taught them at most a few years later.But the only teacher who can engrave students' memories is their class teacher.

The speed of the return trip is much faster than when we came here. After all, when we came here, we traveled all the way to visit the mountains and rivers. When we return, we can just drive back.Neither Ai Wen nor Chen Yanzi's motorcycles have a high displacement, and their peak speeds can exceed [-] kilometers.Of course, for the sake of life safety, their speed on country roads and county roads will not exceed [-] miles.

After two days of driving, the two finally returned home in a hurry.As soon as Chen Yanzi entered the house, a baby swallow returned to her nest, and she took a leap of faith and plunged into the soft quilt.Their mattresses are made of pure natural latex, with a thickness of an astonishing twenty centimeters.Lying on the bed is like lying on a cloud - in Ivan's description, with such a thick cushion, even if you dance on the bed, it will not affect the floor.

"I'm so tired, I don't want to move anymore." Chen Yanzi groaned as she lay on the bed like a puddle of mud.

Aiwen turns on the smart speaker and listens to music to relax. Riding a motorcycle for a long time is more tiring than driving.Driving is iron-covered meat, riding a motorcycle is meat-covered iron-can this mental stress be the same?Fortunately, there are not many cars on the section of road they choose. Most of the cars going to other cities will choose to take the high speed. The rural roads and county roads are only chosen by some agricultural machinery, three-wheeled or electric vehicles.

In the past, large vehicles would travel on country roads and county roads to save highway tolls, but as time and cost increased, they found that it was more cost-effective to take the high speed!

Tomorrow is work time. Although teachers return to school, students can still stay at home for a few days.These few days are for the teachers to prepare lessons collectively. The teachers in Q City usually study the textbooks for this semester thoroughly before the school starts.

Take the language group as an example, the textbook for the first volume of the eighth grade has a total of six units.There are five Chinese teachers in the second-year group. Except for the team leader who is responsible for the lesson preparation tasks of two classical Chinese units, each of the other teachers is responsible for the content of a modern Chinese unit.

The first two days are to give teachers time to prepare lessons freely—it is to use these two days to familiarize themselves with the content of the unit they are responsible for, thoroughly understand it, and then come up with practical teaching plans and courseware.The third day is the collective lesson preparation stage, and the teachers in the language group get together to communicate.

The process of communication is lectures-everyone should report the unit they are responsible to the same group of teachers in the form of lectures.Talking about the class is the best way to tell whether a teacher's preparation is meticulous or not. Everyone is an insider, and you can tell at a glance whether you are seriously prepared or not!

After a day of exchange and discussion, the Chinese teachers already had a complete teaching plan for this semester in their hands. The last two days were to study the summary results of other teachers, and then integrate and adjust according to their own characteristics.

Q City's subject teaching and research has formed a complete and meticulous operating method, which can basically guarantee the rapid progress of new teachers, and the old teachers can play the role of old teachers and new ones while keeping pace with the times.Communication is the source of vitality for cultural progress. If teachers are all complacent, education in a region will lose its vitality.

Moreover, the efficiency of fighting alone is low and the workload is large-the wisdom of the collective far exceeds that of the individual. Even Aiwen has to rely on the strength of the collective to achieve self-development and progress.

This collective lesson preparation model is relatively advanced in the whole country. Every year, no matter how tight the finances are in Q City, the staff of the Education Research Institute and front-line teachers will be sent out to learn advanced experience.Unlike other places, Q City did not send some old teachers, but some young teachers with strong plasticity and outstanding learning ability.

Young teachers have strong learning ability, high plasticity, and good scientific research ability.After they have learned the advanced experience, they will spread the advanced experience from point to point.These young teachers are the pilots of the first-tier schools. The teaching researchers will often conduct teaching observations to write research reports, and test the feasibility and difficulties of an advanced method from practice.

Q City has always adhered to the education model that combines teaching and research. Because teachers concentrate their main lesson preparation time before the start of school, they can use more time to conduct higher-level teaching and research after the start of school—for example, in units of districts. [-]. Large-scale collective lesson preparation with the city as the unit.

The district teaching and research is once a week, and the city teaching and research is once a month.Ai Wen once represented the No. [-] Middle School to participate in the district teaching and research and the city teaching and research.At the teaching and research meeting, everyone can raise the problems and confusions encountered in the teaching of their respective schools, and then gather everyone's efforts to discuss and solve them.

The large-scale Chinese teaching and research time is every Wednesday afternoon, and every school will not arrange classes for Chinese teachers in this afternoon.Teachers are free to leave school to participate in teaching and research seminars—each school sends at least one teacher to participate in district teaching and research or city teaching and research, and others can take a short leave.

Anyway, Ai Wen likes to participate in teaching and research, so he has acquaintances who teach Chinese in various schools.Because everyone in teaching and research knows, is familiar with, and becomes friends, everyone shares advantages and resources, thus forming an advanced group of common development.

Moreover, with a like-minded team, not only the teaching and research of the subject is extremely smooth, but also the scientific research of the subject can be advanced rapidly.Everyone gathers firewood, and the fire is high. If there are not enough people in your own school, you can ask friends from your peers for help.

Grassroots teachers in Q City have various municipal and provincial projects to apply to their superiors every year, and the Education Research Institute reviews a large number of project applications every year.This can be regarded as pain and happiness, because once the project is approved and completed, the Institute of Education will accumulate more.

It took more than [-] years for Q City to become a strong education city.Ai Wen's new teachers can be regarded as lying on the merits of their predecessors, standing on the shoulders of giants and continuing to climb.Why are the key teachers who have gone out from Q city reused everywhere?Because they have advanced educational concepts, scientific teaching and research habits, and a complete and smooth scientific research system.

Many bigwigs who have come out of Q City's education system have set up their own famous teacher studios, playing the exemplary role of backbone teachers.Once many mediocre teachers in Q City leave the school to work in other places, they will soon stand out and become backbone teachers and academic leaders.

A good environment can greatly promote a person's growth. Q City's comprehensive continuing education system and lifelong learning mechanism benefit all practicing teachers for a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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