Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 332--The big event announced by the school opening

Chapter 332 - The big event announced by the school opening

Looking forward to, looking forward to.The autumn wind is here, and the day of school has arrived!

Regardless of whether they are freshmen or old students in No. [-] Middle School, whether they are willing or not, they have to return to school to hand in their homework and prepare for the start of the new semester.

The students in Class [-], Grade [-] who have just entered the second year of junior high school are under little pressure-they have almost no homework during the holidays.So they only need to listen to the teachings of the great and just head teacher.

As soon as the students entered the classroom, they saw their old class sitting on the podium with a big horse and a golden sword, with the attitude of a big boss discussing affairs in Baihutang. They didn't even have the mood to catch up and chat, and could only talk quietly and quietly. Go back to your seat and sit down.

At eight o'clock in the morning, all the students arrived at school, and there was no shortage of them.The time concept of the students in Class [-] is still good. Ai Wen has been instilling the time concept since the first day of junior high school.In the seventh class, being late is a heinous crime, and wasting other people's time is even more unforgivable.

When everyone is here, Ivan can talk about things.He first summarized the filming work of the big summer movie:
"With the joint efforts of all the students in the class, the filming of the big movie of our seventh class has been successfully completed. This is closely related to the full support and full cooperation of the students. The post-production and editing of the film are in full swing. If everything goes well, we will be on New Year's Day I saw this film on the file. At that time, you can proudly recommend it to your relatives and friends: This film was shot by our class, and we acted in it ourselves."

The children in Class [-] danced happily after hearing the good news.

Make a movie!Which junior high school student can have the opportunity to make a movie?We have!This is Pai Nian!That's experience!This is the capital of bragging approval!The big guys have already begun to organize their language in their hearts, and they need to think carefully: how to pretend this 13 elegantly.This is a very serious question worth pondering.

"Then let me announce the work plan for this semester for the teacher. I think the country can no longer accommodate us. So we need to speed up the process of internationalization." Aiwen stood on the podium and talked, but the students were stunned. .

what?What did Lao Ai say?Internationalization process?Great China can no longer tolerate us?Old Ai is floating!
"Look at you who have never seen the world! I am ashamed of you! Have you heard of the Imperial City Galaxy Choir? They have sung in Vienna's Golden Hall! Have you heard of the Second Small Brass Band of the Modu? There was a special performance at the Sydney Opera House! Compared with others, we are just bumpkins who have never seen the world. I don’t allow my students to be inferior in skills, so we have to speed up the process of internationalization.” Ai Wen said quietly.



Three faces are stunned.

The group's faces were dumbfounded.

Billion looked dumbfounded.

Galaxy Chorus?This is where the best kids in the imperial capital go!Modu No. [-] Brass Band?The four characters of Shanghai No. [-] Primary School represent a prestigious school, okay?When you compare the students of our key middle school in a [-]-tier prefecture-level city with the elite students of other imperial capitals and magic capitals, are you old or inflated?Who gave you the courage?Is the surname Liang a female singer?

Aiwen looked at all kinds of confused students and said angrily: "Have you heard this sentence? The stage is only as big as the heart! Besides, as a teacher, I didn't let you join the Galaxy Choir and the Second Small Brass Band. Compete! Look at your disappointment! You must always remember—your class teacher is Ai Wen! The richest teacher in China!"

all the classmates:.
Show off your wealth!Hong Guoguo's show off of wealth!We all know you have money!But it's your fault that you are so flashy!

"Forget it, let me just tell you about the whole work plan for this semester! We will form seven folk bands this semester. We must know that the nation is the world's, and we want to show the characteristics of Chinese culture to the world. I know that many of you People who have learned folk music-know how to play the erhu, dulcimer, and guzheng. As for those who have not learned it, I will give you one year to learn relatively simple musical instruments. In the summer vacation next year, I will take you on a nearly two-year The sixteen-country tour of Europa in June." Aiwen said calmly.

This time the students couldn't sit still—I knocked?What?Is Lao Ai right?Europa sixteen country tour?Would you be so willing?There are no children in class seven who have traveled all over the country, but now they rushed out of China and went to the world!

Aiwen smirked, and the smile was full of demon temptation: "Do you feel very excited? But language communication is a very important issue, so your English level needs to be improved urgently. In order to avoid the embarrassing scene of you learning dumb English, so I I found a foreign teacher oral English teacher for you. You can communicate with him orally, as long as you can understand the conversation with him, you are qualified. Only if your oral English is qualified can you be included in the list of the sixteen countries of Europa - if your language I'm sorry that Guan didn't pass, but squatting at home is more suitable for you."

Aiwen's words hit the students' heads like a bolt from the blue.Nani?Want to practice oral English?You are embarrassing me, fat tiger!Fortunately, everyone still has a year to prepare!This age is a good time to learn knowledge and improve skills, so one year is enough to practice oral English for everyone.

After Aiwen announced the plan, Class Seven fell into a strange silence.Everyone is hesitant and entangled. Learning a foreign language is too difficult, but the Europa [-]-country tour is really delicious!Lao Ai is a man of his word, he said that the Europa Tour of Sixteen Countries will definitely not only go to fifteen countries!
What is this weird feeling?happy?Not like!sad?Not to mention!Old thief Aiwen, you are not human!

"There is one more thing I forgot to mention. The funds for the Europa Sixteen Nations Tour come from the box office of the movie. I have found a professional analysis agency to conduct an authoritative argument. Our movie should make money, at least 2000 million—— On average, each person has 60 to [-] yuan. So our air tickets must be first class and luxury first class. As for the service, you can experience it yourself. Anyway, I have never taken first class on an international flight. So we must be the whole journey You can buy all kinds of high-end food, drink, entertainment, souvenirs, luxury goods and so on. You also know that many things abroad are tax-reduced or even tax-free, and the price is much cheaper than domestic. So this is a very good opportunity. If you miss it Once there is really no next time." Ai Wen introduced with a serious face.

The eyes of the students lit up—luxury first class?Full-time high-end eating, drinking and having fun?Souvenirs from a duty-free shop?Ahhhhh!It seems to be!Meow meow!do not care!I want to learn a foreign language!Anyone who dares to stop Sajia from learning a foreign language is a lifelong enemy!
Looking at the flames burning in the eyes of the students, Ai Wen felt that the matter was probably done.Desiring to learn from the bottom of your heart is definitely different from others forcing you to study hard. After all, interest is the best teacher.And this is a collective activity, in the frenzy of the collective unconscious, the individual will be carried forward by the collective.

Now learning foreign languages ​​is the main contradiction of Class Seven. Any behavior that prevents Class Seven from learning foreign languages ​​is a wrong behavior that needs to be defeated.There are only three years of junior high school, if you miss this village, there will be no store like Aiwen!

(End of this chapter)

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