Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 340 – Business trip

Chapter 340 – Business Trip
When Ai Wen told the students that he was going on a business trip, the students in Class Seven expressed their composure - so what if Lao Ai is not at home?Don't we still have to live day by day?
Ai Wen expressed his satisfaction to the children's flat reaction - the children have finally grown up, if Ai Wen is on a business trip, the students will be troubled by all kinds of tricks!This kind of flat taste is very good.

Ten days later, Aiwen packed his bags and drove to the high-speed rail station to wait for his superiors and fellow teachers.This time, all the people who went out to study business were the backbone of each unit. In terms of seniority, Ai Wen was the least well-known in the group.

However, no one in the group underestimated Aiwen's energy—there is no secret in the education circle, and the fact that Aiwen is a student candidate handpicked by the director has almost spread throughout the system.It can be seen how hot Aiwen is at this time.

Although the director valued it, Ai Wen could still make his position clear.Do not swell or float at any time when doing work, otherwise you will be made frivolous in the eyes of others.For so many years, Aiwen has been valued by his leaders for his steady and steady work style, and he doesn't want to destroy his brand just because of one study.

Official business trips are issued by superiors with funds, and travel standards are clearly stipulated.A second-level teacher at the level of a second-level officer like Ai Wen can only be reimbursed for intercity buses, hard sleepers or hard seats on green trains, second-class high-speed rail seats, and economy class airplanes.

If it were the director, his reimbursement standard would be much higher than Aiwen's - intercity bus, green leather train soft seat or soft sleeper, high-speed rail first class or business class, and airplane business class.

Who made Aiwen's level not enough, so he could only sit pitifully on the second-class seat and look at himself.As for the other teachers, they all have senior professional titles!Associate senior teachers enjoy sub-subject-level treatment, and senior teachers enjoy full-subject-level treatment.People can reimburse first-class seats
Therefore, Ai Wen was the worst person in the group, and he was the only one who was treated as a second-class seat throughout the whole process.In fact, Aiwen can also pay for the first-class seat at his own expense, but he is not that picky-my comfort level of the Dahuaxia high-speed rail is very reliable, and the first-class seat is actually not much better than the second-class seat.

And sitting next to Ai Wen is a young lady with good looks, wouldn't it be nice to sit with young lady all the way?And sitting with the seniors, all small tasks such as running errands and fetching water are Aiwen's.He was very comfortable sitting alone in the second-class car.

Not only did Aiwen feel happy, but the young lady sitting next to Aiwen also felt that this trip made a lot of money.It is all about luck and fate to be able to meet someone next to you when you are in the car. Obviously, I have won the jackpot this time-it is better to be next to a handsome guy with handsome features and looks better than Pan An than to be next to an ugly guy who picks his feet all the time strong?
This little brother looks so good-looking!Looks better than a star!And his skin is so good! 360-degree no dead angle is that good!Can't even see the hairs!
Ai Wen was stared at by the scorching eyes of the young lady beside him, and Ai Wen really couldn't hold it when he stared at his face so directly.If it was in the past, Ivan would not mind some magical encounters during the trip, but now. He is married, and this time he is on a business trip.

But the atmosphere was so awkward, Ivan still decided to say something.So he used his superb words to break the embarrassment between strangers. After 10 minutes, the strangeness between Ai Wen and the young lady disappeared.

During the chat, Aiwen pretended to inadvertently inform the young lady that he was married.But this little action is very subtle, not embarrassing at all.But Miss Sister was still a little regretful when she heard that Ai Wen was married--as expected, all the good men in the world have been abducted!When will my true soulmate show up?

Relying on his profound knowledge, no matter what topic the young lady brings up, Aiwen can take it over smoothly without being cold.The young lady is an employee of an advertising company, and she came to Beijing this time to meet with Party A to strengthen communication.

One world, one Party A.No matter what industry, Party A is an extremely magical existence.Their requirements are ethereal and harsh, and they clearly want Sun Meili, but they make demands against the bull-headed terrier.Ai Wen can also understand this kind of thing. He often encountered all kinds of weird requests when he was writing papers and filming graduation albums in college.

The emotional resonance almost made the little sister excitedly ask Ai Wen for help, so Ai Wen added a young lady designer from an advertising company to Ai Wen's friend list.Regarding the relationship with the opposite sex after marriage, Ai Wen has always adhered to the red line and never violated the rules—he cannot let down Chen Yanzi's trust in him.She knew that she had a lot of criminal records, but she resolutely married her in a flash marriage.This kind of good girl Ai Wen felt that he had to cherish it.

Moreover, there are not many girls in China who can match Chen Yanzi in terms of appearance. Those entertainment stars will lose several grades in appearance after taking off their makeup!Not to mention those Internet celebrities who maintain their popularity by smoothing their skin, thinning their faces, and having big eyes. Anyway, Ai Wen has been around for so many years, and I have never seen a few girls who are prettier than Chen Yanzi.

Those who say that house flowers do not have the fragrance of wild flowers must not have the insight of Ai Wen. His ex-girlfriend started in three figures-so he doesn't think the girls outside are more attractive than Chen Yanzi.

So even if the young lady repeatedly hinted that Aiwen could contact her when she was in the imperial capital, Aiwen still had no intention of being tempted.Tired of exploring during the day?Why do you have to tell me about your rest time?Doesn't it smell good when you sleep?

After arriving in the imperial capital, Aiwen met up with the team leaders and fellow teachers, boarded the car that had been arranged earlier, and was taken directly to the hotel.For the same business trip, Ivan's reimbursement amount is lower than others.So Ivan's room conditions are not as good as others.

This Aiwen can also accept it. This is a good treatment from his age and qualifications. It would be unfair if Aiwen enjoys the same treatment as them!

Dinner is eaten out, and it is not illegal for a group of ten people to go to an old restaurant to have a meal of hot-boiled mutton.The average food standard per person for a meal of boiled mutton is no more than one hundred yuan, which is definitely within the rules.

Tomorrow they will attend an educational lecture, and then the day after tomorrow they will go to the better schools for visits, studies, inspections and exchanges. The education in Q City can be regarded as a place in the whole country, and many educational achievements have made colleagues in other places respect.This is why the schools in the imperial capital will open their doors to their group, and the more they communicate with their peers in education, the greater the progress.

The teachers sent by Q city are all capable, especially those backbone teachers - they all have their own famous teacher studios under their hands.Ai Wen's qualifications are low, but his first-hand educational achievements can also blind the eyes of his peers. He is regarded as a key training target for the young generation of Q City.

The old generation will eventually recede, and the new generation will sooner or later take up the banner of education in Q City.The Academy of Educational Sciences needs experts to take over the place at any time.It doesn't matter if Aiwen goes to Northern Normal University for postgraduate study, or even for master and doctoral studies, even if he stays at Northern Normal University, it is a good thing.

Anyway, no matter what time it is, Ivan and Q City have a love affair.Whenever the Q City Academy of Education and Science learns from Ai Wen, Ai Wen cannot cherish himself with his broom.

(End of this chapter)

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