Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 343 – The meeting with huge crowd

Chapter 343 – A Meeting With a Huge Row

Early the next morning, Ai Wen got up early and turned on his mobile phone to remotely contact Xie Mingjie in Q City.Although Aiwen is not at school, the morning exercises of Class [-] cannot be stopped.The learning and proficiency of Wubuquan is guided by Li Guoyao. This guy has studied under the hands of his senior for half a year, and his martial arts foundation is pretty good.

"How did our classmates behave when I was away?" Ai Wen asked, although he was in the imperial capital, his heart was still in Q City.

Xie Mingjie replied seriously: "The students in our class are doing well. They listen carefully in class, and the self-study is quiet. And we have decided what musical instrument each person will learn, and we are going to enroll in Shiniang's art school."

"You can mention my name when you go, and let your mistress give you a discount!" Ai Wen said boldly.

If his own students go to learn musical instruments, Ai Wen can make the decision for Chen Yanzi and give them a discount.The children only need to give the part of the money divided by the instrument teacher. As for the part that the school needs to share, Ai Wen directly waived it for the students.

Backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, it is definitely a great fortune for the children in Class [-] to have such a local class teacher as Ai Wen.Ai Wen has already discussed this matter with Chen Yanzi. Although the students in Class [-] can't make any money, so many students signing up is itself a kind of publicity for the art school.

Moreover, they are living advertisements of the art school, they will always have friends from other classes or the same age, and the rewards obtained after a good word of mouth spreads through the children's mouths are far beyond what these tuition fees can match.

Of course, it is not mandatory for the children to sign up for Aiwen—if your grandpa can play the erhu, there is no need to find a teacher to learn it!Ai Wen didn't make money from his wife's art school either!

The vast majority of parents expressed their support for their children's choice of learning musical instruments, and a small number of parents felt that learning musical instruments might have an impact on their children's academic performance.Ai Wen personally talked to these parents to persuade them. The teacher's words must be more reliable than the children themselves.Moreover, Aiwen's speech skills are very superb, as long as you communicate with him, you will be taken away from the rhythm, and then you will think along his words.

Therefore, every time Ivan makes a decision, there will be two kinds of parents: parents who support and parents who are persuaded by Ivan.In fact, there are really very few extremely stubborn parents in this world.At least there is no such weird thing in Aiwen's seventh class.If there are parents who are not human, Aiwen will try to educate their children as much as possible-so that the children will not be poisoned too much by the parents!
Generally speaking, the parents of Class [-] are very upright, and most of the parents can agree and support every task that Aiwen arranges.This makes his students work quite well.

After talking with Xie Mingjie, Ai Wen had a more general understanding of the situation in Class Seven. In addition to contacting the monitor, he also had to ask the teachers in the class.Buddha jumping over the wall can't be free, he is on a business trip, and the order of the seventh class needs their help to maintain.

Although Song Hongxia has been working for a year, she still lacks experience in class management.Ai Wen was very afraid that she would not be able to control the scene, so he had been in No. [-] Middle School for more than a year, and the children in Class No. [-] became old fritters. Although no one of them dared to have sex with the teacher, it was still good to do some tricks in secret. It is possible.

After washing up, Ai Wen came downstairs to join the investigation team in a clean and tidy manner.Then a group of people got in the car and went straight to the main venue of today's meeting. In addition to the group from Q City, there were also teams from other cities participating in today's business study.

The relationship between peers in the education field is relatively harmonious, and there is no bitter hatred between teachers. On the contrary, they can learn from each other's strengths to make up for their weaknesses.So before the meeting starts, Aiwen will also communicate with some colleagues.

The average age of the teachers participating in the meeting was over 35 years old, and Ai Wen's age was obviously lower than this average, and he was the youngest boy in the whole training.For a young man to sneak into this venue, it is obvious that his superiors must have entrusted him with a heavy responsibility.Therefore, no one underestimates Aiwen because of his age, and the same is true in the education industry-it is better to bully the old than the young, and the young are the generation with unlimited potential.

Every communication with experienced old teachers is a rare opportunity.This is also one of the reasons why Aiwen finally agreed to participate in the meeting. Every old teacher is a huge knowledge base. Although their experience may not be useful to you, but the stones from it can be used to attack jade, and other people's ideas It is also inspiring to myself.

At the beginning of the meeting, the speakers on stage were all well-known education experts, and any one picked out at random was a well-known bigwig, quite well-known.Take the speech list of the first day: Wei Shusheng, Li Jinchi, Li Zhenxi, Wen Rumin
Ivan has heard of each of these people-either in textbooks, in educational monographs, or in the editors' list of textbooks.Anyway, any one of these gangsters is a super teacher, a national model worker, a doctoral supervisor or something.Although Lao Jin is also an education expert, he can only be ranked outside the top ten in this conference.

Ai Wen spent the whole lecture in shock.Because there are too many bigwigs appearing today, the layout of this education conference is simply too high.Thank you for the promotion of the leader. It is beyond Ivan's imagination to be able to participate in this level of conference!

Listening to the different ideas of educators, Aiwen absorbs nutrients to enrich himself just like a sponge absorbs water.His hands didn't stop like a convulsion, and kept recording the main points and writing his experience.The colleagues sitting in the same row with Aiwen felt that his future was limitless after seeing Aiwen's learning state. As long as he develops steadily in the education field, he will become a famous teacher and expert one day sooner or later. .

Fun! Really fun!
After Aiwen listened to the lecture, many of the doubts in his mind disappeared, and the thinking in his mind became clearer.This is the power of a word from an expert, passing on thousands of volumes of books while passing on a piece of paper.A certain sentence from the educator may open up Aiwen's two lines of appointment and supervision.

After returning to the hotel, Aiwen eagerly talked with Lao Jin on the phone.Of course, Lao Jin had heard that such a large meeting was being held in the Imperial Capital. After all, so many bigwigs attended and spoke at the meeting, Lao Jin could also receive some rumors.He was surprised that Aiwen had the opportunity to attend this meeting. At the same time, Lao Jin said that he could give Aiwen the personal contact information of these educators. As long as Aiwen reported that he was his disciple, these educators would also It is very face-saving to chat with him.

Lao Jin is quite interesting to Aiwen, he definitely trains Aiwen as a closed disciple.Educational theorists like Lao Jin are very different from and very complementary to these frontline educators.So the relationship between them is actually pretty good.The academic circle gets smaller as it goes up, and the bigwigs actually know each other—because those are the same people who come and go to high-end academic conferences, and everyone becomes friends after coming and going.

Ai Wen was very grateful for Lao Jin's support.I must repay Lao Jin twice in the future. Lao Jin's child is not in the country, and he will be Lao Jin's own son in the future, and treat Lao Jin like his own father.

(End of this chapter)

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