Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 346 – Research Planning

Chapter 346 – Research Planning
Back in Q City, Ivan didn't stop much.After participating in such a big meeting, Aiwen must write various reports, and then give lectures in the school and even in the district.Although No. [-] Middle School is a middle school directly under the municipality, the district education committee has to give face. If you are invited to give a lecture, are you embarrassed not to go?
When Ivan was completely free, he found that half of September had passed.Fortunately, through this study, Aiwen has accumulated a lot of advanced knowledge, and he will not be confused in the short term in his future career development.

As the only teacher who has gone out of No. [-] Middle School, it is no secret that Ai Wen is valued by the superiors.When he returns to the office, he can always hear jokes such as Gou Fugui and Don't Forget.

"Guys, I'm just an ordinary second-level teacher. How can I be as powerful as you say?" Aiwen smiled bitterly and handed out popsicles to everyone, and the teacher in the same office chatted with him while sucking the skating cabinet.

"Didn't you buy some souvenirs for your wife this time?" Teacher Wang asked.

"No time! Study and study during the day, and go back to the meeting at night. I can't wait to use 24 hours as 48 hours. It's too difficult!" Ai Wen said with lingering fear.

Teacher Li asked: "Have you heard any news from the Academy of Education? How do we reform?"

"It is definitely going to be changed, but the plan has not yet been determined. I am now half of the staff of the Academy of Educational Sciences. If there is a rumor, I should know it soon. I don’t know if I don’t go out. I will be shocked when I go out. Our 2.5 line in Q City There must be no comparison between the city and the imperial capital—the difference is too far!" Ai Wen shook his head and said.

Teacher Li asked: "Students in the imperial capital all learn how to leverage?"

"Study is not the main thing. Their comprehensive quality and the cultivation of independent personality are beyond our reach. Take the Middle School Attached to Minda University we went to as an example, their students spend every Saturday and Sunday going to the imperial capital. , Hubei and even the Central Plains. Their vision is not comparable to our students. Of course, their funding is not comparable to ours. Their head teacher’s allowance is 3000 yuan a month. My tortoise, their allowance is all It's almost catching up with my second-level salary!" Ai Wen smiled wryly.

All the teachers expressed envy when they heard the treatment of the teachers in the imperial city - they are also educators, and the head teacher's allowance in Q City is only [-] yuan.Three times the gap is the difference in living standards!

Listening to Aiwen talking about what he had seen and heard about going out for meetings, the teachers in the office also realized the gap between themselves and the most educated areas.Some gaps cannot be made up by means, but some gaps can be caught up.At least through Aiwen's discussion, it is necessary to conduct research activities once a year or every semester.

It is more important to let students go out to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge than to take more scores.Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Suspending classes for a week and letting children go out of the campus and go into the society to see and think will gain far more than dead reading.

As for which travel company to cooperate with, this has not yet been decided.However, being close to the water comes first, and Aiwen is an internal employee of the system anyway, so he can get some internal information.Therefore, Lao Gao's travel company has a part of the first-mover advantage over others.

Moreover, the record of Class [-]'s previous "Traveling the Imperial Capital" theme research activity has been completed. Lao Gao can use this material to prove that his company has enough experience in this area.

How many students are there in Q city?Aiwen, as a poor child who has to grade papers every year, of course knows it clearly!In their school year alone, there are 8760 people in the city!Based on this standard, the number of people who need to study each year is more than 2!

Even if the profit is small but the turnover is small, and only 500 yuan of profit is made from each student, once the base increases, 1000 students will be a net profit of 1000 million yuan!This is a net profit of [-] million!It is very rare for a private tourism company to earn this amount!
This is only for junior high school students, what if elementary and high school students also participate?You can earn even more money!Isn't it easy to earn tens of millions of profits?

When a travel agency operates, the more passengers, the lower the cost.Whether it is a scenic spot or a hotel, the price will be adjusted to a very low level when receiving a group of thousands of people.A hundred students may only need to spend 1000 yuan each to travel, but if you take 1000 yuan to let a child go on a trip with the same consumption level, it may not even be enough for accommodation!
Aiwen is not too clear about the way of it, but Lao Gao is indeed an insider!With Ai Wen as a matchmaker, it shouldn't be difficult for Lao Gao to win the Q City project.As for how Lao Gao can impress the leader Aiwen, it doesn't matter, he is just a bridge.

However, proper bidding procedures are necessary, and it is impossible for the Q City Education Bureau to give the project to Lao Gao without going through any links.However, Lao Gao has great advantages. First, because it is a private enterprise, many redundant consumption can be saved.Second, Lao Gao has a strong network and can handle many relationships to reduce travel costs.For the same line and the same service, the price of Lao Gao can be [-]% lower than that of its peers.

Moreover, Lao Gao is not afraid of price wars. If he really wants hard steel, Lao Gao can give up all the profits to win the project.Aiwen will give Lao Gao enough subsidies, so don't worry about handing over the child to his company, Aiwen!Who knows what the business capabilities of other companies are?Does anyone know what the tour guide capabilities of other companies are like?Who knows if other companies will find a bunch of unprofessional companions in order to save costs?
If things really developed to that point, Aiwen would definitely not agree with the students of Class Seven to participate in the research of other groups.It's not that he is narrow-minded, he is really worried!Among the existing research activities, there are many provisions for guaranteeing the safety of students, but the ratio of teachers and safety officers is not enough.To effectively protect the safety of students, the ratio of administrators to students must be reduced to one to seven or even one to five.

But now most travel agencies can provide at most two tour guides for a class, and if you add the principal and deputy head teachers in the class, there are four people.It is obviously beyond our capabilities for four people to be responsible for the safety of more than 40 people.If there is a mistake, no one can take the responsibility.

Reform is the driving force, development is the last word, and stability is paramount.No matter how well you prepare for the event and how much knowledge you learn on the way, as long as there is a safety accident, all your grades will be zero!How ruthless the parents are these days!As long as your child has a headache, he dares to sue the school!There are not enough safety officers for such a big thing as research and study, it is simply playing with children's safety!

When Aiwen took his children to Beijing, he not only took safety precautions, but also called most of the teachers in the seventh class.There are [-] students and [-] teachers in the seventh class - each person only needs to look after five children, which is very relaxing and stress-free.

But if all ten classes in the whole school year are killed, there will definitely not be enough teachers for the whole year group.There are less than [-] students in the whole school year, and only three students are left in each class.There is a huge difference in the workload between one person watching ten children and one person watching five children.

At that time, it was the teacher who was tormented—the psychological pressure was quite huge!
(End of this chapter)

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