Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 356 – Optimistic Alvin

Chapter 356 – Optimistic Alvin

Because everyone in Class [-] learns folk music, they have to lean closer to the ancient style when selecting songs.After a lot of debate between you and me, I finally decided on the track - "Red Ling".

"Boss, can we sing "Red Ling"?" Xie Mingjie asked in a doggy manner.

Ai Wen nodded: "Yes. You can purchase the costumes and props by yourself. After you buy them, you can ask me for reimbursement with the consumption records."

"Come on!" Xie Mingjie grinned, and happily ran back to work to report the news.

"Xiao Ai, the children in your class are still excellent - you don't need to worry about anything." Teacher Wang, the class teacher of Class [-] sitting behind him, sighed.She is also a math teacher in Class [-]. Through such a comparison, she envies Ai Wen more and more.

The excellence of the seventh class is recognized by the whole school.Of course, the excellence of Class Seven is inseparable from Ai Wen's training.When I first entered school, the school had made it very clear-the average score of ten classes of students was the same.That is to say, changing Aiwen to lead other classes would also be quite good.

Of course, it's accidental that class [-] is so good—Xie Mingjie was admitted to No. [-] middle school because of a mistake in his performance.It can only be said that good fortune tricks people, Xie Mingjie should have such a calamity in this life.This further shows the importance of fate. If he hadn't fallen into Aiwen's hands, he might never have the chance to catch up with his peers in No. [-] Middle School in this life.

But in Aiwen's hands, Xie Mingjie's edge has been sharpened again, and he is far better than his peers in No. [-] Middle School.What's more, his future is not locked in the school, and the company run by his father is booming - only Ivan knows how much wealth an accidental invention will bring him!

As long as the billionaires don't go astray, their prospects in this life could not be brighter.He has enough capital to develop, to try and make mistakes, and with hundreds of millions of starting capital, Xie Mingjie has surpassed 90.00% of five opponents in terms of starting point no matter what field he is engaged in.

Will Xie Mingjie go astray?Does he dare to go astray?If he goes astray, Aiwen will be the first one to jump out and beat him up!The students in Class [-] are Aiwen's first batch of students in the true sense. Being a subject teacher and being a class teacher are simply two states.

However, Aiwen's idle chess skills have developed well. Although Aiwen only made a quick sum of money through them, they are all very competitive. After leaving the technical school, they are crazily enriching themselves.They deeply know that there is only this chance to change their destiny, and if they don't want to sink to the bottom, they can only seize this opportunity to jump over the dragon's gate.

Ai Wen listened to Teacher Wang's exclamation and smiled warmly: "It's all good luck. The child is obedient"

Director Xiao Tang gave him a disdainful look: "I heard you pretending to be 13 from a long distance away, saying what are you going to sing in this youth song competition? You are the only seedling in the teacher group of No. [-] Middle School!"

Ai Wen was dumb: "How do you know?"

"Is there a secret in the school?" Director Xiao Tang asked hesitantly, "Now the whole school knows that you are going to participate in the Youth Song Competition, but we still know your level - if you don't win the gold medal, there must be something dark about the competition!"

The teachers in the office nodded approvingly.It is recognized by all the teachers in the school that Aiwen sings well, and this cowardly singing is like a siren siren, with the power to confuse the soul.Thanks to Ai Wen, this guy doesn't often sing, otherwise the teaching order in No. [-] Middle School would not be easy to maintain!
The teachers of the No. [-] Middle School felt that after this youth song competition, all schools and units would definitely sign a letter to prohibit No. [-] Middle School teacher Ai Wen from participating in the singing competition.As soon as this guy came out on stage, there was basically no one else's business-in terms of singing, only the singers of the national team could compete with Ai Wen.

Ai Wen touched his chin and said, "Is it a solo song? Do you think I sing solemnly or lightly? Show off skills or play affectionately?"

Director Xiao Tang was annoyed: "You really don't pretend to be uncomfortable, Ski! Can you sing dolphin sounds?"

"Yes." Aiwen smiled contemptuously: "Ah~~ah~~ahah~~"

Director Xiao Tang was confused: "Are you really capable? You didn't make a broken sound the whole time? You haven't changed your voice, have you?"

"Nonsense! Which child speaks as magnetically as I do?" Ivan switched back to his magnetic baritone voice.

Director Xiao Tang shook his head: "Wall hanging is wall hanging."

In the end, Aiwen decided to play some tricks after much deliberation: "Well, I will sing the Italian version of "My Sun" in the preliminary round. As for the final singing, I will talk about it later, what if I am eliminated in the preliminary round?"

Director Xiao Tang looked confused: "It's not that I doubt your ability, but can you speak Italian? Just hearing that word makes my tongue burn."

Ai Wen smiled and said: "Practice! Anyway, there is still a period of time - we have to adjust the style of a singer, when the time comes, put a big wave wig on the top of the head, and a small tuxedo on the body. Pavarotti!"

"Can it work? You represent our No. [-] Middle School." Director Xiao Tang said worriedly: "Have you ever heard of a word called Qu Gao He Zhi?"

"That's an opera—who dares to say that opera is not good? If the judges give me a low score and can't say a one, two, three, don't blame me for messing up! Dude, I have studied music theory. If those judges talk nonsense, I will definitely spit He was spitting all over his face." Ai Wen patted Director Xiao Tang on the shoulder and comforted him.

Director Xiao Tang was skeptical: "All right, anyway, you are the one participating in the competition, and you will be responsible for the final results."

"That's for sure! As long as no one plays dirty with me, I basically won't lose. By the way, who is the organizer of this Youth Song Competition?" Ai Wen asked curiously. There are only a few departments in Q City that manage the cultural entrance - the Cultural Bureau, the Propaganda Department, the TV station, and the newspaper office.He still doesn't know who is the organizer of this Youth Song Competition.

Director Xiao Tang thought about it: "It seems to be organized by the Bureau of Cultural Affairs, and undertaken by the Bureau of Radio and Television—what's the matter? Are you planning to operate it?"

"It's not, it's not." Ai Wen smiled: "It's easy to know which department is behind it."

There are so many friends behind Ivan!There are people in both the Bureau of Culture and the Bureau of Radio and Television.He can avoid unspoken rules, but he cannot be unspoken rules.This is the bottom line - if there are plenty of means to play dirty Aiwen.Ai Wen doesn't have enough connections, but does his father have enough connections?Does his mother have enough contacts?
What is not enough?It's time to invite out the big killer of the Seven Group!You must know that Qi Group has invested tens of billions to build a sports plaza in Q City!Lin Wan is also a very famous private entrepreneur in front of the city leaders!
If Lin Wan's face-to-face is not enough, Ai Wen will also admit it-who boss is so bored and uses such energy to run a youth song contest award?You are so sick, right?Alvin is not the same as a mental patient!So what if he gave him the gold medal?If you don't win the house or the land, why bother!

Therefore, Aiwen is quite optimistic about whether he can win the award. He has the ability and background, unless he is suppressed by the big boss with the background of Tongtian, otherwise he will definitely be a gold medalist!Here comes the question, why are the bosses with a strong background suppressing him?Is there nothing to do when you are full?

(End of this chapter)

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