Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 358 - Campus Singer Contest Begins

Chapter 358 – Opening of the Campus Singer Contest
Generally, during a large-scale program such as the giant campus singer competition, the whole school would move up their chairs and come to the playground to gather together and gather on the playground to watch.The student activities of the No. [-] Middle School have always been known for being lively. If parents are interested, they can also grab a standing ticket.

There is a huge LED background board behind the ceremony stage of the No. 50 Middle School. This thing was purchased by Director Tang of the Student Office as quickly as possible.In the past, the funds of the Seventh Middle School were tight, and this kind of stage background equipment could only be rented.But this time is different - Qizhong has become rich, and has become a wealthy landowner of Te Niang! [-] sponsorships!I am obedient!

So Director Tang directly handed over the note to the school assembly, and wanted to set up a large LED background board on the school playground where the ceremony was held.In this way, whether it is the school commendation meeting, sports meeting or other activities, it can be upgraded to more than one level.

The ceremonies of other people's homes have at most people speaking, and the ceremonies after the No. [-] Middle School can be combined with audio, video and background images for all-round three-dimensional publicity.This is the first time in the entire Q city!In the future, even if the brother schools come to visit, No. [-] Middle School will have the hardware conditions to show others.

In terms of funding, No. [-] Middle School is definitely not comparable to key schools like No. [-] and No. [-] Middle Schools.However, this time, under the sponsorship of Gaoxindong, the No. [-] Middle School has achieved cornering overtaking in terms of hardware - cheer up!
The students of the No. [-] Middle School were also shocked to see such a beautiful dance condition-before, no matter it was an art festival or a singing competition, the school invested at most to arrange a background board.But look now?It's completely concert-level treatment!Look at that big rocker in the air!It couldn't be more professional!

Don't panic when things happen~
Turn on your phone first~take a photo~
Then send the photo to Moments~
The management of the No. [-] Middle School is relatively humane. Students are allowed to bring mobile phones into the school for activities such as the Campus Singer Contest.This memorable moment can be photographed as a souvenir.

So the students in No. [-] Middle School took out their mobile phones and started recording small videos to send to friends in other schools.You can't just endure the shock by yourself. This kind of thing is a blessing and a pain, so just kneel down and eat lemons!

Because of the money, the host is also equipped with a professional dress and makeup artist.In the past, the hosts had to bring their own costumes, and the make-up meant asking a parent with good make-up skills to do it for them.But this time was different—every detail of this campus singer contest in No. [-] Middle School was full of money and inflation.

And if the children in Class Seven look carefully, they will see some familiar faces: those who tinker with the camera, those who make up the host and singer, and those who adjust the audio equipment with the cooperation of the Broadcasting Department of the Student Union are all Ai Wen’s summer vacation students. staff in the movie.

In the beginning, Director Tang meant to find a wedding studio-level film and television production company to record the festival.But Aiwen, who is always striving for perfection, didn't agree. He directly brought the filming team here from the Imperial City—it's called a treat, but it's actually just a part-time job.
The crew are all regular employees of Hu Yutian's company, dare they accept the task assigned by the second boss?Now the whole company knows that Ai Wen is the second boss of the media company, and he is also the sworn brother of the big boss.Many people in the company have vague guesses about the terrifying background of the big boss, but Ai Wen can call Hu Yutian brothers and sisters, which shows that Ai Wen, the second boss, is also quite awesome.

Although Ei Wenming's identity is just a small teacher, but can a teacher who can spend tens of millions to make a self-entertaining movie just to let students see the world be an ordinary person?

So the production crew rushed from the imperial capital to Q city.Compared with the local wedding studio-level shooting companies in Q City, Aiwen's ability to find the crew is simply as good as the sky.Look at the smoothness of this camera switch!Check out the professionalism of this live dispatcher!Look at this makeup!Director Tang's molars came out happily!
"Mr. Xiao Ai, the person you are looking for is really professional!" Director Tang, who was in charge of the overall situation, praised Ai Wen.

Ai Wen said modestly: "My friend's family owns a media company, so I happened to borrow his idle crew to help out."

"Professional crew? Isn't it too expensive?" Director Tang asked, 50 was almost spent on hardware, and it would be embarrassing to overspend because of a crew moving in.

Ai Wen chuckled: "Volunteer helpers don't need money! Don't worry if you are old!"

Director Tang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good. We must let these staff come to the cafeteria to eat at noon, and I will ask the canteen master to entertain them with the highest craftsmanship!"

Ai Wen Yile: "That's a good relationship! Our school cafeteria chef's skills are really amazing!"

Each unit canteen has a role like a sweeping monk.The chef in the canteen of the No. [-] Middle School is a big boss. When he cooks big pot rice, the taste is relatively good, but once the amount of dishes is reduced, the taste will suddenly improve.

He is regarded as the treasure of the No. [-] middle school cafeteria, and only when the big leaders come, he will cook small pot dishes for entertainment.At noon today, Ai Wen felt that this master chef had to use all his strength to cook.Why is Director Tang so easy to speak?He is in charge of the moral education of students, and he doesn't care about the students from the time they enter the school to when they leave the school.Dining in the student cafeteria is of course also within his management category.

The canteen of No. [-] Middle School was not contracted to private individuals. The operation of the canteen was always controlled by the school collective, and the supervisor was Director Tang.Most of the lunches are settled by Director Tang in the cafeteria.When the food for the students was not good enough, the director went to the kitchen supervisor to scold her.

Aiwen sometimes goes back to the cafeteria for tooth-beating festivals. The meals and prices in the No. [-] Middle School cafeteria are very affordable.Some children from ordinary families will eat in the cafeteria, and you can't eat such a cheap lunch outside.The canteen of the No. [-] Middle School has very little profit. All the dishes are basically operated at a meager profit. At most, it can earn back the raw material money and the wages of the canteen staff.

The canteen of the Seventh Middle School can also be regarded as a clear stream in the education field. Many schools outsource the canteen to some companies.It is the nature of businessmen to seek profit. Even if some companies operate with conscience, they will still do their homework on prices.You can't talk too much about the flamboyant ways here, or you will have to go to the palace to find the author
After an hour of busy work, the preparatory work for the Campus Singer Contest has been completed.The students moved their chairs and sat down on the playground. At this time, the aerial images taken by the drone from the sky were transmitted to the big screen. School uniforms of three colors (one color for the seventh middle school uniform for the first grade, from the first to the third year of junior high school) have always used this color of school uniform) sitting in their respective areas clearly.

This kind of overhead shooting is very spectacular. Many naughty students jumped up and waved at the drone. Their movements were faithfully recorded by the camera of the drone. More and more sand sculpture students began to imitate, so the audience was boiling. .

Before the game officially started, the audience cheered up.Or professional directors and professional cameras are reliable, why don't you try a wedding studio-level film and television company?How can there be such a good effect?
(End of this chapter)

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