Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 360 – Mental Explosion

Chapter 360 – Mental Explosion

"Who is this? How awesome?"

"This voice? Goosebumps are coming up!"

"Bring a million sound cards with you? I love it!"

"I want to know the name of this schoolgirl within 3 minutes!"

The children sitting in class [-] couldn't sit still. The singing voice of this unknown junior girl made them feel their scalps go numb.Although Vice-Master Ban sings well and has a good voice, in terms of skills, he is much more professional than Li Jinqiong.

Ai Wen touched his chin to express his curiosity when he saw this situation. It really is a new generation replacing the old one. Class Seven can't cover the sky with one hand in any activity!

The joint singing of the song is the opening, and the 1-person joint singing for 16 minutes is really quite enjoyable.After the joint singing of the songs, the host began to introduce the information of the contestants - whenever the host introduced the singers of his class, his classmates would cheer.

Of course Class [-] will not lag behind. When the host introduced Li Jinqiong, they broke out in an unparalleled unity: "Chen Xia Yao Mingjie, Luo Jinqiong is full. Class deputy~ come on!"

Margot!Class [-] can still play!The cheering slogans are so neat!Why do you always feel that you are quite an amateur when you have a fortune with the gang of Class Seven?
As expected of a whole group, Class [-] really knows how to play!However, the support slogan of class seven added a touch of color to the game.But what Aiwen thinks after hearing this is hard to say Chenxia Yao Mingjie, Manxi Luo Jinqiong?Is this meow trying to rebel?Why do you want to get married in situ?
This kind of slogan must have been thought up by Xie Mingjie and he didn't run away. The senior squad leader who was quite mature and steady became erratic under the abduction of a group of sand sculptures with crooked styles in the seventh class.However, his ability to handle affairs and academic performance are still very stable, otherwise Ai Wen would definitely invite him to drink tea and calm down.

The next match is the PK breakout match, where sixteen players compete in pairs.Then the judges and the public judges will score-the public judges are selected by each class, and there are three people in each class, a total of 30 people.The judges and teachers can each score ten points, and the public judges can only choose whether to give points or not.

The students in the No. [-] Middle School all have a good sense of fairness. When the public judges rate the singers, they only use whether they sound good or not, and whether they like or dislike them.Public judges generally don't just rate players in their own class, and there is still a need for professional ethics.

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. If you are narrow-minded and score randomly, the class you represent will be ashamed.There was once a class where the public judges made malicious grades and was despised by the whole school. Until graduation, the students in that class couldn't hold their heads up in front of the whole school.

Therefore, when the teacher selects the public judges, he must repeatedly emphasize: fairness!fair!It's still fair!

The PK competition is more cruel. After two rounds of competition, four singers will be born to enter the final.After entering the finals, the top four will sing according to their scores.In the final round of the competition, the scores will be re-scored. The strength of the top four has little to do with the first and second rounds.

After fierce competition, Li Jinqiong entered one of the semi-finals of the finals without any risk.As expected, the monster among the freshmen entered the final four, and the remaining two final four contestants were familiar faces from last year's art festival—they were the top two of the top ten campus singers at last year's art festival .

These four people basically represent the highest singing level of students in the No. [-] middle school. Among the top four, there are three girls and one boy.It has to be said that boys are at a disadvantage in the campus singer competition, unless the boys' voices can be as amazing as Zhou Shen's, otherwise they will not take advantage when competing with girls on the same stage.

Among the four, the super freshman with the highest comprehensive score in the first and second rounds.She firmly occupies No.1 with her amazing voice and steady typhoon. No.2 is the No.1 of last year's top ten singers--the only boy among the top four. No.3 is Li Jinqiong, the unobtrusive female schoolmaster for the first time to show her edge on the singing stage-many people in the second year group have heard the rumors of the beautiful schoolmaster Li Jinqiong, but they did not expect her Singing is also so nice.

Before the final round of the finals, there are performances as usual.The top four contestants can use this time to adjust their status, change their clothes, and compete for the Golden Microphone Trophy in the Campus Singer Contest in their best condition.

The gold microphone trophy of No. [-] High School is made of stainless steel and brass plated, but it still looks very high-end and elegant.Moreover, the activities organized by the Student Office have always rewarded a lot of money, trophies and so on are only secondary.

The player with the highest total score in the first and second rounds can first select the order of appearance.The first-year freshman chose No.3 to appear on the stage, the only male singer chose to sing at the end, and Li Jinqiong directly chose to be the first to appear on the stage-she wanted to let the strength and strongest edge of everyone in Class [-] crush the audience!

When the order of performances was announced, the students who were sitting as old dogs in the seventh class of the eighth grade immediately took off their school uniforms, copied guys and ran backstage.They were chaotic and orderly. Although they looked scattered, they actually came to the backstage in a fixed formation.

Classes [-] and [-] next door watched the animals in Class [-] take off their school uniforms and leave with copycats, all of them opened their mouths.

"You have lived a long life! The seventh class is going to work again!"

"I'll just say it! Class Seven must be holding back something!"

"A singing show, what kind of trouble is the whole class going on stage?"

"Why do I feel that Mr. Aiwen, who is sitting alone on the Iron Throne, is inexplicably happy?"

"The country is still there, but the people are lost?"

No matter how the other classes looked at it, the collective dispatch of class seven really shocked the staff of the student union.

"Are there really so many of you?" The host who was waiting in the background was a little dazed looking at the dozens of people.

Xie Mingjie had already changed into his performance costumes: "That's right! I'm the guest singer, those are the accompanists, those are the backup dancers—there's nothing wrong with it!"

"Okay, you are invincible if you have a lot of people!" The host walked onto the stage in a daze and began to announce the curtain.

Male: I am humble and dare not forget to worry about the country. It is said that opera actors are ruthless, but how do they know that opera actors also have hearts.

Female: Loyal to the liver and courage, the water sleeves are falling.A song "Red Ling" is given to Splendid Huaguo!

Male: Please enjoy the song "Red Ling" brought to you by Li Jinqiong and all the students from Class [-], Grade [-].

Under the various Spartan eyes of the audience, Class [-] rushed onto the stage holding musical instruments and wearing costumes.They put together the band and hooked up the radio in the fastest time possible.The dance team stands ready and waits for the music to start at any time.

In the anticipation of everyone, the seven folk bands began to play skillfully.The melodious music sounded from the stage, and the shocking texture brought by the professional band performance is definitely not comparable to the dry soundtrack.



"As expected of Class Seven!"

"This row is invincible!"

"I also want to learn folk music!"

"Love love!"

The three players waiting in the audience almost cried after seeing the formation of class seven.What is this?what is this?What is this for?Isn't it just singing?What about you?As for it!Can we have a good game?Obviously it should be a fair duel in the style of western cowboys, but what do you mean by taking out an AK47?
Can you have fun?

The mentality of the players has collapsed!So bullying!

(End of this chapter)

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