Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 362 - Squad leader, someone is looking for him!

Chapter 362 - Squad leader, someone is looking for it!

However, there are some things that you can't envy no matter how envious you are. Having a class teacher is like a second reincarnation, and being able to meet a reliable teacher is simply a great blessing from a previous life.

After the campus singer contest ended, Ai Wen brought the whole class to Qishidai to celebrate.The students in Class [-] almost regarded Qishidai as their home - they didn't eat as many meals at home as they did in Qishidai!

The students in Class [-] have always felt that their teacher Ai Wen has some kind of close connection with Qi Shidai.It is even possible that Qishidai was invested and opened by Mr. Ai Wen.No one can tell how much money Mr. Ai Wen has, but with his local tyrant spirit, it is not impossible to open a restaurant.

In the small hall of the restaurant, Aiwen held up Kvass to congratulate Li Jinqiong: "Warmly congratulate Jinqiong for winning the silver award in the campus singer competition! Let us congratulate Jinqiong!"

"Congratulations to Jin Qiong!"

The students of class seven held kvass high and celebrated with a sense of ritual.This can be regarded as a routine procedure for the celebration banquets of Class [-]. The celebration banquets again and again can stimulate the children's collective sense of honor and make them feel proud and proud in their hearts.

The sense of unity is formed in the process of strengthening again and again. Without victories again and again, no matter how united the team is, the hearts of the people will be scattered.Aiwen is well versed in team management, so he has extremely high requirements for children to participate in activities.This time Li Jinqiong can be regarded as living up to expectations, with a stable performance and a steady typhoon.Although he still lost to the freshman in terms of skills, these things can be made up for. In terms of natural conditions, Li Jinqiong and others are almost the same.

Losing is not terrible, what is terrible is losing the heart to fight because of losing.The students in Class [-] are not afraid of failure, but they are afraid of decadence. Only with an enterprising heart can students always charge towards victory.

After a sumptuous celebration banquet, apart from the necessary joint practice once every three days, the rest of the time will still be spent on learning foreign languages ​​and musical instruments.After all, ordinary people can't resist the temptation of Europa's sixteen-country tour - Li Yang is the only person in class [-] who definitely won't go.It's not that he doesn't want to go, but that he chose the basketball path and can only go on without complaints or regrets.

Everyone is responsible for their own choices.Although Li Yang is only 15 years old, he is already fighting for his future.He loves basketball and is willing to dedicate his youth to it.This is very good, and Aiwen is also very supportive-how does the Europa Tour of the Sixteen Countries compare with the lifelong ideal?
It is Chen Xiaolin who regrets this. She really hopes that she and Li Yang can travel together in Europa.It's a pity that his summer training camp was busier than usual, and he didn't have time to participate in the Europa [-]-nation tour arranged during the holidays.what a shame!
Aiwen didn't bother to expose Chen Xiaolin's little thoughtfulness. The child is over fourteen years old, so he should be responsible for his actions.Ai Wen can only grasp the general direction, as long as Chen Xiaolin's liking is not so explicit, and her behavior is not so public, then let her go-just like Xie Mingjie and Li Jinqiong.The entire second-year group soon knew that these two were a couple!
The rising and setting of the sun is another new day, and the Campus Singer Contest has come to an end.Only the top three contestants were sent by the school to participate in the Youth Song Competition of the Q City Youth Group to compete for honors for No. [-] Middle School.The students in Class [-] have resumed their normal study and life rhythm.

Now the students in Class [-] are quite comfortable in their small life. Once the get out of class is over, the students will walk all over the floor without leaving their chairs-who let their chairs have wheels!Moreover, the environment of the classroom is very good. If you are thirsty, there is a tea bar machine where you can get hot water at any time. If you are hungry, there is a vending machine with relatively healthy snacks to satisfy your hunger.

If anyone wants to check information, there are five public computers in class [-] that can be checked online.Aiwen has registered many high-end users of the data network for these five computers, even if students want to download papers, there will be no charging items popping up to be disgusting.

If you want to exercise, go out and turn left to the roof. The roof is now surrounded by a beautiful fence that is as high as a person. Even if you want to jump down from the roof, you can’t find a gap.The roof is already filled with all kinds of fitness and exercise equipment.On the rooftop, you can see two table tennis tables, two billiard tables, and even a badminton court.

The roof of the building has been paved with a shock-absorbing floor by the engineering team, even if you run downstairs on the roof, you won't feel the slightest bit.The strongest thing is that the construction team has added a transparent rain-proof roof to the roof, so that students can enjoy the sunshine without fear of wind and rain.

The rooftop of the No. [-] Middle School is very large. If all the students of the No. [-] Middle School were gathered together, a small sports meeting on the roof would be enough.But now the rooftop is regarded as the private property of the seventh class, and it belongs to the site where idlers are not allowed to enter.In addition to the sports equipment on the roof, the students in Class [-] can enjoy it, and the teachers can also go up there for leisure.

The meaning of the leaders of the No. [-] middle school is also the same: when the No. [-] class graduates, all the facilities on the rooftop will be owned by the school.It will be used as a sports area for teachers, and the range of activities for students is still the original playground.

It can be said that the students in Class [-] are the only students in the history of No. [-] Middle School who can enjoy the rooftop playground.Who let them have a big head teacher?

The day was sunny and sunny, with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.Ai Wen sat in the leisure area of ​​the classroom, holding a thermos cup and drinking wolfberry water happily.Although he is only in his 20s, health preservation should be started as soon as possible.This goji berry is a high-end product brought back by a child's parent on a business trip to Ningxia. It is far from the small goji berries on the market in terms of color and size.

The taste of the water soaked in this kind of wolfberry is also very good. Aiwen likes to drink wolfberry water more and more now-could it be that he is middle-aged?Sure enough, the post-95s have collectively entered middle age!

"It's a beautiful day~" Ai Wen put down the thermos and stretched his waist - the students in Class [-] worked hard, the class looks good, and Ai Wen, the head teacher, rarely worried about the class.He now spends a lot of time reading and studying, and his graduate courses have begun.

Lao Jin has already assigned tasks to Aiwen remotely. He needs to master and learn a lot of knowledge and read a lot of relevant materials before the holiday.Although his part-time graduate students have to concentrate on teaching during the holidays, Ai Wen talked to Lao Jin-he will take the students to engage in various practical activities during the holidays.Lao Jin agreed to Aiwen's application, so he could only let Aiwen study all kinds of materials in his usual time.

"Thank you, class leader~ There is a little magnesium aluminum looking for you!" Li Guoyao's smirk broke the hustle and bustle of get out of class [-]'s dismissal. The whole class was quiet but everyone was staring at Xie Mingjie with burning eyes.

Xie Mingjie stood up stiffly, he didn't dare to look at the eyes of his deskmate now - if the eyes were knives, he might be riddled with holes!

Wang Badan Li Guoyao!You are dead!What is a small magnesium aluminum looking for me?You are so meow, are you cheating?If I can't beat you, I will definitely kill you!Let's see how the Sajia survived this calamity and made you a grandson!
But someone was looking for it, so Xie Mingjie could only leave his seat to take a look.To be honest, because the location of the seventh class is relatively remote, there are very few students from other classes who come to the seventh class to find someone.So all the sand sculpture students in Class [-] were full of curiosity-whose little beauty is looking for the class leader?

(End of this chapter)

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