Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 382 – Family Outing

Chapter 382 – Family Outing

After returning home, Ai Wen stubbornly threw the [-] yuan bill he earned to his wife.Ai Wen said with a smile: "I see, this is your husband's income today."

Chen Yanzi threw the money back in disgust: "Isn't it just earning 500 yuan? What is there to be proud of?"

Ai Wen chuckled: "I earned it by fortune-telling. Auntie is too enthusiastic. If I don't accept it, I won't give him face. In the end, I can only reluctantly put the 500 yuan in my pocket. Don't you know Ah, the old people are so enthusiastic now.”

"Oh, it's so amazing that you even graduated from the teacher!" Chen Yanzi squinted at him, and Ai Wen smiled proudly instead of ashamed.

"By the way, how is the construction of the new campus going? Do you need me to tell Li Guoyao's father to let him compress the construction period as soon as possible and complete it in the shortest time." Ai Wen asked.

"The decoration team has worked hard enough, you still have to go to the boss to make a small report, are you still human?" Chen Yanzi felt that the contractor team had worked hard, and he was quite satisfied with the current progress of the project.

"Could it be that you have to stay at home like a salted fish for the whole winter vacation?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen stretched his waist, and said cheaply: "I'm a teacher of the people, the purpose is to take winter and summer vacations, think about it... If the teachers' winter and summer vacations are cancelled, do you believe that 60.00% of the teachers in the country will be in the rush?" Resign."

"That's right, you public teachers are commendable for having winter and summer vacations left." Chen Yanzi complained.

Ai Wen echoed: "Yes, yes, so I have to take a good rest during the holidays. Actually, I also want to take you out for a trip, but you are not busy with work now. I will take you to the motherland when I have free time during the Chinese New Year." Famous mountains and great rivers for a stroll. I’ll make plans at home first, and we’ll leave with our bags when you have time.”

Chen Yanzi said: "Isn't it a little lonely if we only travel together? We can take your parents, my brother, my sister-in-law, and Xiao Lin to travel in a group."

Allen's eyes lit up: "What you said makes sense. It's a good idea for our family to go on a trip during the Chinese New Year, but so many of us need two cars. I will drive one and your brother will drive one, and I have to get that Alfa in, or it won't be able to seat so many people."

Chen Yanzi said: "Calculating carefully, we have quite a lot of family members. There are no room for two cars. If your driver's license is an A license, it will be fine, and a minibus can take everyone in our family. .”

Ai Wen said hesitantly: "Why don't you say that I bought a RV? I even saved the place to live."

Chen Yanzi curled her lips: "How many people can be accommodated in a caravan? You have to be able to drive me a train!"

"Shut it up! I really don't know how to drive a train, your husband, but I can drive that kind of train." Aiwen winked and said wretchedly.

"Open the door, this is not the car to go to kindergarten! I want to get off! You rascal!" Chen Yanzi joked.

Ai Wen pressed Chen Yanzi under him with a fierce tiger: "The door of the car has been welded, and no one can escape!"

Chen Yanzi broke free from Ivy's arms: "To be honest, you should really plan our family's travel plan, and then talk to our parents about it tomorrow. We've only cared about our own little life this year. , I really don’t care enough about our parents.”

What Chen Yanzi said is indeed true, both Chen Yanzi and Ai Wen are people full of independent beliefs.So it is very good for them to go home to see the elderly every month. Usually, the young couple does not live with their parents at all.This is also the status quo of many young families in contemporary times, and the concern for parents is actually not enough.

The situation of Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi is still good, after all, they live in the same city as their parents.You can also visit during holidays, new year and festivals, and get together for a reunion dinner during the Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival.But more young people in China can only live apart from their parents in order to work hard, and maybe they can only meet during the Spring Festival.

"How about we go to Sanya again?" Ai Wen tentatively suggested.

"We have been to Sanya, why don't we change places? I heard that Yunnan is also good. We can go and see Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake. Our family will book a homestay and spend a week and two weeks of vacation happily. Isn't it very happy? "Chen Yanzi thought for a while.

Ai Wen nodded in praise: "My concubine's suggestion won my heart, and I agreed. We will work separately tomorrow, you tell your parents, I will talk to my parents, and strive to unify our opinions before tomorrow night."

Chen Yanzi nodded: "Okay, let's split up. But shall we travel by plane or by car? Yunnan is not close to us!"

"Let's take the plane. It's fast and comfortable. It's dangerous to drive at high speed. It's easy to get stuck in traffic during the Spring Festival travel rush. It's not as convenient as flying." Ai Wen gave the answer.

You and I, the couple, sum up the matter together, and it seems that the Chinese New Year is coming, and it is also good for the family to go out and play happily.Both Aijia and the whole family are in Q City, so the relationship between the two elderly people is still very close.Sometimes Edison would go to Mr. Chen for tea, and Ai Mama and Chen Mama would meet and go shopping together sometimes.

So Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi now have two parents and two mothers. Mother Chen treats her lover better than her own son, which often makes Chen Yanzi feel bad.On the contrary, Ai's mother treats Chen Yanzi like her own daughter, compared to Ai Wen, she seems to be raised by her stepmother.

The elders of the Chen family and the elders of the Ai family readily agreed to the family travel plan. After Chen Yanzi's elder brother and sister-in-law agreed with her parents, it was meaningless. After Chen Xiaolin learned about this, she showed off in the class group, attracting condemnation from the students .

In the afternoon of the next day, the Chen family and the Ai family set off from Q City in two cars and went straight to the airport.Chen Yanzi's eldest brother drove their family of three in a car, while Ai Wen drove his wife and their parents in a commercial vehicle.

The father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law got together and it was quite lively. Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi didn't chat much, and they listened to their parents' communication the whole time.Who made the two of them the least face-to-face in the whole car?
Arriving at the first waiting hall of the airport, Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi were as busy as the little waiter, and then he prepared fruit drinks for their parents.As for Chen Xiaolin, she was holding her mobile phone and happily chatting with her classmates in the class group.If there is superiority, it will be invalid after the expiration date, so why are you only allowed to post selfies in the group, and this girl is not allowed to show off the family outing?
The plane landed safely after sailing in the sky for several hours. The family changed into thick clothes at the airport, and walked out of the airport wearing only a light coat.This magical place in Yunnan is like spring all year round. Although it is winter now, the climate is still mild.None of the group of people is too weak, so everyone's clothes are not too thick.

After landing, Ai Wen and Chen's eldest brother went to the local car rental company to rent two cars, which were still configured as a sedan and a business car.Then they followed the navigation and found the homestay that Ivan had booked before.This is a villa facing the lake, and the front of the villa is the endless Erhai Lake.The scenery of lakes and mountains is too beautiful to behold.

A pleasant journey has begun.

(End of this chapter)

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