Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 404 – The voice of the heart is all articles

Chapter 404 – The voice of the heart is an article

"Walking on the small road in the country, the shepherd boy's piccolo is my companion..." The melodious children's song floated on the village road, and the mood of riding in the breeze was so comfortable.

Although it seems like a waste of time, cycling also shapes your outlook on life.Ai Wen didn't just lead the students to ride the bike, every noon and evening, everyone in Class [-] would still sit together and chat about the scenery they saw on the side of the road today.

In addition to talking about the scenery, Ai Wen also asked everyone to take out pens and paper to complete the composition.There are insights in my heart, and articles in my pen.After seeing so many beautiful scenery along the way, the students really have something to write about.

The composition written in school has no soul, and only when we truly enter nature and enter the society can there be articles that touch the soul.The students are writing, and Ivan is correcting.As long as the children can polish a composition on the way of cycling, it is considered a victory.

Composition is not about writing as much as possible. The quality of writing is more important than quantity.Therefore, the students in Class [-] only need to complete an excellent composition to achieve his teaching goal.

During the day, Aiwen has to spare time to help students revise articles; in the evening, Aiwen also communicates with editors of some magazines.How can a good composition hide itself?It must be seen by more people across the country!Wealth and honor are like night walks in brocade clothes. Wouldn’t it be a waste to write a good article and not publish it?

Moreover, publishing an article in a magazine will also receive a considerable amount of manuscript fees. In addition to the sample publication, the income of a few hundred yuan is also a surprise for the children.

Aiwen has an old relationship with the magazine, and he has been contributing articles to the magazine.As long as the composition level of the students in Class [-] reaches the standard that can be published, Aiwen will not be stingy with his recommendation.As the saying goes, one does not shy away from one's relatives, and one's own students will be highly praised by Aiwen for their outstanding performance.

He has a high reputation with the editor of the magazine, and Ivan will not send some junk articles to the editor for review.As long as the things sent by Aiwen, almost all of them have reached the standard of publication.Even if it is not achieved, it is not because of the level and level of the article, but because the content of the article does not match the theme of this issue of the magazine.

Especially some children's literature magazines, they are very interested in the articles provided by Aiwen.No matter how much you pretend, an article written by an adult is not the same as an article written by a child.Therefore, high-quality student writing has always been something that many children's literature magazines are eager for.A head teacher like Ai Wen who can bring out good students has always been a high-quality customer of the children's literature magazine.

Moreover, Aiwen's integrity has been certified by the industry, and he will not smash his own brand just for that little manuscript fee.The things he sent are firstly real, and secondly, the quality is guaranteed.The editor only needs to look at the content, because Aiwen has definitely proofread 100% carefully before sending it, and there will be absolutely no typos, bad sentences and other inferior mistakes.

Seeing the students revising their compositions over and over again, Ai Wen felt very gratified... A teacher who wants to make a name for himself must have his own characteristics.Aiwen's teaching feature is the composition class outside the campus.

The most basic requirement for composition is true feelings. Routine composition is like an Internet celebrity produced on an assembly line, which looks glamorous but lacks connotation.In the examination room, although this kind of composition can get a good score, but when the composition loses the important function of emotional expression, such a composition has no soul.

Therefore, Aiwen feels that students must experience certain things before they can gain deep insights. Without this kind of insight, things made up by students will make people feel awkward no matter how they look at them.So, Ai Wen frantically kicked the students out of the campus, traveled north and south, went up and down the mountain... Cycling is just the beginning, and there may be hiking in the next itinerary...

The rural scenery is just an appetizer, and there will be beautiful natural wonders such as the Northwest Desert, Inner Mongolia Grassland, Southwest Terraced Fields, and Plateau Snow Mountains waiting for them to explore and discover.The famous mountains and great rivers of the motherland are full of magnificent and beautiful natural scenery. How can we have the mind to swallow the world without opening our horizons?

Ai Wen kicked the child out of the school after careful consideration, and it was not a reckless choice.After getting along for more than a year, Aiwen found that many students in Class [-] did not have a clear goal in life.Although their academic performance was good, they did not have the belief to support him to go all the way.This is closely related to their living environment. Their hometown is an ordinary prefecture-level city on the second and fifth tiers.Many students have never left the city before entering junior high school.

The narrow field of vision confines the eyes of the children, and their narrow and shallow eyes lead to a lack of deep understanding.They don't know why they study, let alone why they want to go out.They prefer the comfortable environment in their hometown, and they prefer to go to primary school, junior high school, high school or even university in the city step by step.

How is this the idea that a child should have?Young chivalry should have the ambition to ride the wind and waves, and sometimes hang the clouds and sails to help the sea!Therefore, Aiwen must take them all over the north and south of China, through the east and west of China, witness the development of the motherland, and experience the long history.

The real classroom is not in the school, society is a bigger classroom!The time in high school is precious, because they have to face the most important turning point in their lives: the college entrance examination.

The importance of the college entrance examination does not need to be emphasized by anyone at all. As long as people who have studied and made a living in society, they have complicated feelings about the college entrance examination.This is the only fair test in your life where you don't look at your appearance, don't look at your background, and only look at your ability.If you don't seize the opportunity, you will miss a chance for the carp to jump over the dragon's gate.

What's more, it's not clear whether Class Seven can complete Ai Wen in high school. City Q does not have a complete middle school that integrates junior and senior high schools, so after the senior high school entrance examination, the seventh class will inevitably face splitting.Therefore, Ai Wen could only advance this matter to the junior high school stage. Class [-] was the first class he served as a class teacher since his education career, so he wanted to dedicate the best education to his first-generation disciples.

The children don't know Ivan's painstaking efforts, but they also know that the days outside are much happier than in school.Through the tablet computer, they will also chat with the friends who stayed behind in the No. 20 Middle School.This time Ai Wen only brought out more than [-] students, and there were a dozen or so students who could only stay in the school and watch helplessly as their former classmates ate hot pot and sang songs, and rode bicycles while listening to stories.

This is a matter of choice, if their parents choose to accept Ivan's education.Today they will also be part of the riding team, and they can happily laugh around the campfire.

Although the atmosphere of the other classes is not bad, it is still a bit less interesting compared to the seventh class.Especially in the Chinese class, that old and unscrupulous guy Ai Wen can spend 10 to [-] minutes in a class to talk about extra-curricular things.This point is much more interesting than other teachers. Other teachers just taught the contents of the textbook one by one. This is simply a kind of torture for the students from the seventh class.

What are textbooks for?We want to hear stories!

(End of this chapter)

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