Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 408 – The Explosive Concert

Chapter 408 – The Explosive Concert
After a whole morning of purchasing, Chen Yanzi had bought enough aid supplies.Looking at the shopping bag in his hand, it is full of colorful clothes, fans, and bunting.Ai Wen felt that the atmosphere tonight might be quite happy.

There are no seats for today's tickets, and there are only different partitions for different price points, and everyone is a standing ticket.In Chen Yanzi's words, only standing and listening can give you soul... There was a second-hand Qiangwei concert in Gongti, where no one was allowed to stand up, cheer and whistle, the concert was embarrassing from the beginning to the end.

The highest scene should be the music festival, but music festivals are rare.Aiwen has also participated in music festivals before, and the atmosphere of the concert is really incomparable with the music festival.

That should have happened more than four years ago. The Fourth Chinese Young Master drove four SUVs sponsored by Young Peng Yang to Tianmo to participate in the Tianmo Music Festival.To say that Tianmo is the desert with the least amount of rows in all of China, this desert is not to mention small in size and surrounded by shady green trees.

The Tianmo Music Festival is held in the desert, and participants are required to bring their own water, food and tents.If you meet a girl you like, you can invite them together...Of course, Aiwen went to the music festival purely to listen to the music...There is absolutely no other thoughts...Is it...

After returning to the hotel, I had to rest all afternoon. As soon as it was dark, Ai Wen drove Chen Yanzi to the outside of the concert.There were crowds of people in front of the ticket gates, and the fans wearing colorful clothes in the style of the Northeast Renaissance were really eye-catching.But everyone was very happy. In the car, Chen Yanzi urged Ai Wen to change clothes quickly: "Change quickly! Didn't you find that your outfit doesn't fit in with the group?"

"I'm just here to listen to Tingge, no need..." Ai Wen looked bitter, and if Chen Yanzi had prepared him a big flowered padded jacket, he would have endured it.However, what Chen Yanzi prepared for Ai Wen was a vest with an exposed navel!If he wears this thing, his fame in the first life will be finished!
"This one... didn't you prepare it for yourself?" Ivan asked distressed.

"Of course not! It's embarrassing to wear this kind of clothes!" Chen Yanzi said as it should be: "Of course a beautiful girl like her can't wear it like this!"

"Then how are you going to help?" Ivan asked, covering his face.

Chen Yanzi turned around and took out two colorful stickers from her small bag and pasted them on her face: "Yeah! I'll be fine like this!"

"You're teasing me! Why do you only need to put two stickers on your face? But I need to wear a colorful crop top and big shorts? Obviously you insisted on jumping high to attend the concert !" Ivan said depressedly.

Obviously, he was tricked by his wife.After working for a long time, these aid materials are all prepared to be used on Ai Wen.He originally wanted to secretly take two ugly photos of Chen Yanzi wearing this outfit and keep them as the treasures of the town house at the bottom of the box, but he never expected that these things were actually bought for himself.

Ai Wen should have expected that he could wear the clothes Chen Yanzi bought himself. Although Ai Wen was nearly ten centimeters taller than Chen Yanzi, as long as Chen Yanzi bought a large size Ai Wen would fit.Especially the little vest that exposed the navel, Chen Yanzi wears it like an ordinary vest, but the effect on Aiwen is simply eye-catching...

Chen Yanzi knew how beautiful Ai Wen's women's clothing was, except for the tablet, it was flawless.Therefore, wearing this kind of slim vest on Aiwen will never cause any size problems except hot eyes.

"Honey! Just put it on! You will be despised if you don't dress like this when you come to the concert..." Chen Yanzi said coquettishly while hugging Ai Wen's arm.

"Then why don't you wear it?" Ivan asked back.

"It's so ugly for such a beautiful girl to wear this kind of clothes! If you put it on, I can use the reason to accompany you to enter the venue!" Chen Yanzi said wittily.

Ai Wen was speechless: "You really are a little clever ghost..."

My own daughter-in-law, if I don't spoil myself, can I let others spoil me?So even though Ai Wen felt all kinds of pain in his heart, he still had to put on this umbilical vest with tears in his eyes...

After changing into red and green, Ai Wen felt that he was full of the local customs of Northeast China.

When he walked out of the parking lot holding Chen Yanzi's hand, the audience around looked at him full of envy and hatred... It's really amazing to like second-hand Qiangwei and find a girlfriend!The most amazing thing is that he can still come to the concert with his girlfriend!

Aiwen uses the VIP entrance to check the ticket, and through the VIP entrance, you can go directly to the VIP station ticket area. The VIP area is the closest to the stage, and they can see the performance on the stage without using the big screen.The ticket price of four to eight is also relatively worthwhile. Although Aiwen bought it at nearly double the price, as long as his wife likes it, no matter how expensive it is, Aiwen will buy it for her.

The stage set is still in the style of second-hand roses, full of all kinds of bells and whistles.But this kind of gaudy doesn't make people feel bored, because the dress of Aunt Long who will be appearing soon will be more gaudy than the stage set.

The concert started at eight o'clock in the evening, and Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi stood inconspicuously among the crowd.Surrounded by audiences who came in groups or by themselves, everyone was happily talking about tonight's concert.

Ai Wen and Chen Yanzi also joined in the chat, how boring waiting is!Chatting with other people can at least pass the time... Chen Yanzi chats with them more often, because Chen Yanzi is a die-hard fan of Second-Hand Rose, and will have more common language with these audiences who are willing to buy the VIP area.

Of course, the VIP area also has family members brought in like Ai Wen.These family members seemed relatively calm, without any sense of anticipation that the idol was coming.Ai Wen held Chen Yanzi with one hand to prevent him from getting lost, while playing with the phone with the other hand.

Amidst the eagerness of the crowd, big flowers began to flash on the stage.Amidst the fireworks, the loud suona sound resounded throughout the venue.Aunt Long’s resonant broken gong voice opened the opening sentence: “Brother, you play rock and roll, what’s the use of playing it!”

cheer!jump!The audience in the audience uttered shouts and whistles that shook the sky, as if the cheering flags that had been changed from broken quilt sheets were being waved wildly by supporting fans, and more people raised their big two-person fans and began to swing.

Drums, bass, guitar... the performance of musical instruments overwhelmed the crazy fans, and Aunt Long also started his singing.

Don't blow it or make a fuss, the scene of the second-hand rose is really high enough!Ai Wen always felt that these fans drank two and a half catties before entering the arena, but as long as there is a peanut, they will not be so drunk.Chen Yanzi also held her lover's hand and jumped up and down. Now that there are so many people, she is also afraid of getting separated from Ai Wen.

After a song came to an end, Yi Yi began his classic opening line: "Second-hand Rose! City H! Pick up...customers!"

Once again, the audience exploded, and cheered again... The whole venue became a sea of ​​joy.

Aiwen suddenly felt that such a concert was surprisingly good.

(End of this chapter)

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