Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 422 – Prepare in advance

Chapter 422 – Preparing in advance
The holidays are gone, and the hearts of the students are broken.After all the calculations, I didn't expect that the old thief Aiwen would enrich the holiday with so much content.I didn't even expect that the long vacation of the high school entrance examination that I had been thinking about so much would be reimbursed like this...

too difficult!It's really hard to be a student of Boss Aiwen's!Without a strong heart, it is really possible to die suddenly.

However, they did not face each other in front of Ivan.Especially when they didn't perform well in the senior high school entrance examination, they couldn't even straighten their backs in front of their parents.

It's all the evil consequences of their own death, and now they don't even have a place to buy regret medicine.

But thinking about it from another angle, Mr. Ai Wen’s consideration is also from the perspective of someone who has experienced it. Compared with the knowledge of junior high school, the knowledge of high school is indeed more difficult. Many junior high school students will fall into ignorance when they go to high school without prior contact. forced state.

Aiwen himself is a particularly obvious example. He took the decathlon exam for high school, but after a summer vacation, he found that he couldn't understand the physical chemistry course as soon as he entered high school.

The version of the textbook has not been changed for so many years, and Aiwen does not want his tragedy to be repeated on his students.

So no matter what, the students in Class [-] must make up lessons during this holiday.And at least two months to complete the content study before the midterm, otherwise you will be in a hurry when high school just starts.

Fortunately, all the students of Experimental High School need to live on campus, so Aiwen can have more time to supervise and manage his own students.Otherwise, he would definitely force these children to finish all the knowledge in the first grade of high school during the holidays.

Ever since, the children of class seven who had just walked out of the examination room picked up their books and started a new study career.Fortunately, they are used to the high-intensity learning rhythm. Although they feel a little strenuous at the beginning, with the continuous accumulation of knowledge, their learning will become more and more comfortable.

The children in Class Seven have no intellectual problems, and their learning attitudes have become extremely correct during Aiwen's three-year training.With the superposition of the two factors, every student in Class Seven has the potential to be a top student.

As for whether you can become a god of learning, it depends on your talent for reading.In fact, reading also depends on talent. Some people who have worked hard for a lifetime are not as good as those with natural abilities who study casually.This natural gap exists and must be admitted.

But in high school, hard work is far more important than talent.On the college entrance examination paper, the talent bonus can't increase the score too much.The real role of talent is reflected in university and future research. The most sophisticated research still depends on talent.

Ai Wen set the goal for the seventh class of students to be [-] per capita and [-] per capita.Don't mention that you are Aiwen's student after you can't even get into a prestigious school... Logically speaking, the class with the highest average score in the city can meet Aiwen's expectations.As long as no one falls behind in class seven in the past three years, they can get into a good university without making mistakes in the college entrance examination.

Aiwen's teaching assistants are all famous teachers: outstanding graduates of Northern Normal University.Although these people are young, their abilities are absolutely extraordinary.As long as you go through polishing and experience, you can become a famous teacher.

To be tutors for the children in class seven, they are quite talented...but Aiwen has not stopped training and training them.The monthly salary is tens of thousands, and they are given expensive business training, so if their ability is not improved, they can only be said to be waste snacks.

The teaching staff of Experimental High School can't keep up with Aiwen's teaching assistant team. Although the teachers of Experimental High School are all experienced and senior teachers, Aiwen's teaching assistant team is more advanced in terms of academic qualifications.

Aiwen has been paying attention to the level of the teaching assistant team. If the progress is slow and the attitude is poor, Aiwen will drive it away without hesitation.After all, he is a boss rather than a philanthropist, and the wages paid to you are used to create value, not to support idlers.If your ability can't keep up with Aiwen's request, then I'm sorry... Please abdicate.

Being a teaching assistant for Aiwen is not a particularly tiring job. Compared with public school teachers, their work is more leisurely and there are not so many complicated things to drag them down.All they need to do is to take good classes, learn well, and improve themselves.

Aiwen will not be tied to any teacher, and if anyone has better development, he can resign at any time.Aiwen's main team has replaced some people, two people were fired by Aiwen, and two people had a better choice to leave peacefully.

For those who leave, Aiwen will wish them better development.However, from the perspective of cost performance, the benefits of being a teaching assistant for Aiwen are not small.It's not so easy to find a job close to home with more money and less work!
Ai Wen didn't feel guilty at all for dumping the students to the teaching assistants.As the class teacher, he had to take care of the overall situation, and he still had three wild students to manage.These three goods entered the experimental high school through the back door, and other teachers expressed that they did not want to accept them, so they had to give them to Ai Wen in the end.

For this kind of students, Aiwen also said that it is quite a headache.They can open up to them from the experimental high school, obviously their family environment is not bad, at least they can easily come up with 5 yuan.Don't underestimate the 5 yuan, Aiwen's official annual salary is just that...

Moreover, the grades of students who entered the experimental high school through the back door would not be very good.Why spend money when you can pass the entrance examination in an upright manner?

In order not to let these three guys become a new drag, Aiwen must tidy them up during the summer vacation.It is far less labor-intensive to spend time on the pre-event than to wipe students' mistakes.

Aiwen has the materials of these three students in his hand, and the leaders of Experimental High School will not play any decryption games with him in this regard.The students have been sent to you, and how to manage them is your own business.

Through the information, Aiwen found that the families of the three children lived in high-end communities.Either this mansion or that Huating...Anyway, you can feel the smell of money emanating from his neighborhood.

Especially for the student who lived in a certain mansion, a group of teachers had to say hello in advance when they visited his home, otherwise they would not even be able to enter the gate of the community.

But Ai Wen is not an ordinary teacher, he is a part-time charter teacher.Let's put it this way, in the entire Q city, there is no community gate that Aiwen cannot enter.Isn't it just an access card!Alvin has it all!

So, Alvin drove his beloved little jeep on a home visit before high school.The purpose of this home visit is very clear, that is to clean up the thorns!
Entering Aiwen's door, that is Aiwen's people.If you are dissatisfied with Aiwen's management, please leave... In City Q, it doesn't matter if you are an entrepreneur or someone else with status.It is almost impossible to suppress Ivan through various channels.

Everyone is sitting on the ground, who is better than whom?His Ivan's face can't be covered, and his Addison; if Addison's face can't be covered, there is still an old man in the Aiwen family!

There is an old man like a treasure in the family, although the old man lives in the quiet countryside all year round.But his connections are simply unfathomable... Think about how Addison could be like that back then, without a strong father to escort him, he would have been put in key prison for speculation!like
(End of this chapter)

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