Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 433 - This is the class?No!This is heaven!

Chapter 433 - This is the class?No!This is heaven!
Aiwen couldn't imagine that a game account he hadn't used for a long time would actually stimulate the boys' academic performance.Sure enough, I have been away from the masses for too long, and I only think of stimulating with money and materials but forget to inspire the spirit... For the boys who play World of Tanks, the Second Artillery Commander is the most steadfast spiritual leader.

In order to be able to personally drive the legendary chariot of the Second Artillery Commander, the boys, including Wang Xin, are studying hard.In the next few days, the boys' quiz scores far surpassed the girls'.

Including Xie Mingjie, his grades are even more outstanding, and Li Jinqiong, who is also a top student, does not know where to leave.

The girls are all dumbfounded, are the boys taking stimulants or playing chicken blood?Why does it seem like a different person all of a sudden?

Girls can't understand the relationship between boys and games.

How about a joke?There is a boy who loves to play games, and his girlfriend is very jealous.Finally one day, his girlfriend's best friend asked: If your girlfriend is angry and needs you to coax her, but your game is about to start at this time, how would you choose?
The boy thought for a long time, and said firmly and calmly: "I choose Han Xin! My Han Xin thief six!"

Although this is just a joke, it can also be seen the importance of games in the boy's heart.Especially before falling in love, the priority of games is higher than that of girls.Even a boy like Xie Mingjie with good academic performance cannot escape the temptation of instinct.

The current games are similar to the six arts of gentlemen in the past. In fact, such things as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea are used to pass the time when material conditions are scarce and game means are insufficient.It's just that they have made a name for themselves and completed their art before they become artists.

If these so-called artists are placed today, it is estimated that they may now be the big names in the game industry.The joy of playing games absolutely crushes piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea!

What men like is not elegance, but happiness... and games can bring the greatest happiness to men.In the game, you can fight on the battlefield; in the game, you can rule the world; in the game, you can gain a solid friendship; in the game, you can get everything you want!
So smart girls, don't put yourself on the opposite side of the game, or your boyfriend will definitely be entangled to death.A really smart girl is one who can work hard with her boyfriend, play games with her boyfriend... preferably the one who can lead him to a higher score.

If you can become his top thigh, he will be obedient and submissive in front of you.If you don't believe it, girls can really give it a try.Anyway, no money, just play a little bit!
Ai Wen knew quite a few big girls in the game, and the level of the girl players in the game was extremely extreme.Either they are too good to pick their feet, they are the kind of monsters that can be knocked down several times with one punch... or they are so strong that they punch the nursing home and kick the kindergarten.

But no matter what kind of female players are scarce resources in the game, otherwise why would a certain game have the achievement of raising girls?

However, players need to keep their eyes open for screening. Some female costume masters or female voice masters have the ability to confuse the real ones, and they will be deceived if they are not careful.

Aiwen did this before. His camouflage voice doesn’t need a voice changer at all. With one mouth, there is a crisp female voice. If you want Yujie’s voice, you have Yujie’s voice. If you want to beep, you can beep.

And Aiwen is not afraid of video, he can sit and chat with you with a button on the wig.Apart from having a flatter figure, what appears in front of you is a young lady with amazing looks.

In many games, Aiwen has left a name of indistinguishable male and female.Many high-end players of the game have been deceived by Ai Wen, but after the misunderstanding was resolved, everyone laughed it off. After all, Ai Wen used his real skills to deceive people, and they didn't recognize it because they were blind.

Of course, there are also those who want to meet men. For such people, Ai Wen said that as long as you can beat me, everything is fine.After seeing Aiwen's force value, this group of people also chose to give up... really can't beat it!

The high-end players of many games belong to the same group of people. Most of these people are known to Ai Wen, so his students want to make trouble in online games, and Ai Wen is an unavoidable block in the way.

Whoever really makes Aiwen unhappy, Aiwen can make it difficult for him to move an inch in the game with just one order.Of course, if you play stand-alone games such as Xiaoxiaole, Aiwen has nothing to do. This kind of game Aiwen has no tricks at all.

Boys can be stimulated through games, so girls should also have ways to quickly stimulate their potential.But as a man, although Aiwen has many ex-girlfriends, he can't get to the hearts of the little girls.

The girls in Class [-] are different from the girls outside.Girls outside like chasing stars, like little fresh meat, like Ouba...but the girls in Class [-] don't like these things!bags?lipstick?cosmetic?doll?

Ai Wen thought of having a headache and couldn't figure out what the girls in Class [-] liked.So he simply didn't want to think about it anymore. Boys eat their status, and girls let them go with the flow!
The make-up classes for the summer vacation lasted for one and a half months, and Ivan did not release these students until three days before the start of school.Learning is a combination of work and rest. Taking a few days off before school starts allows them to devote themselves to the study and life of the new semester with more energy.

More importantly, Aiwen will take them to purchase spare parts in these three days.According to the requirements of the school, all students of Experimental High School must live on campus.Unless you have a certificate issued by a doctor that you are not suitable for living in school, otherwise the school will not let you out of the gate.

In order to make the internal affairs of the dormitory in class seven uniform, Ai Wen needs to lead the class cadres to carry out collective purchases.Class Seven still has a lot of development funds, and Comrade Lao Lin has been using this fund to make a profit.Therefore, it is good to collectively purchase equipment for students and use the class account.

Of course, when choosing something for students, we must choose the best.It just so happened that there are parents in Class [-] who are selling these supplies. As soon as the parents heard that Aiwen wanted to purchase for the students, they immediately recommended the best brands and said they would sell them at a certain cost.

The best quality is acceptable to Ivan, but it is not necessary to sell it at cost price.After all, the purpose of opening a store is to make money, and Ai Wen came to buy from his parents mainly to rest assured that he was not greedy for such a small discount.

Even if you sell it at cost price, how much money can you save Ivan?It's not enough to store the interest of the fund in the bank for a day!So Aiwen purchased [-] sets boldly, and the parents of the students will send a car to the experimental high school after the goods are ready.

In addition to spare parts, there are also washing utensils and school supplies that need to be purchased.Instead of letting the students buy it by themselves, it's better for Aiwen to do one-stop shopping and deliver it to your door!

The newcomer Xiaosan also joined Aiwen's purchasing team.Only then did they know how happy and happy the 27 big dogs in the same class have been living in the past few years!

It turns out that the head teacher can be so rich!It turns out that class welfare can be so good!

This is the class?No!This is heaven!
(End of this chapter)

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