Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 436 - Class 2's Luxurious Dormitory

Chapter 436 – Class [-]’s Luxurious Dormitory
After Aiwen announced free activities, the students in Class [-] of Senior High School scattered and left the classroom as birds and beasts.When they left the classroom, they found that the teachers in other classes were still talking about this and that. In contrast, Ai Wen was much more concise.

The reason why Ai Wen said so little was because he was too familiar with the students, and he observed even the next three little ones for nearly two months.So he already has a spectrum for the next student education methods, and there is not much to emphasize.

The tuition, miscellaneous fees and book fees of the students in class seven do not need to be paid by themselves.The fees for the 27 people in the seventh class were transferred from the class funds left by the junior high school, and the borrowing fees for the later three people already included the above items.

Therefore, Classes [-] and [-] in high school did not require teachers to collect money one by one, so they simply let the students leave school.

The children returned to their dormitories in groups of three and four. The only thing that made them feel depressed was that their dormitory was on the sixth floor.They thought it must be a "surprise" prepared for them by their teacher Aiwen... After all, Aiwen is an old pit.

"The sixth's so painful just thinking about it!" Li Guoyao looked up at the sixth floor with a mournful face and said depressedly.

Xie Mingjie patted him on the shoulder: "Life is like that. If you can't resist, you can only enjoy it. From another perspective, the sixth floor is actually not bad, because there is no one jumping on our ceiling."

From the perspective of sound, the sixth floor is indeed the quietest floor.Because there are a lot of students in the dormitory of Experimental High School, if there are a few running and jumping or walking barefoot on top of your head... you will feel that your whole head will explode.

This is also the main reason why Aiwen chose the sixth floor for the students. Rest at night is very important. If you don't have a good rest because of the roof, your whole body will be listless the next day.

Moreover, the six dormitories in Classes [-] and [-] have been remodeled. From the inside, you will find that the area of ​​the room is a little smaller than other rooms.This part of the area was used by Ivan to install sound-proof foam boards. As long as you close the door in the dormitory, you won’t be able to hear the dance next door.

Ai Wen personally tested the sound insulation effect of the renovated dormitory.As long as the doors and windows are closed tightly, the indoor noise can be reduced to less than [-] decibels.Below [-] decibels is very suitable for sleeping, without worrying about disturbances from outside.

Of course, if someone snores in the dormitory, it will not be easy to solve.Of course, with the blessing of Aiwen's spending money like water, some people snore while sleeping, but the problem is not unsolvable.

There is something called a soundproof room, which is the kind used in recording studios... If someone really grinds their teeth and snores while sleeping, Aiwen can customize a soundproof room about the size of a bed and put it in the dormitory. You can roll in with ease.

The price of a soundproof room is between 1 and [-], which is still affordable.If you can use [-] to [-] in exchange for the children's quality sleep, this money is very worthwhile.Children are in the stage of physical development, enough sleep can ensure their healthy growth.

Many students can grow [-] to [-] centimeters in high school, so learning at this stage must not be at the expense of students' sleep.Even if the length of sleep can be compressed, the quality of sleep must never be compressed.

These hardware guarantees of Aiwen are to improve the sleep quality of students and allow them to fall asleep peacefully.

It is already quite well-intentioned for Aiwen to be able to do this. If the children outside know about these benefits, they will definitely explode with envy and hatred.The dormitories of many college students can't reach this level!Money ability is indeed money ability, it is self-willedness!
When the children saw the newly renovated dormitory, they liked it at first.The dormitory space of Experimental High School is relatively large, and the students' beds are not bunk beds in the traditional sense, but the style of upper and lower tables and wardrobes.

Six beds can be placed in one room, and the area is definitely not small...and the six people in one room don't look crowded.

There is a separate bathroom in the house, allowing two people to wash at the same time.There is also a public toilet at the end of the corridor, where students can also wash and use the toilet.

The establishment of the public restroom is mainly to prevent the embarrassing situation of people in the private bathroom. The design of the experimental high school is relatively humane.

With Aiwen's suggestion and funding, the dormitory building of Experimental High School completed the installation of stainless steel screens and fences during the summer vacation.Whether it is the first floor or the sixth floor, as long as there are windows, stainless steel screens and fences must be installed.

The principal is very supportive, because after installing the screens, students can no longer throw objects out of the windows.Parabolic throwing at high altitude is more dangerous. The back of the dormitory building is the road. If it hits a pedestrian, the consequences will be disastrous.

The stainless steel screen window cannot be pulled up and down, and it is extremely strong when installed there.If someone wants to hit the iron with a head, they will definitely not be able to break it for a while.Moreover, there are iron railings outside the iron screen window, and anyone who wants to escape from the window has no way to carry out the next step.

The pressure of learning in school is very high, and today's children are relatively fragile psychologically.Sometimes some children really commit suicide. With stainless steel screens and iron fences, it can effectively reduce the situation of students falling in the dormitory.

Although the iron fence outside the window does not look very beautiful, but which is more important, beauty or human life?There's no comparison at all!
The new students didn't know the reason, but the old students suddenly noticed a change.Especially the old students who live on the first and second floors, they have also done outrageous behaviors by jumping out of the window from the first and second floors to play.But now with double protection, they can't run even if they want to.

Following Ai Wen's instructions, Wang Xin was placed in the room where you don't want them, Liu Mengmeng was placed in Chen Xiaolin's room, and Sun Lianxiang was placed in Wang Huixiu's dormitory.

All in all, the students who live in the mixed dormitory are the students in Class [-] who have good study habits, good life style, and can play.

They have other tasks today: that is to fight for the leadership of the dormitory.They also don't know what the three people in Class [-] look like.If you want to be reasonable, class [-] will accompany you to reason; if you don't, the students in class [-] will use their fists to make you sit down and reason.

As for what is the truth?It makes sense to follow Class [-]!Don't think too much, just follow the big brother!

The boys living in the mixed dormitory are Xie Mingjie, Li Yang and Peng Peng.The skills of these three people are also at the forefront in Class [-], except for Li Guoyao, they are the three who can fight best.

Ai Wen was a little worried about Li Guoyao's jumping temper, so he stayed in the dormitory of his class.As for the mixed dormitory, we still need a few reliable people to take care of the place.

For the girls, Li Jinqiong, Duan Xinyue, and Hua Yifan went to the mixed dormitory.These three girls are all tall, and they will not suffer no matter what the situation is.

What's more, the unity of class [-] is terrible, as long as one is offended, the whole class will play.No matter how you want to play, the whole class will accompany you in class [-]!
(End of this chapter)

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