Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 439 - Smart and witty, like Tan Xing

Chapter 439 – Clever and witty, like Tan Xing

Long time no see, Ai Wen and Liu Yang chatted for a long time.It wasn't until it was time for the instructors to turn off the lights that Ai Wen let Liu Yang go back.

The instructors live in the school dormitory throughout the military training period. There are 21 instructors in total, and they can be accommodated in four dormitories.

Early the next morning, the students gathered at the playground as required.Before the military training begins, the school will have a routine opening ceremony.This can be regarded as a tradition. After all, this kind of formal occasion is a good opportunity for leaders to speak and gain a sense of presence.

The principal of Experimental High School is a person who is good at oratory, and he makes speeches one after another, which is very contagious.Under the flickering of the principal, the students were full of energy, eager to carry their guns to the battlefield to fight.

Hearing the principal's speech, Ai Wen couldn't help sighing: "The principal is really a talent! This kind of talent is inferior to the principal."

The principal of the experimental high school enjoys administrative treatment at the deputy director level, and holds the position of deputy director in the Education Bureau.The general section chiefs of the Education Bureau don't have a high school principal who has a face--Experimental High School is a key high school, and its alumni are all over the world.

Although in Q city, there is still a No. [-] middle school over the experimental high school, but how many people are there in No. [-] middle school?The number of students in the first class of No. [-] Middle School is at least [-], and the number of students in the first class of Experimental High School is less than a thousand!
So the principal is also a very famous figure in the city's education circle, at least now Ai Wen does not have such a big name.His father Addison's hidden energy can be fought. However, his father is indifferent to fame and fortune, otherwise, the current director of the Q City Education Bureau may not know his name!

Lao Ai is getting older and has calmed down his desire for fame and fortune. According to Comrade Lao Ai's aggressiveness when he was young, it is estimated that he can now become the deputy mayor from the education bureau!You must know that Addison holds the record for the youngest senior teacher in Q City!In the era when more than 90.00% of the teachers in a school were graduates of teacher training colleges, Lao Ai entered the school as a key undergraduate student to teach, which is equivalent to teaching junior high schools with a doctorate today!

Old Ai was more legendary than Aiwen back then. He told Aiwen with his glorious history: Your father will always be your father
Fortunately, the headmaster didn't hold back for too long, and the opening ceremony ended in only half an hour.At the end of the opening ceremony, Comrade Liu Yang, the chief instructor, announced the distribution of instructors in each class.Tan Xing unfortunately fell into the [-]th class led by the male head teacher.
Fortunately, brother Aiwen promised to introduce his girlfriend to himself after the military training, otherwise this time it would really be in vain.

Ai Wen didn't lie to Tan Xing, he was a pure man who believed in his word and acted resolutely.What you promise to others must be said and done.

He had already posted Tan Xing's photo in the teaching assistant work group, and then shared the basic information of this guy in the group.If anyone is interested, you can add V letter to get to know each other.

Nowadays, it is not only difficult for boys to find a partner, it is also very difficult for girls to find a good husband.It's not unacceptable to be a military wife - anyway, the garrison is in this city, and the married family members of military officers can live in the garrison.Moreover, military officers have weekends off. Unless there are special circumstances, they can leave the station for appointments on weekends.

Those who cannot easily walk out of the barracks are the soldiers, not the officers. Don't ask how Ai Wen knows, that's how Liu Yang fell in love with Song Hongxia back then!Anyway, it's my own school girl, so Aiwen has to care about it, right?
The graduates of Northern Normal University are very united after graduation. As long as you ask seniors and sisters, as long as it is not a matter of principle, you will definitely help if you can.

The Wildlife Reception Office of Northern Normal University is operating very smoothly, and many seniors have joined in the construction of the reception office.In this way, the graduates of Northern Normal University have a stronger sense of belonging.Because they can still enjoy the convenience brought by the school after they go to the society.The label of Northern Normal University will always bring them a better life. This is the best way to maintain the sense of collective honor.

Ai Wen heard that the school is considering awarding Liu Zhetao an Outstanding Alumni Award recently!The school found out about Liu Zhetao's wild office, and the school felt very relieved.After graduation, I still don't forget the kindness of the school. This is an outstanding alumnus of our school!

After Ai Wen posted Tan Xing's information in the teaching assistant group, the teaching assistants became very interested in Tan Xing.Isn't it always said that good men are handed over to the state?When a man has a uniform bonus, he is really handsome!
Tan Xing's appearance is average in all fairness. To say he looks like a middle-aged man is a curse, but he has absolutely nothing to do with a handsome guy. The most I can say is that the guy is very energetic and straight, but when he puts on the military uniform, he looks refreshed. The son came out, and the girl felt that her boyfriend was overwhelmed when she saw it.

When Tan Xing saw five or six friend applications, his molars burst out with joy.The comrades who lived in the same dormitory with him gathered around him seeing his wretched smile.When the comrades-in-arms saw five or six little sisters applying for friends, they were so jealous that their walls were separated, and they were so jealous that they looked disgusting.

"Eat more and eat more!"

"Small hilltopism!"

"Must criticize!"

"Sanctions are fine!"

The roommates grabbed Tan Xing's arms and legs and lifted him up to the door frame, threatening: "Hand over Miss Sister's V letter! Otherwise, hum"

Tan Xing was about to burst into tears--is this still a Huaxia officer?Erha, just like you!

In fact, the comrades who came with Tan Xing are all lieutenants who have just graduated from the military academy this year, and they are three or four years younger than Ai Wen.This age is the year of sand sculptures. During the day, they are majestic and majestic military officers, but after returning to the dormitory, they are also a group of 23 and [-]-year-old sand sculpture youths.

Soldiers also have joys and sorrows, and soldiers also have to marry and die.It is normal to be dignified in front of people, and sand sculptures behind people. Soldiers are also robots who are not emotionless.

In the end Tan Xing chose Congxin - he could only bow to the strong fist doctrine.One-on-one Tan Xing is not in vain, everyone has graduated from the major of grappling and wrestling, who can be better than whom?But he is now a pair of five!No matter how good his martial arts are, he still has to be knocked down!

"Don't you have a teacher in charge, why do you have to ask for V letters from me?" Tan Xing grievously pushed the V letters of the teaching assistants to the comrade-in-arms group.This group was specially organized for this military training, and there were only twenty instructors and chief instructor Liu Yang in it.If Liu Yang has anything to do, he can notify him in the group.

After Tan Xing jingled and pushed five business cards in a row, the group exploded.

"Small changes?"

"Is it really a small change?"

"Brother Tan! Be worshiped by my brother!"

"By the way, sir! You have to get so many V letters before you even enter class!"

"Big brother begging for cover, cute newbie begging to get off the list!"

No one noticed that Tan Xing pushed one less business card than the number of people who added him. Although friendship is very important, the best-looking ones are of course reserved for yourself!
Wa hahaha!

Clever and quick-witted, like me, Tan Xing!
(End of this chapter)

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