Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 442 – Practice?Practice!

Chapter 442 – Practice?Practice!
One noon, Ai Wen and Tan Xing met to discuss the formation design for the last day's inspection.There are two pacesetters, Sun Lianxiang and Wang Xin.Because of her good training results, Liu Mengmeng can be incorporated into a large unit for training in frontal step with a gun, simultaneous step with a gun, and conversion of a split gun.

Because Aiwen bought the Type [-]-A plastic model, the model they held in their hands did not have a bayonet.However, the Type [-]-A is also quite handsome. Although it is no longer the latest model, it is still very popular when it comes out.

Originally, he also wanted to buy a batch of the latest models, but Aiwen couldn't find a reliable seller on the Internet.The most popular model is still the Ninety-Five-A model. After all, this thing is still relatively sensitive.

While other classes were still training in the navy camouflage uniforms issued by the school, Aiwen had quietly ordered military uniforms for boys and girls.He ordered navy uniforms—the officers training them were all from the Navy, after all.

More importantly, the navy dresses are good-looking-the pure white suit is very delicate.As the saying goes: If you want to be pretty, be filial.The pure white military uniform looks very good on the body!
The children in the seventh class are developing very well because of the abundant exercise and adequate sleep in the junior middle school.The average height of girls is 1.6 meters plus, and the height of boys is also above 1.7 meters.If they don't wear school uniforms, more people will think they are a bunch of college students.

You no longer need to look at children's sizes when buying clothes for them, just buy adult styles.I still remember that when Aiwen ordered clothes for the children in the first grade of junior high school, he had to go to the children's clothing category to find
It is also a pity that they grow too fast, because many of the beautiful clothes that Aiwen bought for them in the past can no longer be worn now, and it is a pity to think about it!

This time, the military dress accessories that Aiwen ordered are very comprehensive: jacket, trousers, white shirt, epaulets, hat, belt, belt, ribbon, cap badge, gloves, collar flower, belt. Everything is available.As for girls' high heels, you need to buy them separately, and boys' military boots are included in the package.

It is estimated that the courier will arrive on the penultimate day. At that time, Class [-] can complete the overall change, wearing a handsome military uniform and holding a mighty gun model to show the handsome posture from Class [-].

Ai Wen wants to announce to the entire Experimental High School that Mr. Ai, the madman, has come to our school!The teachers in the same year group could only watch helplessly as Aiwen stole all the limelight!
In fact, when class [-] practiced the movements of holding, splitting and holding the gun, it attracted the attention of the neighboring classes.Especially the instructors - they are extremely sensitive to these tactical actions.

"What's the situation with Lao Tan?" the instructor of Class [-] asked.

Tan Xing replied with a smile: "Of course it's something to do! You just wait for us to kill you all over the place!"

"Oh no! Where did you get the Ninth Five-Year model? Don't even mention it! It's pretty similar to the imitation!" The instructor of Class [-] asked doubtfully.

Tan Xingli said bluntly: "The teacher in charge bought it out of his own pocket! It costs 300 yuan a piece - it is made of plastic steel and looks like a thief!"

"Thirty is 9000 yuan. Brother, I have a monthly allowance!" The instructor of Class [-] sighed: "Is this how much money a teacher makes now?"

"It's not about being a teacher to make money! It's about Teacher Ai being rich. I've talked to my students. Teacher Ai Wen led his students to make movies when he was in junior high school. Can you believe it if you invest [-] million yuan? A big guy who can spend [-] million yuan to make movies and play." You have to realize how rich your family is," Tan Xing said, looking at Ai Wen in awe.

Ai Wen felt Tan Xing's gaze, turned his head to look at him, showed a kind smile, then turned his head and continued to chat with the children.The children are now particularly interested in Alvin's high school stage, because they are about to welcome their own high school life.

"Do you feel that Mr. Aiwen has a particularly keen sense? As long as someone visits him, he will be able to sense it." The instructor of Class [-] looked at Aiwen solemnly and said in a low voice.

Tan Xing was taken aback when he heard the words: "You mean that Mr. Ai Wen is the son of a Lian family?"

"And it's the one who got the true inheritance!" The instructor of Class [-] said firmly. He had been practicing martial arts before entering the military academy, and it was the most orthodox martial arts inheritance-family inheritance!

The instructor of Class [-] asked, "How is it compared to you?"

"I don't know, this thing can only be known after fighting. What is the level of martial arts now? You can only know who is strong and who is weak only after fighting." The [-]th class instructor spread his hands and said.

He also felt that this matter was quite fantastic, after all, in this flashy age, there were not many people who could work hard and practice martial arts.If his father hadn't beaten him to death, he wouldn't have suffered so much.

The setting of a martial arts master hiding in the school as a teacher sounds like an urban novel. Either it is the return of the king, or the son-in-law lives in seclusion.

At this time Liu Yang strolled over and looked at the three people chatting happily and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Report! We're talking about Teacher Ai Wen's skills!" Tan Xing replied.

Liu Yang chuckled: "I had a fight with him three years ago. It was a draw!"

The instructor of Class [-] frowned. The opponent who made him feel nervous could only draw with Liu Yang?This is not scientific!

"I know, he let me go at that time." Liu Yang added, and then he said to the instructor of Class [-] with teasing eyes: "Anyway, I can't beat him. Why don't you try it? Let him feel it." The general is very powerful!"

The instructor of Class [-] looked embarrassed. Is there something wrong with my background?Am I proud?
"Won't you offend anyone?" the instructor of Class [-] asked hesitantly.

Liu Yang patted him on the shoulder: "No, I am familiar with Brother Wen, he's not that small-minded."

Before the instructor of Class [-] came back to his senses, he waved to Ai Wen: "Brother Wen! Are you busy?"

Ai Wen walked over slowly: "Brother Liu, what's the matter?"

"My brother is a little rough, so it's okay to fight you?" Liu Yang asked.

Ai Wen said hesitantly: "What's the matter! I just use this opportunity to show off my muscles in front of these kids, so as not to bloat them."

Liu Yang winked and said to the instructor of Class [-]: "I just said that Teacher Ai Wen is very talkative!"

Aiwen looked at the instructor of Class [-] and asked, "What do you call my brother?"

"Kang Lei!" The instructor of Class [-] clasped his fists and said, "Gossip--Kang Lei! Please advise!"

"The poor little guy who has no school and no school to practice blindly--Aiwen" Aiwen clasped his fists in an imitative manner.

It's not that he's hiding something, it's mainly because the master who taught him the practice back then made repeated orders, and Ai Wen was not allowed to disclose his master's heritage to the outside world no matter what.Because strictly speaking, Aiwen is not considered an introductory disciple.It's just that Aiwen's sincerity is too much. Moreover, Aiwen's physical foundation is also very good, which makes the master love talents.

So Ai Wen is really a poor little guy with no family or sect.The main reason is that he doesn't need to travel around the rivers and lakes, and the difference in sect has nothing to do with him.

After hearing Ai Wen's words, Kang Lei was also taken aback. What the hell?Practice by yourself?Can you practice to such an extent by yourself?Liar!

But thinking that Ai Wen might have difficulties, Kang Lei didn't care about these.After the two of them cupped their fists and bowed, they put on a posture and were ready to go at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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