Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 445 – Entrepreneurship Competition

Chapter 445 – Entrepreneurship Competition
The military training has come to an end, and the formal semester has begun.After meeting with the teachers of various subjects, high school studies officially began.Ai Wen is the Chinese teacher of Class [-] and Class [-]. In addition to two classes every day, he also has evening self-study tasks.Chinese evening self-study two days a week, two classes a day.

For this workload, Aiwen feels that there is no hard work. The pressure on high school teachers is less than that of junior high school teachers, and high school teachers do not need to approve homework.Especially the students of key high schools, the children are very obedient, and they will meticulously carry out the tasks you assign.

Aiwen expressed his disgust for this kind of calm study life.Life needs to do things, but the main theme of high school is learning.The academic performance of most of the people in class [-] does not need Ai Wen to pay attention to. After all, their study habits are already very good, as long as they can continue to maintain it, they can be admitted to a very good university.

The time was just passed by Ai Wen for a month, and Ai Wen was as stable as an old dog in this month and didn't bother with anything.This kind of rhythm made the students in the old seventh class feel uncomfortable.In their view, Aiwen is the kind of person who doesn't do things and is uncomfortable. Sky can keep him silent for a month, which only shows that Aiwen is holding back a big event.

As expected of being a master-teacher-student, these smart kids really got Ai Wen's pulse.It's not that Aiwen didn't do anything this month. On the contrary, he did a lot of market research and entrepreneurship research this month.

Why study in this area?This is related to the class group activities of the next twenty classes!The following activities will be very thrilling and exciting.

Finally, at the first class meeting after the monthly exam, Ai Wen came to the class with a folder in his folder.Seeing the unusual smile on Aiwen's face, the children in class [-] felt a little bit in their hearts.
he came!he came!He came with bad news!

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Aiwen sat on the throne on the podium—yes, this guy brought the Iron Throne bought for him by the children of the old seventh class to Experimental High School.Although this thing is not very comfortable to sit on, it is very ostentatious.

Except for the new three, the fried dough sticks from the old seventh class nodded one after another.

Xie Mingjie said: "Really. It's been a month! We don't have any confidence in our hearts!"

Ai Wen motioned him to sit down: "After a month of planning and research as a teacher, I finally designed a very exciting activity plan for you. Do you want to hear it?"

Li Guoyao had a wry smile on his face: "Can you not listen?"

"It's impossible not to listen. You can choose to leave first and let your classmates notify you." Ai Wen said with a smile.

Li Guoyao: ...

"I checked our class account recently. Guess how much money is left?" Ai Wen asked quietly.



"Run out?"

"Should we make money?"

Everyone started to diverge their thinking following Ai Wen's question, but their guesses were a bit off. Ai Wen corrected: "Our class's class funds have more than 8000 million Huaxia yuan left."

* (* ° ▽ ° *) ╯

The expressions of the children were different, but they were all related to surprise.

"Why are we so rich?"

"We are also rich when we co-author?"

"No one can stop me from spending!"

"So our class has an average household of one million yuan?"

Ai Wen cleared his throat: "Ahem. Don't talk about it. In principle, the money is mine. Don't worry about it! After all, I paid for the film investment."

Everyone: _(_ω)_
Ma Dan!It's not our money that made us excited for a long time!
"Although the money is not yours, you can turn the money into yours. This is the class activity I will talk about next. This seat decided to spend 6000 million—that is, give each of you 200 million to start a business. Yes Yes. Wang Xin, Liu Mengmeng, and Sun Lianxiang, you three are in a group, and you can get a total of 200 million venture capital."

Aiwen specifically pointed out the special features of the new three.The children in the seventh class can get a start-up fund of 200 million each because they all participated in the filming of the film.This money is regarded as a dividend for their movie.But the three newcomers had nothing to contribute to the film, so the money is logically not their share.But Aiwen is not too unfeeling, so he can only make a compromise and allocate three people according to one person's funds.

"You can use this money to start a business independently, or you can join together with a few people to share a good idea and start a partnership. Today, two years later, I will entrust a data company to inspect and accept your entrepreneurial achievements. At that time, we will select a few Entrepreneurial pioneers—the bonus is 500 million per person." Ai Wenyu said in an unsurprising manner.

The children gasped in shock after hearing such a large number. 200 million starting capital? 500 million bonus?Is this making a movie?

Aiwen continued: "Other students, don't be discouraged. After the acceptance is completed, I will take back your starting capital, and all the profits brought about by starting a business will be enjoyed by you!"

At this moment, Wang Xin raised his hand timidly and asked, "What if the teacher loses money?"

"If you pay, you will lose. If you lose, it means failure. Can I still ask you to compensate for the loss?" Ai Wen said with a smile.

Wang Xin breathed a sigh of relief, if he really lost it, he really couldn't afford to pay hundreds of thousands.Although his family is in a good family, it's not so good that he spends hundreds of thousands to give his children casual misfortune.

When Evan left the class after announcing the incident, he left space for the students to think and discuss for themselves.Whether it is better to fight alone or cooperate to keep warm is a matter of opinion. The most important thing is a good entrepreneurial project.

At this time, everyone focused on Xie Mingjie.Xie Mingjie has started his business since junior high school, and his family's company assets have exceeded [-] million yuan, with the specialty of the National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition as its product.The factory has a lot of orders, and the company already has its own production line. As long as it continues to develop, its income will further increase.

As long as the old Xie family reveals their financing intentions to the outside world, there will definitely be an investment group to take over this part of the high-quality assets.At that time, the value of Xie's father and son will double, and Xie Mingjie will also become a well-known entrepreneurial pioneer in China.Become a legend in the eyes of a generation.

No matter how good your studies are, can you rely on your own ability to be worth hundreds of millions before?Xie Mingjie can!

Xie Mingjie could only respond to everyone's stares with a wry smile: "I don't know how to start a business either! But my dad and I have learned a lot in the past two years. We have a lot of starting capital, 200 million for a It is already a very strong capital for new entrepreneurs. If you want to take a chance, the Internet industry is very sunny. But there are too many Internet start-up companies, and a little carelessness will result in a blood loss.”

"The most stable thing is to invest in the real industry, but the real industry requires a large investment and the return is slow. You can make money in two years, but you are not reliable if you want to win prizes." Xie Mingjie did not hide his secrets and told the experience he had learned. classmates.

Everyone feels that they have gained a lot of knowledge, and at the same time, they admire Xie Mingjie even more.This knowledge is all dry stuff, and his ability to share it without hiding his secrets is enough to prove his magnanimity.

This is our good monitor!
(End of this chapter)

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