Chapter 456 – Good intentions
Every time Ai Wen brought up such unimaginable things, Lin Wan would have a headache for a long time.It is really exhausting to be a butler for Ivan, because you never know what he wants to do next.

The Seventh Group has developed step by step under this situation. Lin Wan has already been able to do his best, and it is not necessarily more competent for another person.As a tool man, Lin Wan is no different from the most qualified one.

In terms of income, he can earn more than eight figures every year.Ai Wen didn't owe him anything in this regard. Looking at all the group executives in China, Lin Wan's salary level is definitely among the top ones.

Who can become a multi-millionaire by working part-time?Lin Wan can!Although he complains silently in his heart every day that Aiwen is an unreliable boss, but if you really want him to resign and start a business, he will definitely spit on you.Although the boss is unreliable, he really gives a lot!
Really fragrant!

Lin Wan is no stranger to the idea of ​​the game department proposed by Ai Wen this time.They are all basic operations and routines... The group already has a sound system and personnel recruitment and training mechanism.

The entire group serves Aiwen alone, and Aiwen's will is the development direction of the entire group, which is beyond doubt.Why does Aiwen trust Lin Wan so much?Because he can perfectly execute all Aiwen's requirements.

Dealing with such executives is the only way to save trouble and worry. Aiwen is most annoyed by the kind who use "I'll help you make money" to deal with him with "you should listen to me" at any time. kind of manager.

Ai Wen's request is very clear, he does not need money, nor does he need a career.He just needs a tool man to help him manage the property.

Lin Wan notified the secretary to ask the logistics department to quickly prepare [-] virtual reality devices, and he was going to experience the game made by Aiwen.Only after the real experience can he make complete planning and publicity deployment.

Without experience, there is no right to speak. You are not the kind of leaders who make decision-making proposals by patting your head.What Ai Wen likes is Lin Wan's reliability, because he can give a perfect answer to the tasks assigned to him.

The work efficiency of the large group is high, and all [-] pieces of equipment were debugged in less than an hour.Lin Wan invited some middle-level cadres of the group to experience it together. Some people here will be transferred to the game department to open up wasteland.Therefore, before they are transferred, they need to test their full set of products, at least to know what their core selling points are.

This is the key to marketing. You have to sell bananas to customers who want apples.can earn money?Certainly not!Therefore, if you want to meet the needs of customers, you must either adjust your products, and the customers will give apples to apples and bananas to bananas; or use marketing methods to distort the needs of customers, and tell her that you want bananas by various means... How to operate is a matter of opinion .

When a group of people entered the game, they were shocked by the scene on the road at first sight.The shock brought by high-definition virtual reality equipment is unmatched by ordinary PC equipment. The brand-new body feeling and visual effects can make people feel immersive.Cooperating with the universal treadmill and fully automatic sling, it will give you a feeling of really coming to the second world.

After entering the game, it is the character creation interface.The character creation process is commonly known as face pinching.The system will propose two options for you to choose, either pinch a face you like by yourself, or the system will automatically scan your physical features and automatically generate your game character image.

The similarity between this game character and you is as high as 80.00%, but you cannot find this person offline through this 80.00% similarity.This is a very subtle threshold where you feel that the game character is very similar to you, but it is not you.

In this way, offline PK can be effectively avoided, and the appearance of "photo cheating" can also be prevented.Because the character system scanned by the system will have a "real face player" authentication icon above the character's head.If you want to take an adventure with the young lady in the game, you can see if there is a "real face player" authentication icon above his head.

If a player who has passed the real-face authentication is good-looking, it means that his offline appearance will not be low.This is a very good-looking game, so how can an ordinary-looking player amaze all beings?

This requires you to go to krypton gold!There will be beautification props for sale in the game... Beautification props can make your character more beautiful on the basis of "real face player" certification.That is the legendary plus stunt...

It takes money to become beautiful. How much is cosmetics in reality?Aiwen feels that his pricing is already very conscientious!However, the specific pricing should still be determined by game analysts, because it is more reliable to have professional planners determine the specific values ​​and krypton gold.

Employees have chosen the scanning mode, which is the legendary "real face authentication" mode and entered the game.The beginning is the novice introduction, where the game wizard will introduce the tip of the iceberg of the game background to the player, and then guide the player to operate.

How to move, how to jump, how to release skills... At the same time, in the novice introduction stage, players can choose the pain value according to their own tolerance.The so-called pain value is the strength that the clothes on your body can give you feedback.

The game can adjust the pain value up to 40.00%.No matter how high it is, you will become cautious when playing games, and you will lose too much fun of the game.What are you playing games for?Not just for fun!If the coolness of the game is lost due to excessive reality, this is definitely a thing that is not worth the candle.

The skill mechanism of the game is particularly interesting, because it is a virtual reality game, so there are two ways to release skills.One is to tap the skill panel floating in front of you with your hand. This method is more suitable for players with spellcasting skills.

It's the kind of player who walks outside the battlefield with a stick and throws fireballs, refrigerators, and arcane missiles.They can click on a skill and throw it away.

As for the fighter players, they need to trigger their own attack.For example, the skill of drawing a knife and chopping requires the player to hold a knife with one hand and quickly draw the knife to perform a chop.The system will judge the skill according to the standard level of your posture. If the judgment result is successful, then your skill will deal 60.00% to [-]% damage.

When the posture standard reaches 90.00%, it can deal 100% damage. If the posture standard reaches 90.00% or more, it can trigger a critical strike and take out [-]% damage.

The mage of this game is a game character provided for handicapped players, and warrior players are the essence of the game.Because if you play a fighter, you will never be allowed to stand up and output. You will be roaming, attacking or retreating throughout the whole process.

The fighters in this game are not necessarily the top masters, but the top masters must be fighters.Although Fa Ye is elegant enough, but when he meets a skilled fighter in the wild, there is only the possibility of being abused.

Try not to go out alone as a mage, because this is a role prepared for girl players, and it is also for the benefit of male friends.

Take the girl to upgrade to understand?In order to attract players, Ivan also worked hard!

(End of this chapter)

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