Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 461 – A Good Man in the New Era

Chapter 461 – A Good Man in the New Era
Ai Wen refused to accept the principal's discussion with him.It's not that he doesn't know how to praise, but that he doesn't have the experience to lead so many students.

The education of class [-] is closer to elite education, and they need much more educational resources than other students.Moreover, the situation of the students transferred in halfway is far more complicated than that of the students brought up by him. Aiwen will focus part of his energy on the family next, so he cannot afford to bring so many students.

So Aiwen didn't let go at all. You can take in students if you want, but please put them in other classes. He Aiwen refused to accept them.

Although Ivan rejected himself, the principal was not angry.This was originally a suggestion, whether you agree or not is up to you.Moreover, Aiwen is not a little soft guy that the principal can handle casually. His hidden strength is even more terrifying than the principal.

And don't forget, the homeroom teacher of Experimental High School was funded by Ai Wen out of his own pocket.If Aiwen is angered, the class teachers will never get the money, and the principal will not be able to quell public anger.Let him take so much money?Can he get it out?
If you have confidence, you will be tough, so Ai Wen dared to say no to the principal.It takes courage to say "no", and you will have courage if you have confidence.

When the matter could not be reached, the principal changed the content of the chat.He started chatting with Ai Wen about family affairs, and occasionally chatting about his own life experience, so he wanted to invite his nephew to drink tea.

Aiwen's knowledge is also very broad, and the communication between you and me is on an equal level.Many of Aiwen's educational concepts are very novel, and may even inspire some work ideas for principals.

In terms of vision, there are few people in the city's education circle who have gone far and seen more than Ai Wen.Although Ivan is young, but he has gone to too many schools.Whether it is a famous school or an ordinary school, each school has its own ability to suppress the bottom of the box.When you have traveled enough places and absorbed enough experience, you will naturally become an educator.

Although it is a bit shameless for Aiwen to call himself an educator at this age, it is not too much for him to call himself half an educator at his level of ability... As for the remaining half, it is a matter of his own qualifications.

The two talked about the issue of getting a job after this graduating class. They said that they need to go back to school to study for a Ph. D. After graduating from the Ph. D., they may stay in school as a lecturer.

Professor Jin from the Northern Normal University has already said hello to the school. As soon as Ai Wen graduates, he can become a lecturer in educational theory.Aiwen has sufficient grassroots teaching experience, which is exactly what university professors lack.

University professors have rich theoretical experience, but they lack observation and thinking about grassroots ecology.Aiwen's nine years of grassroots work experience will make his promotion very smooth.

The principal expressed deep regret for Aiwen's departure.However, there are still two and a half years, and the experimental high school can also enjoy a lot of dividends.When the principal knew that Ai Wen was the legal person of the newly built stadium, he immediately asked him to help arrange the venue for the spring sports meeting next year.

Holding a sports meeting at school is considered a routine operation, but holding a sports meeting in a decent stadium is enough for the school to brag about for half a year.

Aiwen agreed very happily, isn't it just a sports meeting?Anyway, the stadium with the permanent property will not be damaged, and even if the students play tricks, they can't destroy a chair in the gymnasium.

The only thing to pay attention to is to let the students take away the garbage by themselves, because even if the stadium has permanent properties, the garbage under the seats cannot be cleaned.The only expenses of the stadium are the wages of water, electricity and cleaning workers.

For Aiwen's atmosphere, the principal expressed his great appreciation.He felt that the most correct choice he made was to agree to accept Aiwen to teach in Experimental High School. When the city transferred the order, the principal could actually choose to refuse, but because Aiwen was the son of an old friend, the principal chose to accept it.

If the principal does not accept Ivan, he may lose a lot of convenience.Aiwen himself is fine, there are many excellent teachers in Experimental High School.But Aiwen is rich... Although there are many rich teachers in Experimental High School, there is one and only one as rich as Aiwen.

Although Addison was rich, he never leaked his money.I have worked with him for more than ten years, but the principal didn't even know that he was so rich.If Ai Wen's filming hadn't exposed his family's wealth, it is estimated that when Lao Ai retires, his colleagues would not know the real property status of his family.

Aiwen, who is on winter vacation, hangs around his wife every day. This is the golden words of the two elderly members of the family of four.Ai Wen wanted to take his wife to travel and the elderly refused to let him. They said: Don't even think about leaving without children!
When the new year was approaching, Chen Yanzi finally had a pregnancy reaction.Ai Wen put his hand on Chen Yanzi's pulse, and after taking a closer look, he knew that she was pregnant.

As I said before, Ai Wen's master-level cooking skills presented master-level Chinese medicine skills.So Ai Wen can tell whether Chen Yanzi is pregnant by looking, smelling and asking.

When Ai Wen confirmed that Chen Yanzi was pregnant, the two elders were overjoyed.I've been looking forward to it for a long time and finally it's today!The old Ai family, which has been passed down for several generations, finally has a descendant!

As for whether it is a man or a woman, it is not a big problem, anyway, the surname will be Ai in the end.

Chen Yanzi asked nervously: "Honey, am I pregnant with a boy or a girl?"

Ai Wen's face turned bitter: "Where is this? Even if I am a genius doctor, I can't figure out whether it is a man or a woman! This thing still needs to look at the ultrasound examination atlas. I will study which friend is in the hospital. When the time comes, you can go I'll know as soon as I do an inspection."

There are people in the court who are easy to handle. According to relevant regulations, doctors are not allowed to tell pregnant women the sex of their children.But if there are acquaintances, it will be different. Aiwen's friends are all over the city, even the People's Hospital has his good brothers.

This is the advantage of sitting on the ground. Both the Chen family and the Aiwen family have dense connections in the local area.No matter what they want to do, there will be friends who will provide them with reasonable and legal accommodations.

In fact, it doesn't matter if there are some minor violations, otherwise, how could brother Liangchen be so inflated?

In the early stages of pregnancy, Aiwen couldn't figure out whether it was a boy or a girl, but it was the same as giving birth to a boy and a girl.Everything is Aiwen's own child!

As a result, Chen Yanzi's status was upgraded from queen to emperor, and Ai Wen changed from king to eunuch.He is busy every day, serving tea and water, doing laundry, cooking and washing dishes... Although he is quite unpromising, isn't this a kind of deep love?

Although Aiwen was not very reliable in the past, his ex-girlfriend did not have a reorganization company and a reinforcement row...but his performance after marriage is indeed remarkable, and he is definitely a proper model husband.Both Chen Yanzi and the elders of the Chen family recognized this point, this son-in-law is indeed very good.

Handsome, with a good family background, highly educated, capable, and loving his wife... All these advantages combined are Aiwen.

Aiwen is a good man in the new era!
(End of this chapter)

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