Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 463 - A Good Ecology Built by Aiwen

Chapter 463 - A Good Ecology Built by Aiwen

Under Ai Wen's organization, the graduates of Northern Normal University working in City Q successfully twisted into a rope.They are now the backbone of each school, some are class teachers, some are class teachers... But without exception, those who can graduate from Northern Normal University are all elites in the education industry.

Of course, there are also a few students who are indifferent and lead a life like a wild crane.But even so, the results of the students they teach are not average.

After all, it is very rare to be admitted to Northern Normal University. You must know that in the Chinese education field, undergraduate graduates from Northern Normal University can be compared with graduate students from other ordinary normal universities.This shows how high the gold content of education in Northern Normal University is.

As the convener, Ai Wen shuttled around the party and was extremely busy.Anyone who sees him will shout enthusiastically: "Mr. Ai Wen!"

Aiwen would also agree with a smile. He has a very good relationship with his juniors. Aiwen stood in front of them like a big brother to protect them from the wind and rain.

They will not hide any difficulties in life. If they can solve it, they will work hard to solve it. If they can't solve it, they will ask Aiwen for help.Things that are difficult for foreigners like them may be just a phone call for me.

The graduates and juniors of Northern Normal University have received a lot of favor from Aiwen, which is the main reason why Aiwen responds to everyone.No matter how rich you are, it's useless if the juniors don't get close to you.

The younger brothers and sisters who graduated from Northern Normal University really regard Ai Wen as their own brother, because Ai Wen has always regarded himself as a big brother.He has graduated for more than six years, and he is nearly 30 years old. More and more juniors and juniors are going to work.

When they first entered the society, the younger students would always have some discomfort. At this time, the helping hand extended by Aiwen can make them feel the warmth of home.Moreover, Aiwen is an old resident of the teacher's apartment. As long as he greets other people, his juniors and girls will have a much better time in the teacher's apartment.

There is a difference between someone taking care of them and no one taking care of them. The graduates of Northern Normal University who came to Q City to work have never felt homeless or alone.Because Aiwen has paved the way for them, as long as they arrive in Q City, they will feel the selfless care from the seniors and sisters.

The seniors support the juniors, and the juniors respect the seniors.This is the secret that the graduates of Northern Normal University can still unite as one after graduation.Sometimes one person can become an opportunity, and Aiwen relied on his own strength to build a warm haven for the graduates of Northern Normal University in his own city.

This is also why more and more graduates from northern universities choose to come to Q City after Aiwen. Although City Q is only a second-and-a-half-tier city, the salary here is not low, and the salary of teachers can reach above the middle income level.

More importantly, you can feel the warmth of your family when you come to Q City, so that you no longer feel like you are alone in the workplace.

If you have any difficulties and confusions at work, you don't have to keep yourself depressed.You can find your seniors and sisters to communicate at any time, and then learn from their advanced experience to change yourself.

No seniors or sisters will cherish you, because you came from the same place, and what you have learned is all in the same strain. Only by helping each other and uniting can you have a better future.

The unity of the Northern Normal University department is the envy of other normal university graduates.That is, the old faction in the education circle is of course the Provincial Normal University.More than 60.00% of the teachers in the province are graduated from the provincial capital Normal University... This proportion is frighteningly high.

The province is also a large province of education, and there are many high-level undergraduate colleges in the province.Normal University in the provincial capital is also a key normal university. Although it is not as ranked as Northern Normal University, it is considered first-class in the province.

Graduates of provincial normal universities do not worry about employment at all. Because of the idea of ​​resettlement and resettlement, they basically return to their hometowns to teach after graduation.

Therefore, although the Department of Northern Normal University is developing very vigorously in City Q, the graduates from the Normal University in the provincial capital still account for the largest proportion.

However, because of the large number of people, their unity is not as good as that of Northern Normal University, which has a small number of people.Moreover, their younger generation lacks a leading figure. The provincial normal universities are used to fighting on their own, and they are far less united than the northern normal universities.

Because they don't need to be in a group, their work unit is their home.They have parents and relatives to rely on, and they are not like the graduates of Northern Normal University who have left their hometowns. They can only rely on each other.

The party this time was quite successful, with more than 100 people in total.Basically, all the teachers who graduated from Northern Normal University came here, which is already quite a face.

The teachers who came to the party were also very satisfied, and Ai Wen's arrangements were in place.Eat well, play well, sleep well... and they don't need to spend money, such good things are hard to find with lanterns!

Every gathering is a large-scale communication meeting, and also an emotional communication meeting.Usually everyone is scattered to various schools, and it is rare to get together once in a long time.It's okay to sit in the classroom apartment, and I always meet upstairs and downstairs.But after moving out, you will inevitably feel lonely...

Everyone's development speed is about the same, because the channels for teacher promotion are not wide, and even though everyone is open-minded, they still have to worry about the promotion of professional titles.

With Aiwen around, everyone will not be bullied and excluded when their titles are promoted.In terms of hard power, the graduates of Northern Normal University are worthy of everyone.Whether it is education and teaching, teaching research and scientific research, writing of papers... No matter which aspect you strive for, the graduates of Northern Normal University will not be inferior to anyone.All they lack are contacts and relationships.

Aiwen will fill in this part of the puzzle. If a junior student is wronged, Aiwen will definitely help out.They are foreigners, but Aiwen is a local, and he is a very good group of locals.With his cover, the development of the juniors of Northern Normal University will not be suppressed.

If you don’t believe me, you can look at the situation in other places. Many graduates of Northern Normal University have been suppressed: they are treated differently in the awards and evaluations, and they are ranked lower in the evaluation of professional titles... This is a normal situation, and you can see it no matter where you are.

In the province where the Northern Normal University is located, graduates from other normal universities have suffered even worse.So there's no need for you to complain about this injustice... After all, there are only so many opportunities. For good things, you must first think about your own family, right?
Because of Aiwen's cover, City Q is simply a paradise for graduates of Northern Normal University to choose a career.Now if there are two jobs in front of him, one with a higher salary and one with a lower salary but located in City Q, many graduates will prefer the latter.

Working smoothly and living a smooth life is far more enjoyable than earning a few hundred dollars more.Although it is not a shame to make money while kneeling, it is easier for them to make money standing up in Q city, why not come here to work?

For the graduates from Northern Normal University who came to work in Q City, the leaders of the Education Bureau also raised their hands to welcome them.In all fairness, the overall quality of the graduates of the Northern Normal University is indeed stronger than that of the graduates of the Provincial Normal University.

This conclusion is true no matter who it is, so why not if there are better options?

(End of this chapter)

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