Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 470 – No one wants to combine

Chapter 470 – No one wants to combine

The students have accepted that miraculous things have happened to them, and they are no longer confused when they come to Immortal Academy.They now follow the cues of their inner voice to find their mentors.

People go to high places, and a powerful mentor can help them go further and lead them to the pinnacle of life.Among the 24 teachers present, the most capable one was Reinhardt, the peak demigod.

In some cultivating civilizations, Reinhardt already has a status comparable to that of a god, because real gods cannot show their strength in the human world, and demigods are the pinnacle of strength in the world.

As for Aiwen, whose combat power score is half a star, they have already been ignored gorgeously. This kind of garbage tutor should make up the number, but students who have a little pursuit in their hearts will not choose such a tutor.

They themselves have made it clear that their purpose of coming to the Immortal Academy is to practice their skills and conquer other worlds.They might have been just ordinary people on their own planet, but because they were chosen by the gods, they had the opportunity to change themselves.

So this opportunity is very precious. They don't want to entrust this opportunity to change their fate to a scum with only half a star in combat power.

The teacher-student mutual selection ceremony officially started, and the square of Immortal Academy was as noisy as a job fair.Ai Wen strolled around the venue with his broken bag in his arms, and greeted with a smile when he saw someone who was also a mentor.

Although he is also the inheritor of the God of Education, other people don't have a good opinion of Aiwen at all.To become the inheritor of the gods, no matter how you say it, the combat power must be above five stars.Although the god of education is not good at fighting, how can you make a bunch of stupid students listen to you if you don't have strong strength?

Powerful strength is your confidence to reason with others, otherwise you can only stay humble, how can you become a peerless master?
However, Aiwen's situation is different from other people's. Others come from a cultivation civilization, while Aiwen comes from a civilization with
Others rely on their fists to be a good teacher, but Aiwen relies on money... the skill of spending money like water, Aiwen plays a thief.The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit.If Aiwen has money, he can let the students go to the grindstone like ghosts...

It's a pity that Aiwen's skill of spending money like water has no effect in this world, and it has no effect after entering the art festival.

So Aiwen is now in the state of abolishing martial arts. In the cultivation of civilization, Aiwen's combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a goose.You must know that the combat power evaluation of the fighting goose among the geese is one star...

A celebrity mentor like Reinhardt is not worried about students. He has a high vision. Whenever a student submits a resume to him, he will carefully screen it.His selection criteria are very high, and he is determined not to choose someone who is not a genius, has unlimited potential, or has a good character.

So a famous teacher is qualified to be willful, let alone a poor guy like Aiwen choose others, it is a blessing in misfortune that he can be selected!

In the end, Reinhardt took the four apprentices back to his teaching area.Each tutor has his own teaching area, and each teaching area is an independent space, and whatever you need will be immediately generated in the space.

Reinhardt is gone, but other excellent mentors are still there.The students were not discouraged. Except for the guy named Aiwen, all the instructors were above five-star experts.As long as you join a teacher at random, your future is limitless.

After strolling around, Ivan also said those words to three or four students.It's a pity that these students lost any interest in chatting after they saw the useless mentor named Aiwen who was talking to him.

Embryo!Scum!Still want to cheat us!no way!
Seeing the attitude of the students, Aiwen also lost his mind to put his hot face on his cold ass.Of course, he doesn't have any idea that if you ignore me today, I will make you unattainable tomorrow.Abandoning himself is an objective reality, and Aiwen doesn't think it's an insult for the apprentice not to choose him.

In fact, if Aiwen went to apprentice himself as a teacher, he would not choose an unknown guy who achieved nothing. This is human nature, and it is also the instinct of people to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Ai Wen lost the interest to continue strolling, he found a corner and sat down silently watching other teachers busily selecting students, or students eagerly asking their teachers for questions.

More than two hours passed, and the other 23 mentors had already chosen their apprentices.Only Aiwen, a teacher, and four unwanted students were left on the school square.

Ivan was happy after seeing this situation.Sure enough, the gods can't starve to death, and I still leave four apprentices for myself after these mentors have chosen thousands of choices!It seems that these four apprentices are not cheap, or they would have been taken away by other mentors long ago.

The remaining four students all looked very distinctive.It can be summed up in four words: men, women, young and old.If the summary of these four words is not general enough, it can also be changed to four words: old, weak, sick and disabled.

Let’s talk about the old man first, and I don’t know how the God of Education chose him.It is also very surprising that an old man who is nearly 70 years old can become a hero candidate.And this old man has no cultivation at all, just an ordinary old man walking in the park.

And Ivan felt that this uncle was very familiar.That's amazing!You must know that this place is not known how many light-years away!He can see that the familiar people are definitely fellow earthlings!

As soon as Aiwen pulled out the student's information, he almost bit his tongue.this!This is not the legendary founder of Hunyuan Taiji: Ma Baoguo!This he meow is fate!
There is an enduring meme in Huaxia Network that was created by this Uncle Ma.For example, young people gain nothing if they don’t talk about it, for example, let countless flawed netizens play the lightning five consecutive whips.

However, Ai Wen never thought that this uncle would become a candidate for a hero to fight in another world!This also means that he has potential!And this potential is certified by the gods!
"Hunyuan Tai Chi? Master Ma?" Aiwen greeted him politely. After all, this is an old acquaintance from a foreign land. It is not easy to meet a person from Earth among these students.

Ma Baoguo was also surprised: "You also come from Earth?"

Ai Wen nodded: "Don't say anything! Fate! Why don't you just come to my class!"

Uncle Ma also said bluntly, "OK!"

Anyway, no one wants it anymore. Rather than being thrown back to the earth, it's better to follow Aiwen to see the world!

Among the old, weak, sick and disabled, the "old" is Master Ma, and the "weak" is a pitiful little girl.This little girl's fighting ability is pitifully low. The weakest evaluation of ordinary people is that she has no stars, but this little girl's fighting ability evaluation is actually negative.

This means that this little girl can do nothing but cause chaos on the battlefield, so those who practice civilization will definitely treat the little girl as a waste.

The little girl looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, about the same age as Aiwen's students, so Aiwen's teacher complex came up again.

"Child, what's your name?" Ivan asked.

"My... my name is Melissa, I... I can't find a home!" Melissa said pitifully, "After I fell asleep, I found myself here... I want to go home !"

(End of this chapter)

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