Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 473 - We abstain

Chapter 473 – We Abstain
Except for Master Ma, the other three students especially like the traditional Chinese hot pot.According to Aiwen's understanding, the cuisine of many planets outside the earth has developed slowly, and every meal except black bread is barbecue.

All the good ingredients have been ruined, and there is no such thing as the spirit of Chinese people who are never tired of fine food and fine food.

Since following Aiwen, the "weak, sick and disabled" trio have found the true meaning of life.Evan's cooking is really delicious!So delicious!

Divine power can manifest ingredients, but it cannot manifest food.Aiwen didn't know the reason during this period, but as the top celebrity chef on earth, Aiwen can use his own method of turning decay into magic to turn ingredients into gourmet food.

Aiwen positions himself as a server. As long as his students are happy, Aiwen is not in vain as a mentor.

Facing the grim situation of the freshman competition, Aiwen still decided to discuss this matter while eating hot pot.

Follow other instructors to learn, and other students' cultivation realm will surely improve rapidly.The old, weak, sick, and disabled four-member team in my class can only fight Young Master Void, but its foundation is still not perfect, and if it is targeted at the body, it is easy to be beaten into a dog.

As for the old, the weak and the disabled... Ivan really has no hope.

Master Ma is a character who can be continuously KO'd by young people, and it is estimated that there will be psychological shadows on stage.Little Melissa is a child who has studied the practice manual and still has no improvement. She will definitely be punched and cried.As for the comrade who can't see the world, although he can see the world through the eyes of his mind, he still has no fighting power.

The scene of these three walking into the ring was so beautiful that Ivan couldn't even imagine what would happen.So now everyone has to work out a countermeasure, how to safely and smoothly pass the first competition.

Master Ma cooked a piece of mutton and threw it into his mouth: "I think, if you have to admit defeat, just admit defeat...don't stay on stage for too long."

The blind girl nodded in agreement: "Now everyone has no fighting power at all. I heard that there are already two-star masters from other classes."

"What's so scary about two-star masters? As long as I have a flying sword in my hand, 1 two-star masters tied together won't be enough for me to chop!" Mr. Kong Kong is very confident. In his world, the so-called two-star combat power A master can't even count as a little monster.

Little Melissa said it doesn't matter: "I'm so cute, do they have the nerve to hit me?"

Ai Wen's brain hurts: "Can you still have a little competitive spirit? You are going to compete in martial arts! You are not going to travel! Although your mentality is not bad, we have to think about how to win, right?"

Teacher Ma said quietly: "Young people don't talk about martial arts, if you don't surrender early, you will be knocked unconscious..."

It seems that he has indeed been beaten out of the shadows. Avent is curious about Master Ma's mental journey: "Speaking of which, you can't fight at all, so why do you want to go on stage and do it with him?"

"Do you really think I am a martial arts master? In fact, I am a liar!" Master Ma said without hesitation: "It's just that I see that many people are being tricked by some so-called liars who promote traditional martial arts. , so I set up a game myself. I first packaged myself as a legendary martial arts master, and then frequently brushed the presence to let everyone focus on me. When I gradually became a farce, Netizens will also think: how much are those so-called traditional martial arts masters? In the end, the trigger was that I was knocked down a few times in the ring. At that time, no one would believe these messy things anymore. "

Ivan was in awe when he heard this, what kind of feelings is this?What kind of spirit is this?Even if you are trapped in the mud, you must purify the country's ethos.

Ai Wen picked up the wine glass and touched Master Ma: "From what you said, it seems that this is really the case... There are too many people on the Internet who say what they say, but you have been wronged too much."

"It's all old coffins, so what's wrong with you? Although it's very lively being ridiculed by netizens, I will go to play other things in two days this morning." Teacher Ma's attitude is very open-minded, maybe this That's why he was chosen by the God of Education.

"Then do you feel like you can fight now?" Ivan asked.

Master Ma smiled and shook his head: "I'm here for vacation, not to fight... Martial arts is for health preservation, what's so good about fighting?"

Got it!This uncle's mentality is really good!Since detonating the whole network and retiring, this uncle is about to let himself go.Carrying a Maza every day and listening to storytelling in a corner is simply more retired than retired veteran cadres.

Therefore, the pattern of Aiwen's subordinates with three pits is still relatively dangerous.Participating in a martial arts competition will definitely be knocked out on the stage. If you are beaten to death, you must not be beaten to death. After all, it is very difficult to find hero candidates.Not everyone has the potential to be a hero, and these potentials should be treated with respect.

So in the end, Aiwen decided to abstain from voting. Those who hit you will all surrender to Aiwen.As long as we don't have a bottom line, you can't beat me!At worst, Aiwen's teacher's evaluation was once at the bottom, and at worst, the five teachers and students were assigned to a very quiet and peaceful land in the end.

The more capable you are, the greater the challenge you face.If Ivan is leading a group of superheroes, they may be facing fierce alien gods.

However, the old, weak, sick and disabled team led by Aiwen has no strength, and in the final redistribution process, they will definitely be assigned to a place where the old and young are poor but not dangerous.

After all, it's useless for you to send them to the front line. It's better to put them in the rear to manage logistics, at least it can play a little role.After all, Aiwen and the others are still members of the Eastern God Realm.

So Aiwen and his students decided to let themselves go.Anyway, these five people are either mentors who know nothing, or students who have been abandoned by the mentors, so everyone has no lofty ideals when they get together.

The sky is falling and there are tall people on top, and Reinhardt and his elite team are the best tall people.As long as Ivan and the others lie down firmly enough, they can lead them all the way to victory.

Aiwen sent the waiver statement to the organizer of the contest through Feidan.He declared the special situation of his subordinates who were old, weak, sick and disabled, so he planned to abandon the game with all of them.As for the grading of the students, you can just give it as you see it... As long as the students are not dismissed, everything is easy to negotiate.

So the old, weak, sick and disabled team resumed the salted fish mode of eating, drinking, playing and playing every day, and practicing and adjusting their state when they are tired from playing.

But at this time, the arena of Immortal Academy is in full swing.

Reinhardt is worthy of the name of a demigod, and the students he leads are also worthy of their status as elites.In the first competition, they swept the other classes with an average of two-and-a-half-star combat power.

When Young Master Kongxu saw the battle report, he smiled slightly, leaving only two words: Hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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