Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 475 - Melissa's New Partner: A Fat Orange

Chapter 475 - Melissa's New Partner: A Fat Orange

"The heart is as clear as ice, and the sky is not shocked! All changes are still fixed, and the spirit is calm! The void is peaceful, and there is nothing! Nothing is born, and it is difficult to complement each other! Forgetting and forgetting, it is the same as nirvana! The world is boundless, Everything is one! Flying flowers and falling leaves, open mind like a valley! Thousands of worries, only the heart! Immediately raise your brows, the Lingtai is quiet! No worries, no attachments." Ai Wen professionally recited the Taoist mantra to little Melissa, Hearing Aiwen's soft voice, Melissa felt that her splitting headache was slightly relieved.

Master Ma asked in surprise: "Are you a Taoist priest? You can memorize this thing so smoothly?"

"No, I'm a Chinese teacher—a bachelor's degree in Chinese language and literature, and memorizing texts is a basic operation." Ai Wen replied lightly.

Master Ma: ...

I also read a lot, you can't lie to me!God damn memorizing texts?Whose textbook is the Taoist mantra for purifying the heart?
Ai Wen looked at Master Ma's distorted expression and spread his hands and said, "Well, I have a showdown. I did secretly study the classics of the Taoist school. At that time, I was planning to become a member of the Taoist Association after graduation. I heard that the salary of being a Taoist priest is good. "

"If you want to say that the treatment is better, it should be a monk, right?" Master Ma questioned.

Ai Wen shook his black and thick hair: "I can't bear my hair! The shape of the bald head is too good, I can't hold it!"

After chatting with Master Ma for a while, Aiwen saw that little Melissa's brows were frowning again, so he started to chant the spell again.Aiwen has mastered different versions of the mantra for clearing the heart. If Taoism is not easy to use, he will also know Buddhist scriptures such as the Diamond Sutra, the Lotus Sutra, and the Bodhi Mantra for Purifying the Heart.

The benefits of reading more books immediately appeared. When others could only be at a loss, Ai Wen's heart-cleaning mantra really played a big role.Although it is a bit idealistic, but it is useful!

During Little Melissa's clearance, Ivan recited all kinds of messy scriptures, including the Taoist mantra for clearing the heart, various meditation scriptures of Buddhism, the Bible, the Qur'an, and the shaman's blessing mantra.

You have to say that there is a charm in Aiwen's body after being consecrated by the gods.Aiwen has memorized these things before, but the effect is not as good as it is now.It can be seen that Aiwen is not a useless person now, he can buff the students.

Famous generals are easy to get, but nanny is hard to find.Aiwen suddenly discovered that he had his own inspiration skills, and this discovery made him overjoyed.

It took a full 24 hours for little Melissa to clear the level. Twenty-four hours later, little Melissa suddenly felt in a trance and fell asleep as soon as her eyes went dark.

Mr. Kongkong said silently to the child's forehead: "It's over, there is no problem. During the pass, people's spirits are extremely excited, and no matter how painful they are, they have to endure it. This is why many strong people have surly and grumpy personalities. Teacher, you The heart-purifying mantra is very authentic, and little Melissa didn't feel much pain during the whole process. In the end, she passed out just because she had too much mental exhaustion, and she would be alive and kicking after sleeping."

Ai Wen asked curiously: "I'm already three and a half stars, why didn't I break through the level?"

Mr. Kongkong gave him a blank look: "You have a god on you! You have the blessing of the gods and you still need to break through?"

"By the way, is there a strong man in your world?" Ivan asked.

Mr. Kong Kong nodded: "The king of demon kings, Sun Wukong, should be a great demon at the peak of the demigod realm! There are so many people in the Immortal Academy, and the only one who can fight him is Rhine Hart."

"Then what is the situation of the Tathagata in your world?" Ivan asked.

Young Master Kong Kong showed a look of awe: "That is a real god, so he can only release his power in the way of "Da Ri Tathagata Sutra."

At Immortal Academy, he had already watched the movie "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", and carefully analyzed the division of combat power in the movie.

The combat strength of the two exorcists Tiancanjiao and Huxingquan should be around five stars, and they can fight with Zhu Bajie, but they are instantly defeated by Monkey King.

Young Master Kong + Flying Sword = Seven-star Combat Strength, but firstly, his foundation is not good, and secondly, the material of the flying sword is not good.So his Juque sword was destroyed on Monkey King's body after destroying the golden cudgel.

Sun Wukong's physical body is a bug at the level of a real god, otherwise why would he dare to challenge the Tathagata?
"What is your combat power now?" Ivan asked.

Mr. Kongkong shook his folding fan: "It's still the Seven Stars. The training manual only consolidated my foundation and re-forged a solid Dao foundation for me. In terms of fighting, I am no different from before. Unless I can find various advanced materials to strengthen me The flying sword, otherwise the increase in combat power will be very slow."

"Otherwise, why would I be so poor that I can only afford four old golden flowers in the movie? All the money I earned from exorcising demons was used to strengthen the Juque Sword." Mr. Kong Kong smiled wryly: "Do you know why I only wear white clothes? ? Because white clothes are the cheapest!"

Alvin: ...

God damn white clothes are the cheapest!You, the number one exorcist in the world, are too miserable, right?

Ai Wen suddenly asked curiously: "You can obviously fly with the sword, why do you need someone else to carry the sedan chair?"

"Brother! My flying sword is used to fight monsters! It takes mana to fly the sword! I'm so... um... empty, and mana has always been my shortcoming. Rebuilding the foundation has made my battle endurance stronger .So although my combat power has not improved much, my overall strength has made great progress." Mr. Kong Kong explained.

Evan nodded thoughtfully. Master Void in version 1.0 is a mage with extremely high attack power but extremely short blue bars.Exorcism is a high-risk job, and he needs to use all his mana where it should be used.If Yu Jian flies to the sky, it will reduce his combat effectiveness.

In the past, Mr. Void was a fortress mage with fixed-point output, but now he can move output after re-establishing the foundation.Although the upper limit of combat power has not been increased much, the strength of self-protection has steadily risen several steps.

Melissa, who had rested for a long time, appeared in front of everyone rubbing her sleepy eyes.The blind girl walked up to Melissa and asked caringly, "How do you feel?"

"Thank you Sister Ciri. I feel very comfortable." Melissa said with a smile.

Ai Wen asked: "Have you changed anything now?"

Little Melissa happily jumped in front of Ivan: "I can summon my friends!"

She joyfully lifted up the fat orange cat she was holding in her hand for Ivan to see: "Look, teacher! This is the good partner I summoned! His name is Gus!"

Aiwen looked at the cute fat orange and was speechless: "A chubby orange cat? Besides being cute, does it have any fighting power?"

After seeing Ai Wen's expression, Fat Orange showed Wang Zhi's contemptuous expression.It seems that Aiwen is some lowly people.

Yo huh?Has this fat orange turned into essence?
Suddenly Ivan felt that the name Gus sounded familiar.

I knock!Yuan Devouring Beast!Nima!
(End of this chapter)

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