Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 480 – The City Defense Army

Chapter 480 – City Defense Army

Aiwen, the Warrior Guild, can be suppressed by force, because they are not irreplaceable resources.But the masters are indeed irreplaceable, so Aiwen can only be cautious before acting.

Now with the 180 million sent by the Warriors Guild, there are many things Aiwen can do, and the negotiation with Faye can be delayed for a while.It is very important to restore the order of urban management. Urban management has never been something that can be done by one person or two. It requires the coordination of multiple departments to form an airtight network.

Fortunately, the old roots of Anlin City are still there, neither the tax office nor the police office have been eliminated.The Warriors Guild only summoned Weird in the City Hall and the City Lord's Mansion, and other lower-level offices were not damaged too much.

It's just that because there is no new city lord, these functional departments don't know whose orders to listen to, so they can only choose to stop.

Many sheriffs and tax collectors resigned and went home because they had no money to pay their salaries.After all, people also need to eat just right, who will play with you if you don't have a salary?No matter which world people look at money, they want to make money.

So Aiwen issued an announcement to the whole city in the name of the city hall - the clerks who used to work in the authorities can return to work in the original unit, and the salary will be repaid according to the number of days on the job.

The 180 million that Ai Wen stole is very valuable - the monthly salary of ordinary clerks is only 30, which is enough money to run the city hall for a long time, otherwise why would the President of the Fighters Guild be so distressed!

However, it is not Aiwen's goal to restore the shut down city hall. He also wants to re-establish order and make Anlin City a prosperous and rich tax cow, providing sufficient logistical support for the front line.

The cost of transporting materials across the world is too high, even the gods cannot afford this cost.Therefore, the logistics supply has always been that the expeditionary force adapts to local conditions and is self-sufficient in the new world.This is an old tradition of the expeditionary force, and there is no fuss.

Young Master Kong's flying sword has become the information transmission center covering Anlin City.Messages from other departments can be sent to the City Hall through Feijian at any time, and the blind girl will give the approval and then convey the opinions to the various functional departments.

In wild areas without telephones and internet, Feijian Express is already a very efficient way of transmitting information.More importantly, this delivery method is very secure.Point-to-point transmission prevents others from monitoring, and prevents others from blocking messages.

Although Young Master Kong's little flying sword is not as powerful as after the fusion, it is still very easy to instantly kill a six-star master.However, because he released all the flying swords, Mr. Kongkong at this time is the most dangerous moment.If there is a seven-star master attacking, he will finish the calf in minutes.It will take time for Xiao Feijian to fly back to his master from all over the city.When a master fights, every second counts, and a few minutes will kill him without a place to bury him.

Fortunately, Anlin City is a rear city, and the strongest person here is the president of the Mage Guild——John Stoff.He is a six-star mage, a saint in the world, and a powerful group.But under Master Kong's little flying sword, Johanstorf couldn't handle it either.Unless he lives with a magic shield every day, he won't be able to stop Xiao Feijian from assassinating him anytime and anywhere.

As for the power Aiwen hidden in the dark, it's hard to say. A city that can cause such a headache for the expeditionary army does not have the power to suppress the bottom of the box. He would not believe that Aiwen was killed.So he had to be on guard against someone raiding the city hall again at any time.

Whether it's the Old Ones or the weirdness born because of them, these things are almost brainless, and God knows what brain-twitching things they can do.

Under the leadership of Aiwen, Anlin City's ordinary municipal work has returned to the right track.But the only one that didn't choose to build was the city defense army affiliated to Anlin.The city defense army does not belong to the external battle order. Their duty is to protect the city and resist weird invasions.

The city defense army is the core force in the hands of the city lord, and it is also the reliance for the city lord to be able to sit firmly in the city lord's position.The composition of An Lincheng's city defense army is very complicated. There are fighters from the Fighter Guild, mages from the Mage Guild, and some recruited wild experts.

The nature of the city defense army is similar to that of the foreign legion in France on earth, and it also takes money to do things.It's just that what the Anlin city defense army needs to defend against is the weirdness of the old rulers.

Their status in Anlin City is quite special, so special that the city lord can't command them at certain times.They are like Erlang gods, listening to the tune but not the announcement, they will only take action when An Lin is in trouble.

The last time the city defense army came out of camp was to quell the weirdness of the city hall and the city lord's mansion.The remaining money in the city hall and the city lord's mansion is their hard work.This is also the reason why Aiwen swallowed the city hall as soon as he took office, and all the valuable things in it were taken away by them!

In fact, this can't be blamed on the greed of the city defense army, they also charge according to the strange level.This time, the city lord's mansion and the city hall are causing a level-five weird disturbance, and at least ten or more level-[-] powerhouses are needed to take action.

Level [-] powerhouses are already well-known powerhouses in Anlin City. Can these powerhouses spend a lot of hard work?

So Aiwen can only admit that he is unlucky, the charges are reasonable, and it is impossible for Aiwen to find a later account.However, Aiwen still has to go to the city defense army, after all, the city defense army is also under the jurisdiction of the city lord's mansion in principle.It would be a joke to keep them in a semi-independent state like this.

The barracks of the city defense army is located in the southern suburb of Anlin City. The reason why it is located in the southern suburb is because the land price there is cheap.The price of land in this world is closely related to the frequency of troubles. With such a group of powerful people stationed there, the city hall would be happy to give away the land for nothing!

Aiwen drove the Kucha Kucha steam locomotive emitting white smoke all the way to the south of the city.I have to say that this steampunk technology tree is still unique. The steam locomotive does not burn coal, but burns the crystals of the past left over after Weird was killed.

A fist-sized crystal of the old days can make a steam locomotive run from factory to scrap. As for the white smoke that comes out along the way, that thing is not a harmful gas that pollutes the environment, but liquefied water vapor.

Therefore, the steam engine in this world is much more environmentally friendly than the internal combustion engine on the earth.Otherwise, why is the sky in this world so blue?
The level of science and technology in this world is equivalent to that of the earth around the eighteenth century.Roughly equal to the level of England after the first industrial revolution.
As for the acquisition of the crystal of the old days, this world also has a complete set of operating rules.People in this world must be buried in mass cemeteries in accordance with the requirements of the city hall after they die.When enough corpses are buried in the collective cemetery, special priests will turn it into a strange place.

When the cemetery becomes a strange place, the buried corpses will become lower-level creatures-ghouls.At that time, there will be strong people to kill these ghouls and take out the old crystals to provide safe and environmentally friendly energy for the city.

However, there are occasional car overturns. When the cemetery was transformed into a strange place, a powerful weirdness was born.Neither the local strong nor the foreign strong can handle it, and the last strange land will become a forbidden area.Cities close to it must choose to relocate.

According to the general situation, human beings have to pay ten times or more to calm down a strange place.Compared with the sacrifice of the strong human race, relocating the city is more cost-effective.Because this world is simply too big, and people in this world still don't know where the world's border is.

(End of this chapter)

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