Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 95--Going to the door

Chapter 95 – On the Doorstep (2)

In the living room of Chen's house, Ai Wen obediently sat on the small sofa and chatted with Chen's father and Chen's mother.The chat content is nothing more than work, income, hobbies and so on.

Aiwen, who has met the parents several times, is very experienced, and his harmless smile is so natural.

Aiwen's own profession has brought him a lot of bonuses. Although the teacher's salary is not high, he will not be looked down upon by others.In terms of social status, a teacher can be regarded as a position that is more than inferior than superior.

"Xiao Ai, what do your parents do?" Father Chen asked.

Ai Wen didn't hide it either: "My father is the director of the Teaching Office of Experimental High School, and my mother is the chief accountant of Huajian Second Bureau."

"Hehe, you can be regarded as inheriting your father's business." Father Chen nodded with satisfaction. The background of Ai Wen's family is still good, and judging from his conversation and behavior, his family's family style is also acceptable.

Aiwen nodded: "Yes, I have respected my father's advice to engage in the classroom industry after graduation."

Mother Chen asked: "Xiao Ai, I heard that you plan to marry Xiaoyan by the end of the year?"

Ai Wen gave an affirmative answer: "My parents also want to see me get married this morning. I wonder what your two elders think?"

"It's not impossible to get married, Xiaoyan will be 27 soon. But do you have any plans with Xiaoyan about the house and car? The housing prices in Q City have been rising. If you can't afford the down payment, you can stay in Xiaoyan's house Get married." Mother Chen was afraid that her son-in-law would run away, and although teachers' salaries are low, they are more stable, and it is of great benefit to the next generation that parents are teachers.

Children will also like to learn after being exposed to the habits of their parents.Ai Wen’s habit of reading was abducted by the old Ai Wen. When he was a child, there were no entertainment facilities at home (mainly because Addison didn’t buy them—he didn’t even have a TV in his house), so in order to pass the time, Ai Wen could only go to the study to find his favorite books. to see.

Ivan finished reading Solzhenitsyn's "Cancer Building" before entering the first grade. Ivan's character of advocating freedom, hating bondage, and having many girlfriends also comes from these foreign literatures.If you don't believe me, go to "Ancient Greek Mythology" for yourself, and you will be dumbfounded by seeing the relationship between men and women in the Zeus family.

Ai Wen smiled: "My parents have prepared the house for me to get married, but it's a bit off, and it's not convenient to go to work."

Chen's father immediately comforted him and said: "It doesn't matter if the house is a bit off. If it is really inconvenient, the house your parents prepared for you will be considered an investment. Xiaoyan's house is in the city, and the area is not small. Your little one It's enough for two people to live there."

Although Ai Wen wanted to tell Chen's parents that Lao Ai prepared a mountain villa for him, he still accepted the kindness of the two elders: "Well, we can go to the suburbs for vacation during the holidays near the house my parents prepared for me. The scenery is nice."

"En." The elder nodded, and Mother Chen said, "The car doesn't have to be very good, as long as it can be used for transportation. Young people do have a lot of pressure to get married. It will be fine when you and Xiaoyan get married and earn slowly."

Chen Chengwang said weakly: "Mom, Teacher Ai's car is a Wrangler."

"Wrangler? How much is it?" Chen's mother didn't usually study cars, but suddenly she didn't know if it was good or not when she heard about Wrangler.

"The top match costs more than 60 yuan," Chen Chengwang whispered to his mother.

Mother Chen nodded: "Ah? It's so expensive! It's almost half a house! Xiao Ai, is your teacher's salary so high?"

"Auntie, I usually do some side jobs within the scope allowed by the Teacher Law," Ai Wen said with a smile.

"Do you still have a side job? I just want to see that Xiao Ai is smart!" Mother Chen was very satisfied.

It's a good thing that Aiwen didn't say that his sideline business is rent collection, otherwise it would have become a scene of pretending to be 13.

It was almost noon, and Aiwen stood up and said to Chen's mother: "Auntie, the first visit today is a bit abrupt, so let me handle lunch today!"

Mother Chen asked in surprise: "Xiao Ai, can you still cook?"

"Well, my parents don't go into the kitchen when I'm at home. Auntie, what's the taste of your house? I can cook Chuanlu Huaiyang Yuebei dishes!" Aiwen said confidently.

Mother Chen said pleasantly: "I didn't expect Xiao Ai to be a great chef! My family is not picky about food, so you can cook whatever you like!"

Aiwen nodded, and went to expand the map in the direction of the kitchen.Chen's mother glared at her daughter, who was leaning on the sofa and smirking, and said, "Don't you want to fight? I don't think you are good enough for Xiao Ai now!"

Chen Yanzi pouted: "Am I still your daughter?"

"Hmph! I wish Xiao Ai was my son!" Mother Chen grabbed Chen Yanzi by the ear and threw her into the kitchen, then closed the kitchen door with a bang.

She went back to the living room and asked her eldest son, "Chengwang, what do you think of Xiao Ai?"

"Mr. Xiao Ai has nothing to choose in terms of knowledge, appearance, personality, and ability, and I heard Xiaolin say that Teacher Xiao Ai can also martial arts." Chen Chengwang is still very optimistic about Ai Wen becoming his brother-in-law. If Ai Wen becomes his brother-in-law Brother-in-law, Chen Xiaolin doesn't need to worry about her junior high school studies.With Ai Wen watching at the school, can Chen Xiaolin turn the world upside down?

Chen's mother's eyes lit up: "This kid is really versatile!"

"Mom, why do you feel like you want Xiaoyan to marry right away?" Chen Chengwang asked.

Mother Chen pinched her waist and said, "What if such a good son-in-law, Xiao Ai, ran away? What else does our Xiaoyan have besides having a pretty face and being able to dance?"

Chen Chengwang smiled wryly: "Okay, as long as you are happy. I'll go to see Xiaolin—she might be a little shocked. I have to say that Teacher Ai Wen and Xiaoyan have developed a bit fast, and they have known each other for less than a month."

"The relationship is getting stronger and stronger! Let's talk about the marriage first!" Chen's mother decided to cut the mess quickly: "I have to go to the kitchen to see, if Xiao Ai's skills are not good, I have to replace him."

Mother Chen quietly came to the kitchen door to listen, and she found that Chen Yanzi was chatting with Ai Wen.

"Why didn't you tell my mother about your three buildings?" Chen Yanzi asked, "This is a huge bonus!"

"The problem is that those three buildings don't belong to me. My dad only gave me the right to collect the rent, and his name is still on the real estate certificate." Aiwen said helplessly.

Chen Yanzi then asked: "You just said that your family prepared a wedding room for you in the suburbs?"

"Well." Ai Wen nodded: "In addition to giving me a sum of money for the marriage, my dad also gave me a house - the name of the real estate certificate is mine."

Chen Yanzi asked curiously: "Why are you in the suburbs?"

"The scenery is beautiful. Let's learn about the mountains, rivers and clouds?" Ai Wen chatted with Chen Yanzi while chopping vegetables-let her aunt be a beautiful woman quietly!It's not enough for her to make trouble!
Mother Chen hurried into the study and asked Father Chen, "Old man, which neighborhood is the mountain, water and cloud?"

"A community? That's a villa area! The developer of the Imperial Capital has built 24 mountain villas in the Yanluo Mountain next to Luoyan Lake - the kind that is surrounded by mountains and rivers. Luoyan Lake can be seen from the yard of each villa. "Father Chen is a businessman after all, and he has heard of the top villa area in Q City.

Mother Chen asked dully, "How much does a house in the mountains, rivers and clouds cost?"

"You really love that girl, let's put it this way, you can buy a middle-priced villa by selling all of our family's wealth." Father Chen said with a smile, "So you plan to marry Xiaoyan with a villa?"

Chen's mother felt her head buzzing: "Xiaoai's father prepared a wedding room for him in the mountains, rivers and clouds."

This time it was Father Chen's turn to shock the wedding room in the mountains and rivers?What family!

(End of this chapter)

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