old black is a dog

Chapter 70 A penny beats a hero

Chapter 70 A penny beats a hero
This is not the only thing that happened to Yuanji Pet Shop.

If it only falsified the pedigree certificate, the most it lost was the business of selling puppies.

But it is also dying in pet foster care.

According to the operating practice of the pet store, after a foster dog is sent to the store, it must first undergo a routine inspection to see if there are any characteristics of infectious diseases, whether there are lice, cow ticks, mites, etc. on the body, and some Words have to be the first to repel insects.

Also, after the dog enters the store, it is necessary to bathe the dog first.

In addition, in the morning and evening of every day, it is also necessary to take each dog out for a walk and to defecate at a fixed point.

But Yuanji Pet Store has omitted all these procedures, or it has not done well.

Therefore, as soon as many dogs enter the foster care, they will be infected with lice, cattle ticks, mites, etc., and the weak ones will even get sick.

Lice, cattle ticks, mites, etc. are the enemies of dogs. If they are not removed in time, the dog will scratch continuously, resulting in serious problems such as skin ulceration and hair loss. Become a scarred dog.

If there are many such things, the reputation of Yuanji Pet Shop's pet fostering business will be stink.

The most terrible thing is that in the first two weeks, Yuanji Pet Shop also had an accident in the area of ​​pet grooming, and it was a major event.

Two weeks ago, a Corgi was sent to Yuanji Pet Shop by its owner for a bath.

But when the owner of the corgi dog went to pick up his dog, he found that one of the corgi's hind legs was lame.When I asked what was going on in the store, Yuanji Pet Shop denied it in every possible way, saying that the dog was lame in the first place.

The dog owner asked to see the invigilation video in the store, but the store continued to deny it, saying that the surveillance video was broken.

The dog owner was furious and called the police directly.

The truth was soon found out.

It turned out that this corgi had a problem, it was fine in the bath, very well behaved.But once it is blown, it will be afraid of the sound of the hair dryer and will desperately resist.

The clerk in charge of bathing it lost his patience, so he knocked on its hind legs with a hair dryer, knocking its legs lame.

The reason why the clerk is impatient is also very simple. It is because the business in the store is not good. The boss has already owed the employee two months' wages.

This dog owner is not a good stubble.

As soon as this incident happened, he posted the incident and photos on the forum, causing this incident to be known to everyone in Lijing Garden.

The reputation of Yuanji Pet Shop was so bad that it lost all business.

Waiting for it is to close the door and transfer.

After listening to Qiuqiu's mother's gossip, Yang Mu shook his head.

Having lived in the community for more than two years, he saw that many shops in the community were constantly changing owners. The reason was that those shop owners were self-defeating, short-sighted, and wanted to make quick money, thus losing their reputation.

Doing business in such a community, most of them are regular customers, what they want is word of mouth, without word of mouth, it is tantamount to waiting for death.

But this is good news for him.

Compared with Mi Li, he is more eager to have a decent pet shop, so that he can show his skills and make a fortune in the pet industry.

After this day's training, Mi Li wanted to go to the Yuanji Pet Center to find out about the transfer and see if it was possible to take over.

Yang Mu followed without hesitation.

Knowing this, Mi Li gasped.

The location of this store is really good. It is not only in the center of the entire community, but also on the main road of the community. The traffic is very convenient, and it can basically take care of the business of the entire community.

The store is also very large, about 180 square meters, three times the size of Mi Li's current small store. Once she takes over, pet grooming, foster care, puppy sales, pet supplies sales and other businesses can all be carried out here.

But the problem is that the cost of the top hand is not cheap. The owner of Yuanji Pet Center killed him immediately, saying that it would cost 20 yuan, and he would not do anything less.

Forget about rice grains, this price is about the same as opening a new store.

This is not the most important thing, the important thing is that she doesn't have that much money.

Shaking her head, she had no choice but to take Yang Mu home.

Yang Mu was tempted.

The top hand fee of this store is a bit expensive, but it is still within his acceptable range.

The most critical point is that if you take over this ready-made store, at least one or two months of renovation period can be saved.

With these two months, he is sure to make more money.

Therefore, for this price, he is still acceptable.

He still has some money, and he still has 10,000+ on another card. If he joins hands with Mi Li, it should be no problem to take over this store.

But this is also risky.

Once he spends all his money and there is no new stable source of income, then his housing loan, body rehabilitation expenses, and Yang Yan's living expenses will all become major problems.

It's too risky to do so. It's better to ask him when you can make another sum of money.

still have a question.

How can I convince Mi Li to cooperate with me?

If he is a person now, the problem is not big, but the problem is that now he is a dog, and there is no way to negotiate with Mi Li.

We have to find another safe way to do this.

Yang Mu began to use his brain.

That night, Mi Li and Yang Yan also talked about it.

"I did the math. In the past 20 days or so, we have earned 5 from the prince, and we can get the remaining 3 as soon as we participate in the competition. We have earned 5 from the man. Whether we can get the other 5 is another matter. The 3 yuan I have been allocated now, plus the original deposit of more than 8 yuan, makes a total of more than [-] yuan, how is this enough?"

A penny stumps the hero.

Yang Yan was also in a dilemma: "Sister Mi Li, I don't have any money. My brother's card originally had more than 3 yuan left. These days, I have divided 5 yuan, but there are only more than 8 yuan. I still owe Chen The 3 yuan from Chao has not been returned...the money is far from enough!"

The two women were talking, discussing, and sighing.

Yang Mu also sighed.

Mi Li's money, plus his savings, is enough money to take over the store, but once the operating funds are added, he and Mi Li will have no savings at all.

That's too risky.

You have to find a way to make money.

But the question is, where does the money come from?

No, Wang Zi's mother's 10 yuan competition prize must be obtained!
Also, the man's remaining 5 yuan must also be earned!

It's best to make another sum of money, so that you can live safely in the future.

But this matter is really urgent!
If it drags on for a long time, maybe that store will be taken over by someone else, making me and Mi Li miss the best opportunity.

then what should we do?

Yang Mu did the math, there is still about a week before the all-breed pet competition, even if he is willing to take the risk, he must first get the 10 yuan prize money from Wang Zima.

I don't know if it's too late or not.

 A new week is coming, please ask for a little reward, please ask for a little recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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