Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 405 Tragic 2 Wins

Chapter 405 The Tragic Second Victory

Everyone was worried, but Qin Feng instantly hit Zhang Ersheng's body with a burst of energy, isolating him from the surroundings.

Then he looked at Er Sheng's body again, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

Zhang Ersheng is dead, but the changes in his body are quite huge. The powerful power of the resentful spirit is entangled with Zhang Ersheng's original soul, forming a soul body with super yin energy, which makes people see if this soul body is not Zhang Ersheng's own soul, but he wants to control this body.

Qin Feng became more and more surprised as he watched, he really didn't know how this happened.

How could the resentment of the cold bird affect the soul of a person?How could it become one with Zhang Ersheng's soul?
What's more, if it is combined, it should be the resentment of a cold bird. This is obviously not the case. I don't know how many cold birds.

The more I thought about it, the more puzzled I became, at this moment the voice of the system sounded: "Master, Zhang Ersheng gathered a lot of Hanniao's resentment because he was bitten by Hanniao before, and he himself had a deep resentment in his heart. It was only then that the resentment was absorbed."

"Later, Hanniao attacked him again. He had too much resentment, which attracted the mental power of that Hanniao. That's why this happened."

Qin Feng was taken aback when he heard this: "What? He has deep resentment himself? Why is that?"

System; "I don't know, if you want to get rid of the grievances in this Er Sheng's body, you must revive him and then completely defeat him. Only in this way can you disperse his grievances and return to righteousness."

"Resurrect him? How?" Qin Feng asked puzzled.

System: "Of course it is to give up control of him and let the powerful resentful spirit in his body control the body, but you must pay attention, defeating this kind of resentful spirit cannot destroy him at once, you must really defeat him, only in this way can he be destroyed Fear, resentment will be transformed by fear."

"Uh...then you mean to let me fight him with strength?" Qin Feng said depressedly.

System; "That's what it means."

"Okay, I'll recruit it to the small world in a while, I want to see this garbage, where does so much resentment come from." Qin Feng responded, and then directly moved the corpse of Zhang Ersheng to a space.

This is not difficult for Qin Feng, he is the master of the world, he can divide the space at will, and he knows that something happened to Zhang Ersheng, and Zhang Ersheng's parents will definitely come over soon, so he can only let Zhang Ersheng say everything, Only then can everyone be convinced.

So he purposely made this space transparent, everyone can see and hear what's going on inside, but there's no way for everyone to enter it.

When everyone saw Zhang Ersheng's body shifting, they were all shocked: "Brother Qin, what are you doing? Is Zhang Ersheng's body in danger?"

Qin Feng smiled: "Hehe, there is danger, but I will subdue it. The most important thing now is to revive him, and then find out what resentment he has in his heart?"

"Resurrect him?" Everyone was shocked.

"No, Brother Qin, won't this resurrection become a disaster?"

"Yeah, Brother Qin, he doesn't seem to be human at all now."

"Brother Qin, will he hurt people?"

Everyone persuaded Qin Feng, but at this moment, a burst of crying came from a distance: "My son, Sheng'er, why did you die?"

"Asheng, why are you disobedient, why are you doing this?"

As the cry came, everyone turned their heads to look over, and found that it was none other than Zhang Ersheng's parents. The two old people had reached their sixtieth years, and they would see their son's body from a distance, crying with tears People are average.

Tian Bao, Shi Geng and a few fellow villagers who were close to him hurriedly tried to persuade them.

After getting close, they wanted to get close to Zhang Ersheng's body, but there was a space between them, and they didn't get close at all, and they were bounced back.

"Ah?" The two old men shouted in shock.

Seeing this, Qin Feng hurried forward: "Uncle Zhang, don't do this, Zhang Ersheng is dead, and now his body is very dangerous, he is no longer like an ordinary person."

"What? Qin Feng, you... You said that Ersheng's body has changed? Why is that?" Zhang Ersheng's father couldn't accept it.

"Ah... Uncle Zhang, let me tell you the truth, Zhang Ersheng was bitten by a bird of resentment, and now his whole body is full of resentment, which is very terrifying. If you get close, you will be easily corroded by that resentment." .” Qin Feng sighed slightly.

"Then... what should we do then?" The two old men asked anxiously.

Qin Feng didn't hide it this time: "I'll bring him back to life later..."

Then he told the story again, and everyone turned pale with shock: "Brother Qin, are you going to fight him? Will it be dangerous?"

"Yes, Brother Qin, what's the matter with him?"

Qin Feng smiled and turned to look at the two old people: "Uncle Zhang, Auntie, do you know why Er Sheng has such a strong resentment? Does he have a good life now? No one has wronged him. ?”

Qin Feng was very curious. Since the merger of the village, whether it was before or after the merger of the Three Realms, the people under his management would not treat anyone badly, especially the former folks. Follow him to do things, and he tries to make everyone live more comfortably. .

Now that something like Zhang Ersheng happened suddenly, he was at a loss.

When the two old men were questioned, they looked at Zhang Ersheng, who was all in black, and sighed: "Oh...Qin Feng, this is actually Ersheng's dead end. You know that he used to be a thief. Don't like to see him."

"Although it got better later, he still couldn't get along with others. He always felt that others treated him badly. I don't know how many times my wife and I persuaded him, but he didn't listen."

"Fortunately, after marrying a daughter-in-law, he felt a lot better, but you talk about why our daughter-in-law lived so short and died early. This made Er Sheng feel that the whole world was unfair to him, and he kept thinking about it. Those who hate this and hate that always think that one day they will be able to do whatever they want.”

"For this reason, I started stealing things again, and as a result, everyone hated him even more..."

The two elders talked about all kinds of things about Zhang Ersheng, and Qin Feng felt a little bit pained when he heard it. He knew a little about Zhang Ersheng's things. Sick and died.

To say that this person's life is really not very good!

But who can blame this, if he plays well, he can't be called a daughter-in-law.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the two old men: "Okay, uncle, aunt, don't worry, although I dare not say that I can save Er Sheng, but I will definitely make him die more comfortably."

"Is...really hopeless?" The two elders said unwillingly.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly: "Hehe, it's hard, I can only say try, and Uncle Zhang, let me tell you the truth, even if it is saved, the soul is not a pure second victory, and I will follow me in the future Otherwise, it will be difficult to say anything if you lose control.”

What he said is the truth. Although he is the master of the world, Zhang Ersheng's current changes are beyond his control.

"Okay, okay, Brother Qin, what a trouble to you." The two elders begged.

While he was speaking, Zhang Ersheng's body in that space had already started to move. He stood up swayingly, opened his eyes and looked at everyone.

Those blood-red eyes and resentful expression shocked everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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