Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 410 Curse Skill

Chapter 410 Curse Skill

The system followed up with a burst of explanations, and Qin Feng understood the reason after listening.

In the words of the system, all kinds of energy in the world come from chaos, including resentment force, dark force, yin and yang force and so on.

And the power of chaos can separate so much energy, and can also fuse these energies again, so that Qin Feng can use this energy to improve himself, and at the same time, he can obtain special skills.

As for the destruction of the Tree of Resentment God, it was also to prevent this kind of thing from harming others.

After understanding it, Qin Feng nodded slightly, and soon shot out a burst of energy, completely enveloping the space, and at the same time, blasting chaotic fire into the space.

Those cold birds that were flying were rushed by the huge sky fire, and quickly messed up, and began to fly around, but the surrounding space was imprisoned, they had no chance to fly out, and then they were burned by the sky fire, turning into black resentment Flew to the Tree of Resentment God in the middle.

Qin Feng looked at it with a smile, and began to slowly shrink the barrier of the space, so that all the resentment began to gather towards the tree of resentment. After a while, the tree of resentment began to stop. It started shaking, and then the shaking became more and more violent. After a while, a strong black light was emitted from the tree.

The Tree of Resentment God seemed to want to explode, but the system's voice sounded again: "Master, Master, quickly wrap the power of chaos around the Tree of Resentment God, and completely fuse it."

"Yeah!" Qin Feng didn't dare to hesitate, he was also afraid that something would really change in this thing, so he quickly shot out Chaos.

Huge gray energy enveloped the tree of resentful gods. The next moment, the tree of resentful gods seemed to sense something, and suddenly exploded, turning into a figure, and began to struggle and scream.

"Presumptuous, where did I come from to be so young, I dare to destroy the tree of my primordial spirit, I will kill you..."

The black shadow kept screaming, and Qin Feng sneered: "Trash, if you can kill me, you will kill me long ago, will you wait until now? You should wait to be fused by me, this is your only end, It is also your fate."

Qin Feng quickly used his fusion skills while shouting, and then saw that the black shadow had begun to distort and deform: "Ah! Let go of me, you bastard, I am one of the eight great gods, let me go, you have absorbed Me, you will be resentful for the rest of your life..."

It continued to shout, but it was a pity that Qin Feng ignored it at all, but continued to fuse. While merging, he used the fire of chaos to refine the resentment that was sucked into the body, and those resentment were full of yin at first, but after passing After the refining of the fire of chaos, the color began to change from black to blue, and then turned to white, all of which merged into Qin Feng's dantian.

I don't know how long after this, the last bit of resentment was sucked in by Qin Feng, and a black bead appeared at the root of the tree of resentment, and rushed into Qin Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Huh? What is this?" Qin Feng was taken aback.

System: "Master, this is the Orb of Resentment God. You don't need to worry about it, just continue refining it with sky fire. In the future, those resentment powers will be transformed into powerful curse skills, and will no longer appear in the form of energy."

"En!" Qin Feng responded, and began to release the flames of chaos.

After a while, the Pearl of Resentment turned into traces of energy and merged into Qin Feng's mind, and then a lot of information began to appear in Qin Feng's mind.

"Curse of resentment, now activate the curse skill. This skill can make people suffer from bad luck through thoughts, and have various side effects, such as weakness, sadness, resentment, greed, etc., which greatly reduces their combat effectiveness and hinders them everywhere..."

There is a lot of information, but Qin Feng is more and more delighted. This skill does not seem to be very powerful, but the effect is surprisingly good. It can almost let him control other people's emotions.

If this thing is used on the enemy, I don't know how good it will be.

At the same time, Qin Feng felt that after absorbing the transformation of those grievances, his cultivation level had improved again, and he had the momentum to break through the sixth layer of chaos.

In addition, Qin Feng can now use energy to transform into cold birds, which can be regarded as an attack skill. Although the attack power is not strong, if it really turns into countless cold birds and the enemy is attacked, it is quite terrifying ah.

Qin Feng continued to practice excitedly, but it was a pity that it took a long time until the energy was completely stable and he did not break through, so he had to give up.

And then the system's voice rang again; "Congratulations, master, for completing the mission of the cold bird, you will be rewarded with [-] points."

drop!When the points came into the account, Qin Feng stood up excitedly and said, this is great. With these [-] points, his planting and breeding scale can continue to expand.

The more he thought about it, the happier he was, Qin Feng looked around in that space again, and when he found nothing useful, he directly filled the Hanniao space with rocks, and then returned to the village.

Going outside, Qin Feng let a few children, Yang Meili and Zhang Ersheng out of space. They were all a little curious, and asked about Qin Feng's experience during the period. When they knew that Hanniao would not exist again, they finally felt relieved. Come.

Especially the children cheered around Qin Feng: "Father, you are so powerful, you finally beat those bad birds to death."

"Yeah, Dad, can you get some more birds like that for us to shoot now?"

"Dad, we want revenge."

Qin Feng grinned: "Hehe, okay, I'll let you try."

As he said that, he waved a few cold birds, but these cold birds were under his control, and they didn't attack the babies, but they used their energy to hit them wildly.

Bang bang bang!
After a while, Hanniao was broken into energy, and the children were relieved: "Haha, Dad, these things are not so powerful."

"Hmm, Dad, aren't we strong?"

Qin Feng smiled and touched the heads of several children: "Yes, you are really good, but you have to practice hard in the future."

"Yeah, we want to be as good as daddy." Several children nodded vigorously.

After going on like this for a while, Qin Feng began to use points to buy new seeds. After a day of tossing around like this, Qin Feng's planting area expanded by several hundred acres.

After arranging the planting, Qin Feng originally wanted to rest for a day, but at this moment, the Yang brothers came to the news, saying that the giant fish clan had come, and wanted to invite Qin Feng to the sea to discuss trade matters.

Qin Feng couldn't rest now, so he could only rush to the area under the jurisdiction of the Yang brothers.

He went to the seaside hall he had built before, and when he got there, the Yang brothers and several giant mermaids were waiting there, and the leader on the opposite side was the young master of the giant mermaid from last time.

Seeing Qin Feng's arrival, everyone rushed forward one after another: "Mr. Qin, you are here. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Yes, Mr. Qin, this time I extend a warm invitation to you on behalf of the clan. Our clan has decided to establish a trade relationship with you..."

Several people let Qin Feng in, but Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the young master of the giant mermaid clan: "Since you are so kind, why don't your people come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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