Dad's Super Farm

Chapter 412 Preliminary confrontation

Chapter 412 Preliminary confrontation
Looking at the distribution and class division of mermaids all the way, Qin Feng has also seen the size of this tribe. He has to say that the world in the sea is the same as the world on land, and there is even less sense of spatial distance.

After walking this way for a long time, they finally reached the middle of the tribe. Qin Feng roughly estimated that the minimum area of ​​the tribe was several hundred square kilometers.

And he found that this mermaid is not only indistinguishable from human beings in terms of living habits, but also in architecture, which is similar to human beings. There are some poor households living outside, and those living in prosperous places inside are those with higher cultivation. Zhongyang also has a compound covering an area of ​​tens of acres, with towering pavilions inside, which resembles an ancient garden.

"Mr. Qin, this is the headquarters of our murloc tribe, please come in." At the gate of the courtyard, the murloc young master politely gave way to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took a step forward, and immediately felt a kind of heavily guarded experience. This place is full of giant mermaids with limbs. Because it is stronger than ordinary humans on land now.

Moreover, there are formations arranged around the courtyard, all of which use energy as a resource.

The entire courtyard is divided into five floors, and the cultivation level of the people on each floor is higher than that of the first floor.

When it got to the innermost part, the place was completely isolated and became a waterless space, and the trees and vegetables planted in the inner yard were also land species, and some humans were there to help clean up.

"Uh... you arrested people here to work for you?" Qin Feng was a little surprised to see ordinary humans appearing here.

"No, I've eaten some before. These are young and strong, let them do some work." The murloc young master explained.

"Fuck, is this trying to show your sense of superiority?" Qin Feng rolled his eyes depressedly, then continued to walk in, and the courtyard in the middle was also divided into several small courtyards, and in the middle was a chapel-like hall. The place, when we got there, there were already many people waiting there.

Qin Feng looked up and found that the cultivation base of these murlocs was higher than that of the young fish master, and the difference between them and humans was even smaller. Except for the paddles on their hands and feet, there was almost no abnormality.

And here, there are some human girls serving tea to those people.

This made Qin Feng a little dumbfounded. He understands the antagonism of races, but these murlocs are extremely tall, and these human girls are too small in front of them. What's the point of this.

Just as he was thinking about it, the young fishman came to the center of the hall first, and bowed to the old man sitting at the top: "See Grandpa, this is the Mr. Qin I told you about."

Following his voice, Qin Feng looked at the grandfather of the young fish master, and knew that this should be the leader of the giant fish clan, and this person had the highest cultivation level among the giant fish clan, and he had faintly surpassed the level of the immortal.

In addition, there are dozens of people around, all of whom are not weak in cultivation, and even a dozen of them are masters at the level of immortals. They all stared at Qin Feng with a hostile expression.

The old man at the head waved his hand slightly when he heard Young Master Yu's report: "Okay, step aside first."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Qin Feng again: "Mr. Qin, you are welcome to our giant mermaid clan as a guest. The head of the old mermaid clan, Yulian, is very polite."

"Hehe, Patriarch Yu is very polite. I'm here to promote our cooperation, so that we can communicate with each other." Qin Feng directly explained his purpose without going around the bush.

"Well! My grandson has already said this, but I don't know how Mr. Qin wants to cooperate?" Julien raised his eyebrows.

Qin Feng explained: "Of course, your things are sold to us, and our things are sold to you. Now some forces in my jurisdiction and surrounding areas have formed a business circle, and everyone uses space rocks as currency..."

Then he talked about the situation in his business circle, and finally added: "Of course, everyone can also barter for exchange."

"Well, Mr. Qin's idea is good, and I agree with it very much, but I usually leave it to my sons to manage the business." He introduced the group of people around him.

Qin Feng almost understood what he heard. Julien has four sons in total. The eldest son Yu Feng is in charge of security, the second son Yu Qiang is in charge of business, the third son Yu Jian is in charge of training, and the fourth son Yu Li is in charge of trade and management matters. .

The four sons of Julien and their descendants are all standing together in a pile. In addition, Julien also told Qin Feng the rules of trading in the sea, and what to pay road tax when entering. , transaction tax.

This made Qin Feng's head flutter when he heard it: "Patriarch Yu, are you a bit over the top? I want to make a deal with you. We all exchange information. If you set up various taxes, what money can we make? Isn't Guangcheng at a disadvantage when I exchange things with you or buy and sell?"

He was really depressed. After all, he came to discuss cooperation with the other party with full sincerity. What is the other party doing now?They are completely regarded as the targets of slaughter, and so much tax is paid, but their things go ashore, and no settings are allowed.

This is a fart of trade. After all, they have to exchange two dollars for one dollar, which is pure nonsense.

But Qin Feng's words fell, and before Julien opened his mouth, his eldest son Yu Feng had already spoken first; "Hehe, Qin Feng, of course you have to listen to us if you want to trade with us. I'm in charge of security. If you don't This security tax, then you come down to trade, how can I be responsible for your safety?"

"When the time comes, your human goods will be robbed, so don't blame us."

Seeing his complacent look, Qin Feng frowned slightly; "Hehe, Yu Feng, right? You think your guards are very powerful? Then if you go to trade on land, don't you need protection if you encounter trouble?"

"Huh?" Yu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed outright: "Haha, Mr. Qin, you don't have to worry about this at all, our guards are unlikely to be in danger. If there are any human beings who dare to harm us, just It will become our meat in the pot, our meal."

Qin Feng smiled: "Really? That's not necessarily the case. I think you have stayed in the sea for too long, and you don't know the dangers of the land. Not to mention you, even the major forces on the land dare not say that they are safe." of."

"Jieshi, I'm afraid that once you deliver the goods, it may become a Chinese meal first, and it may be sweet and sour or steamed."

What Qin Feng said was extremely disdainful, but Yu Feng immediately exploded when he heard it: "Hmph! Really? Qin Feng, don't you think that you are very powerful after defeating a few of our clansmen? This is not land, and don't think we don't know it. Of those of you, only you have a little fighting power, and the others are ordinary people."

Qin Feng smiled: "Don't worry, I didn't say I don't rob things? If we humans come down to deliver goods and some of you rob things, then I will naturally rob you when you go up."

"Also, don't think so badly about yourself, a mere giant fish clan, I trade with us to save face, otherwise, you fish clan are only worthy of being my slaves, and you still make conditions with me, I really don't know how to live or die."

What Qin Feng said was extremely firm, but what he said was the truth. He has already observed the strength of the giant mermaids. Although he is a bit expert, his score is really not worth mentioning in front of him. Even if his dragon clan came over, these people could only be younger brothers.

Looking at the distribution and class division of mermaids all the way, Qin Feng has also seen the size of this tribe. He has to say that the world in the sea is the same as the world on land, and there is even less sense of spatial distance.

After walking this way for a long time, they finally reached the middle of the tribe. Qin Feng roughly estimated that the minimum area of ​​the tribe was several hundred square kilometers.

And he found that this mermaid is not only indistinguishable from human beings in terms of living habits, but also in architecture, which is similar to human beings. There are some poor households living outside, and those living in prosperous places inside are those with higher cultivation. Zhongyang also has a compound covering an area of ​​tens of acres, with towering pavilions inside, which resembles an ancient garden.

"Mr. Qin, this is the headquarters of our murloc tribe, please come in." At the gate of the courtyard, the murloc young master politely gave way to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took a step forward, and immediately felt a kind of heavily guarded experience. This place is full of giant mermaids with limbs. Because it is stronger than ordinary humans on land now.

Moreover, there are formations arranged around the courtyard, all of which use energy as a resource.

The entire courtyard is divided into five floors, and the cultivation level of the people on each floor is higher than that of the first floor.

When it got to the innermost part, the place was completely isolated and became a waterless space, and the trees and vegetables planted in the inner yard were also land species, and some humans were there to help clean up.

"Uh... you arrested people here to work for you?" Qin Feng was a little surprised to see ordinary humans appearing here.

"No, I've eaten some before. These are young and strong, let them do some work." The murloc young master explained.

"Fuck, is this trying to show your sense of superiority?" Qin Feng rolled his eyes depressedly, then continued to walk in, and the courtyard in the middle was also divided into several small courtyards, and in the middle was a chapel-like hall. The place, when we got there, there were already many people waiting there.

Qin Feng looked up and found that the cultivation base of these murlocs was higher than that of the young fish master, and the difference between them and humans was even smaller. Except for the paddles on their hands and feet, there was almost no abnormality.

And here, there are some human girls serving tea to those people.

This made Qin Feng a little dumbfounded. He understands the antagonism of races, but these murlocs are extremely tall, and these human girls are too small in front of them. What's the point of this.

Just as he was thinking about it, the young fishman came to the center of the hall first, and bowed to the old man sitting at the top: "See Grandpa, this is the Mr. Qin I told you about."

Following his voice, Qin Feng looked at the grandfather of the young fish master, and knew that this should be the leader of the giant fish clan, and this person had the highest cultivation level among the giant fish clan, and he had faintly surpassed the level of the immortal.

In addition, there are dozens of people around, all of whom are not weak in cultivation, and even a dozen of them are masters at the level of immortals. They all stared at Qin Feng with a hostile expression.

The old man at the head waved his hand slightly when he heard Young Master Yu's report: "Okay, step aside first."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Qin Feng again: "Mr. Qin, you are welcome to our giant mermaid clan as a guest. The head of the old mermaid clan, Yulian, is very polite."

"Hehe, Patriarch Yu is very polite. I'm here to promote our cooperation, so that we can communicate with each other." Qin Feng directly explained his purpose without going around the bush.

"Well! My grandson has already said this, but I don't know how Mr. Qin wants to cooperate?" Julien raised his eyebrows.

Qin Feng explained: "Of course, your things are sold to us, and our things are sold to you. Now some forces in my jurisdiction and surrounding areas have formed a business circle, and everyone uses space rocks as currency..."

Then he talked about the situation in his business circle, and finally added: "Of course, everyone can also barter for exchange."

"Well, Mr. Qin's idea is good, and I agree with it very much, but I usually leave it to my sons to manage the business." He introduced the group of people around him.

Qin Feng almost understood what he heard. Julien has four sons in total. The eldest son Yu Feng is in charge of security, the second son Yu Qiang is in charge of business, the third son Yu Jian is in charge of training, and the fourth son Yu Li is in charge of trade and management matters. .

The four sons of Julien and their descendants are all standing together in a pile. In addition, Julien also told Qin Feng the rules of trading in the sea, and what to pay road tax when entering. , transaction tax.

This made Qin Feng's head flutter when he heard it: "Patriarch Yu, are you a bit over the top? I want to make a deal with you. We all exchange information. If you set up various taxes, what money can we make? Isn't Guangcheng at a disadvantage when I exchange things with you or buy and sell?"

He was really depressed. After all, he came to discuss cooperation with the other party with full sincerity. What is the other party doing now?They are completely regarded as the targets of slaughter, and so much tax is paid, but their things go ashore, and no settings are allowed.

This is a fart of trade. After all, they have to exchange two dollars for one dollar, which is pure nonsense.

But Qin Feng's words fell, and before Julien opened his mouth, his eldest son Yu Feng had already spoken first; "Hehe, Qin Feng, of course you have to listen to us if you want to trade with us. I'm in charge of security. If you don't This security tax, then you come down to trade, how can I be responsible for your safety?"

"When the time comes, your human goods will be robbed, so don't blame us."

Seeing his complacent look, Qin Feng frowned slightly; "Hehe, Yu Feng, right? You think your guards are very powerful? Then if you go to trade on land, don't you need protection if you encounter trouble?"

"Huh?" Yu Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed outright: "Haha, Mr. Qin, you don't have to worry about this at all, our guards are unlikely to be in danger. If there are any human beings who dare to harm us, just It will become our meat in the pot, our meal."

Qin Feng smiled: "Really? That's not necessarily the case. I think you have stayed in the sea for too long, and you don't know the dangers of the land. Not to mention you, even the major forces on the land dare not say that they are safe." of."

"Jieshi, I'm afraid that once you deliver the goods, it may become a Chinese meal first, and it may be sweet and sour or steamed."

What Qin Feng said was extremely disdainful, but Yu Feng immediately exploded when he heard it: "Hmph! Really? Qin Feng, don't you think that you are very powerful after defeating a few of our clansmen? This is not land, and don't think we don't know it. Of those of you, only you have a little fighting power, and the others are ordinary people."

Qin Feng smiled: "Don't worry, I didn't say I don't rob things? If we humans come down to deliver goods and some of you rob things, then I will naturally rob you when you go up."

"Also, don't think so badly about yourself, a mere giant fish clan, I trade with us to save face, otherwise, you fish clan are only worthy of being my slaves, and you still make conditions with me, I really don't know how to live or die."

What Qin Feng said was extremely firm, but what he said was the truth. He has already observed the strength of the giant mermaids. Although he is a bit expert, his score is really not worth mentioning in front of him. Even if his dragon clan came over, these people could only be younger brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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