Chapter 114

Han Yang paused for a moment and asked aloud, "So, you have seen a thin monkey before, tell me, what does a thin monkey look like?"

Han Yang's words sounded like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Suddenly, Scorpion's expression changed, and he kept shaking his head at Han Yang.

"Don't talk nonsense about this, let me tell you, people who have seen him are said to have died."

"It's not dead."

"How is this possible? People who do this kind of thing have always said that they will never be left alive, so no one has ever seen the appearance of a thin monkey."

"Not necessarily. If he is really so mysterious, then let me ask you, how does he take orders?"

When Han Yang said this, Scorpion was obviously taken aback.

Han Yang grabbed Scorpion's fingers with lightning speed and looked at Scorpion with a smile.

"Tell me, how did you accept the order?"

"Letter, mailbox! No. 107 Dongchuan Road mailbox!"

The scorpion yelled in pain.

Looking at Han Yang now, it was like seeing a ghost. I have to say that Han Yang's method is very effective.

Scorpion rubbed his fingers in pain, and said seriously to Han Yang.

"No one has ever seen this evil star, but just put the money and the target in the mailbox."

After Han Yang inquired about all the information he wanted to know.

Nodding his head very satisfied.

At this moment, he looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

There is no exception to this expression, and everyone subconsciously wants to escape.

Hiding deep in the Datong shop, staring at Han Yang with fear.

"Brother, we all admit that you are powerful, but you can't just kill us like this."

"Yes, it's true that we are all small people, but if you are like this, we will fight you at the worst."

"We all have the same account, so we can meet each other in the future. Aren't you afraid of retaliation when you look like this?"

"Brother, just say, what exactly do you want to do, wouldn't it be good for us to sit down and have a good chat?"

Han Yang listened to the wailing of these punks.

Looking at himself up and down, he didn't find anything wrong with him.

"I don't seem to be doing anything, I just want to ask who has the phone."

Han Yang's words made these punks visibly taken aback.

Good guy, this is a detention center, not a resort, and I don't know if Han Yang is really mentally handicapped after returning the phone.

The big guy looked at Han Yang strangely.

Han Yang didn't feel any surprise.

"My question is very simple, just this one, who has the phone number?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Han Yang simply lay bored on the Chase bunk.

Everyone hid far away, and no one dared to get too close to this evil star. If Han Yang didn't keep them together, he would beat them up violently.

In the middle of the night, a hand shook Han Yang who was sleeping.

The man carefully gestured to Han Yang.

"In the third district, there is a bald man with moles on his face. We call him Da Guang. Maybe you can find a way to find him."

"Every morning there is an hour of wind time, at that time you go to him."

Han Yang felt a little interesting.

There are still people like this in this detention center.

Winding time the next day.

Daguang strolled around along the small square where the wind was released.

When I walked to each cell, I would stand by the side for a while.

Daguang never speaks proactively, and only those who need to ask him for things or do business will get close to him.

Sometimes Daguang can be seen sneaking out some things.

Soon, Daguang came to Han Yang's cell.

Han Yang got up to look for Da Guang.

"I want to make a call outside, how much is it?"

"The money here is useless. The most in-demand thing is cigarettes. Do you have any cigarettes?"

Da Guang looked at Han Yang with a half-smile.

I heard Han Yang take the initiative to use money to solve the problem.

The expression on Da Guang's face was even a little weird, he raised his eyebrows and whispered to Han Yang.

"Don't you know? In this detention center, I'm giving you a phone. Can you call it out?"

Seeing that Han Yang was in a daze, he simply patted Han Yang on the shoulder and explained to Han Yang.

"To tell you the truth, there are signal jammers everywhere here, unless you can get a satellite phone, each call cannot exceed 30 seconds, and a number segment can only be used once."

Detention centers are managed in the same way as prisons.

In addition to conventional signal jammers, there are also professional equipment to listen to the signal band of the entire detention center.

Satellite phones are not interfered by signal jammers, but they can only be used at least once a month.

And if the same signal appears twice.

The detention center will usher in a large-scale search, and the entire prison area will be turned upside down by then.

So it's impossible to get a phone call.

Of course, if there is a way, it is not difficult to use the phone.

It's just that the price is too high.

Daguang hummed a little song softly, and walked leisurely towards the side.

Han Yang was a little dazed seeing Da Guang being so clear.

(End of this chapter)

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