Urban god and mad son-in-law

Chapter 212 The Domineering Shen Bingbing

Chapter 212 The Domineering Shen Bingbing
At this moment, Shen Bingbing comforted Han Yang like a child.

And said that she will never eat one more in the next plate.

Han Yang now looks very reasonable and unforgiving.

He looked at Shen Bingbing suspiciously, with a look of distrust.

But it made Shen Bingbing so angry.

The little hand patted the table and said to Han Yang with some dissatisfaction.

"Why are you such a big man? To be honest, do you want to order another plate? If you don't, then forget it!"

"Then I'll trust you reluctantly. If it's just this matter, how can you be so fierce to me?"

Han Yang looked aggrieved at Shen Bingbing's look of wanting to cry.

It seems that he has been greatly wronged at the moment.

This was for Shen Bingbing to see, and she almost laughed out of anger.

She never thought that Han Yang could still show such a look

It really made her laugh.

"Can you stop acting like this, don't you know you look weird like this?"

"I don't care, you bullied me anyway, I feel very uncomfortable playing here, if you are still like this, then I will really be unhappy!"

"Okay, okay! I won't bully you anymore, isn't that okay? Can you stop showing this look, this look makes me want to grab it!"

Shen Bingbing held up wearing plastic gloves.

At this time, he said jokingly to Han Yang.

However, he couldn't help hiccupping while talking.

"Okay then, since it's like this, then I'll forgive you reluctantly!"

"What do you mean to forgive me reluctantly? It is clear that I have done nothing wrong. Why do you need to forgive me reluctantly?"

Shen Bingbing couldn't help but speak aloud after hearing this.

At this moment, she even said to Han Yang.

"It's clear that I want to forgive you, okay? You said that the way you just showed makes people feel angry?"

"I didn't do anything, you are not allowed to slander me, even if I said what I did just now, I didn't want to, then I obviously did it as a last resort, how can it be regarded as my fault? If you want to say this, it will be somewhat irresponsible!"

Han Yang complained to Shen Bingbing.

When the two of them said these words, they even said these things clearly.

No one thought that things would extend to this point.

But Shen Bingbing still enjoyed the time talking with Han Yang like this.

Han Yang and Shen Bingbing walked down the street, and Shen Bingbing couldn't help hiccupping.

"I told you to eat less, but you didn't listen? Look at how much you've eaten now, you can't help hiccupping!"

"You still have the nerve to talk about me. Think about how much you ate and I only ate a few. You will say that I am also embarrassed."

Shen Bingbing frowned and raised her little hand.

At this moment, he spoke aloud with some reluctance.

When he spoke, he still acted like he was going to punch someone.

"Anyway, I feel that you bullied me today, if you don't treat me better, then I..."

Shen Bingbing said to Han Yang jokingly.

"Then tell me, what are you going to do?"

"I haven't thought it through right now. If you don't provoke me, I'll tell you that I can think it over soon. When I figure it out, you will definitely not be able to escape my punishment. At that time, you will definitely beg for mercy! "

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait for you, Xiao Ming, to take it!"

Shen Bingbing hummed a little tune triumphantly, as if she was the winning side.

This scene made many couples feel a lot of emotion after seeing it.

They didn't expect it to be so sweet.

"Should we go back to the auction, is it about to end?"

"Tomorrow we will know the result, there is no need to go back!"

Han Yang shook his head and said that it is useless for them to go back now.

What should be done has already been done.

"Then what are we going to do now? I think we need to go home and go to bed. I think it's getting late!"

Shen Bingbing spoke seriously to Han Yang.

And said it was getting late.

Han Yang also nodded at this moment, expressing that it was indeed getting late.

"I think you're right!"

Han Yang took Shen Bingbing's hand and started trotting down the street.

After returning home.

Now Han Yang showed it again, looking very aggrieved.

"And I can sleep on the same bed with you today, what do you think? Think about it for yourself, our house is just such a bed now, if you don't let me sleep on the same bed with you, Then I won't have to go to sleep!"

Shen Bingbing, "There are so many rooms in our house, how come there is no bed?"

"Uh... the bed is broken, only yours is a good bed!"

Han Yang explained to Shen Bingbing firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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