Urban god and mad son-in-law

Chapter 41 Li Ting and Jiang Xuerou Kneel and Kowtow

Chapter 41 Li Ting and Jiang Xuerou Kneel and Kowtow
The waiter then said: "We have received a notice that due to special reasons, no one is allowed to enter or leave Xiaoyao Restaurant. These two ladies are very dissatisfied with this."

"Oh." Han Yang stroked his chin, pretending to be in deep thought: "Oh, I remember who told me to kneel and kowtow to me..."

The faces of Li Ting and Jiang Xueya turned gloomy.

"Han Yang! Don't go too far!" Li Ting said angrily, "What if you took out 8000 million? How much money do you have? My grandfather is a big boss in Jiangzhou! Do you really dare to make me kneel down?" ?”

Han Yang plucked his ears: "You can just say what you say counts. What are you doing talking about those useless things?"

Li Ting said angrily, "Of course I keep my word!"

"Kneel down!" Han Yang put away the smile on his face and shouted angrily, "It doesn't matter what your grandfather's identity is! You made the bet with me just now!"

"Now you lose! If you lose, you will fulfill the contract!"

"Kneel down! Kowtow!"

Han Yang's voice was like a bell, very captivating!
Li Ting was so frightened that she trembled several times.

"You..." Li Ting stammered, "How dare you make me kneel? My grandpa will never let you go!"

Han Yang called Uncle Li impatiently: "Uncle Li, help her, the two waiters over there, you two come to help Jiang Xuerou."

"It's so annoying."

Han Yang sat on the rattan chair in the hall, watching the two girls struggle continuously, and finally both of them were forced to the ground and their knees fell to the ground.

Jiang Xuerou looked at Han Yang in disbelief!

He actually made her kneel down!
Is this still the Han Yang who cared for her so much that she was so nervous when she frowned?

Han Yang shouted loudly.

The second girl's head was immediately pressed to the ground!


A heavy bang!
Jiang Xuerou was okay, the two waiters didn't press her too hard, she just nodded her forehead.

But Li Ting was held down by Uncle Li!
Uncle Li was so strong that he knocked out a large bruise on Li Ting's forehead!

Li Ting immediately became dizzy, not to mention struggling, if she didn't faint, it was because of her hard head!
Han Yang looked down at the second daughter who was kneeling and kowtowing, and smiled with satisfaction: "Wouldn't it be better if this was the case earlier? OK, you can go back."

Uncle Li and the two waiters let go of their hands one after another, and Jiang Xuerou and Li Ting regained their freedom.

The moment they let go of their hands, infinite grievances and humiliation erupted in Li Ting and Jiang Xuerou's hearts!


They have lived to such an age, why have they ever kowtowed before!
"Han Yang! I remember you! You will die a miserable death!" Li Ting pointed at Han Yang tearfully and said harshly.

Han Yang laughed and said, "Okay, I'll wait."

Although Jiang Xuerou didn't say a word, there were already tears in her eyes.

The way she looked at Han Yang was also very vicious!

Han Yang met Jiang Xuerou's eyes without fear.

The two girls helped each other out of Dao Ran Restaurant.

Only then did Zhao Daoran speak out: "Mr. Han's lightning method, I admire it."

"If it were me, even if there was a betting agreement before, I would choose to muddle through at this time and push people too hard. In the end, I might just ask for trouble." Zhao Daoran said kindly.

Han Yang smiled and shook his head: "No, that's not what I said."

"Only the weak are afraid of trouble, and muddling along is not the solution to the problem, but only fuels the arrogance of these people."

"Only if you press her head, force her to kneel and kowtow, and make her extremely humiliated, will she be afraid and afraid."

This is the truth that Han Yang summed up in the past two years in the Jiang family.

Zhao Daoran laughed noncommittally a few times.

Han Yang patted Zhao Daoran on the shoulder: "You are too easy-going, and it is easy to cause more trouble. You should be more careful in the future."

Zhao Daoran smiled and said, "Thank you for reminding me."

"Let's go."

Zhao Daoran led Han Yang to the parking lot, and said with a smile, "If Mr. Han Yang doesn't mind, you can take my car."

Han Yang smiled and said, "Anything is fine."

Zhao Daoran is different from the second-generation ancestors like the Chen brothers. They are both of the same age. The Chen brothers are playing with cars and women, and beauties in sports cars are always by their side.

And Zhao Daoran only drove a simple and low-key black business car, not only did he not look like a rich man, but he looked like a white-collar worker.

Zhao Daoran didn't have a driver, so he drove by himself. While manipulating the steering wheel, he said, "It's getting late, so Mr. Han will have dinner in the humble house before leaving. I also have some questions and I want to ask Mr. Han for advice."

Han Yang said: "Young Master Zhao, don't call me Mr. President. I sincerely treat you as a friend. From now on, you and I will just call each other by name."

Zhao Daoran paused slightly, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Okay, Han Yang."

"Dao Ran!"

The two laughed.

Zhao Daoran drove to a manor.

"This is our Zhao family's manor. My parents are on vacation recently. It's just my younger sister and me. I just called my younger sister. She is preparing meals. Let's go to the living room first." Zhao Daoran said.

Han Yang nodded.

Zhao Daoran led the way, and the two entered a wooden house.

As soon as I entered the room, there was a pleasant scent of sandalwood.

Han Yang's nostrils fluttered, and soon he realized that this scent was not from aromatherapy, but from the wall!
This wooden house is actually completely made of sandalwood!
Sandalwood is expensive in the market, and it takes extraordinary financial resources to buy sandalwood and simplify it into a wooden house made of pure sandalwood!

Rao, the Chen family has to think a little bit about this kind of thing... This Zhao family has such financial resources?
Before Han Yang could figure it out, Zhao Daoran pulled a stool for Han Yang.

"Han Yang, sit down."

Han Yang sat on the stool.

Zhao Daoran sat at the main seat, still brewing tea for Han Yang himself.

"Han Yang, I've always wanted to ask, are you acting as the agent of Jin Ding Sheng Shi, who is so popular recently, and the boss is someone else, or are you the boss of Jin Ding Sheng Shi?"

Zhao Daoran spoke slowly.

Han Yang said unexpectedly, "Oh? Why does Daoran ask such a question?"

Zhao Daoran shook his head: "I can't tell, but it's just my intuition. I think you are the boss of Jinding Shengshi."

"No, you're thinking too much." Han Yang laughed deliberately, "The registered capital of Jinding Shengshi is 100 billion! How can my son-in-law have 100 billion?"

Zhao Daoran still shook his head and disagreed with Han Yang's words: "If you say that, then I don't think a son-in-law who goes out of the house will have 8000 million cash, but you just took it out, which doesn't explain the problem."

"Actually, I can't tell, I'm just curious." Zhao Daoran said with a smile: "If you find it inconvenient, you can also refuse to tell me the truth."

Han Yang picked up the teacup, put it to his mouth and took a sip, reminiscing the aroma of the tea in his mouth, his face full of intoxication.

"You are the first person I want to tell the truth." Han Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "You are a scary person, and I don't even know how to lie to you."

(End of this chapter)

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