Chapter 91

"Ah!" Han Lu was taken aback, "Really? Mom, I don't think you are a joker."

Han Lu's mother said it was absolutely true. She said that a residential area would be built in the old house. Everyone had already signed the agreement, and the construction team would enter the site next month.According to the national policy, the relocated households shall be resettled in other places or compensated in cash.

In other words, if you want a house, the state will give you a new house.If you don't want it, give it money.

However, in order to solve the problem of everyone's transition, the public housing was divided and the relocated households lived temporarily. She and Han Lu's father are planning to move in the past two days!

Han Lu asked, why don't you want a house?It's useless to bring money, the housing is still solid.

Han Lu's mother said that she and Han Lu's father are old, and it is useless to bring the house. Besides, it is difficult to go home once a year without the child. Didn't you come back this year for the New Year?How about converting it into cash to buy a house where you work.

Han Ludao: "That's right. I'll buy a big one. How about four bedrooms and one living room? I'll pick you up for a reunion with Dad."

Han Lu's mother was very happy, and said, "There are only three of us in our family, and two rooms are enough."

Han Lu: "In the future, I will get married and have a child. When the child grows up, he will have to start a family. Four rooms are too small for me!"

As soon as he said it, he suddenly regretted it.

Sure enough, Han Lu's mother said: "When will you have a girlfriend? I don't see my daughter-in-law, and I don't want to die with peace."

"What are you talking about? Mom, I'm so busy. I'm about to go out. Sister Chang is by my side. Are you chatting with him?" After finishing speaking, he handed the phone to Chang Yuehua.

So, the two old ladies started chattering away and started chatting.

Han Lu fled to the outside of the office for a walk, and was caught again by Chang Yuehua as soon as he came back.

Aunt Chang: "Let's go on a blind date."

Han Lu: "Does it mean that your store has encountered a difficult character again, and you need me, the treasure of the store, to come out and make peace?"

Speaking of which, he hasn't been on a blind date for two months.

Chang Yuehua said solemnly: "This time it's a serious blind date. Didn't I tell you about Xiaoguan in the streets of Hedong District last year? He's a serious state cadre, and his parents are the bosses. You shirked it at that time."

Han Lu said: "I remember it, it's been so long, why do I remember it again?"

Chang Yuehua said, at that time you said you had no house and no car, and you were an ordinary person, so you were really unworthy.Although it is said that the family is rich, it doesn't matter whether you have a garage or not, as long as the person is good.After I thought about it, your personal conditions are indeed lacking.Isn't it different now? Now that you are the director of the office, and you are the second generation of dismantlers, you can be regarded as capable.

Han Lu smiled wryly and said, I am the second generation of demolition, and 50 yuan is enough to renovate a house.

Chang Yuehua said, I have already told your mother about this, she is very happy, if you don't go, you know the consequences.

Han Lu: "Ah... that's all, I'm going to meet you, and I'll take it seriously... By the way, is the girl good-looking?"

Last time Chang Yuehua said that Xiao Guan has a small nose and small eyes, very cute.

Chang Yuehua didn't hide it: "It's very ordinary, just like an ordinary person."

Han Lu worked in the cultural center for a year and a half, and saw a lot of handsome men and beautiful women.In his opinion, beautiful women are all crazy, and the master doesn't wait for him: "Ordinary people are fine, so let's make an appointment to meet up. If you agree, I won't pay the agency fee."

Chang Yuehua: "This is a very serious matter. How could it be possible to bring someone to meet at the store? I'll give you Xiaoguan's phone number, and you can contact me yourself."

The news of the demolition of Han Lu's hometown quickly spread throughout the unit.

"Han Lu, it's demolished, congratulations."

Han Lu: "Let's be happy together, I'll treat you to candy when the time comes."

"You're not married, why send candies?"

Han Lu: "When the time comes to find a partner, the bride of the new house will solve it together, so can I give you candy?"


"Director Han, I heard that your house has been demolished."


"I heard you lost 60 yuan?"

"Nonsense, it's just fifty, and it hasn't been paid yet."

"That's too high, Director Han, you get promoted and get rich and marry a wife."

"Thank you."


"Xiao Han, I heard, I heard, I lost 70 yuan."

"It's only fifty, how did it go up?"

"Stop lying, I won't borrow money from you."

"If you borrow it from me, I have to take it out."


"Xiao Han, I heard that your house has been demolished."

Han Lu has been a little numb from everyone's question: "I don't want to talk."

"I heard that your family lost 100 million yuan."



"Han Lu, stop." Zhong Xiaoqin was furious when he stopped Han Lu on the street outside his unit that day.

Han Lu couldn't bear it a bit, and took the initiative to explain: "It was demolished, and I paid 50 in compensation, just enough to buy a house for renovation, not 70 or 100 million, over!"

Zhong Xiaoqin: "I'm not talking about this with you, Han Lu, I'm announcing something to you."

Han Lu felt a little guilty: "Say it."

Zhong Xiaoqin: "From now on, I will no longer pursue you."

Han Lu laughed: "Sister Zhong, I offended you somewhere, I apologize to you, please have dinner."

Zhong Xiaoqin said: "Yes, I like you very much, but what I like is the poor and optimistic Han Lu in the past. With you, I am very happy and at ease. It is not the current second-generation, rich second-generation. If I come to you again, others will think that I am greedy for your family's property, I, Zhong Xiaoqin, can't stand this kind of discussion, so I have to break up with you."

Han Lu continued to laugh: "Why don't you think about it again and drink milk tea, I invite you."

Sister, please, it's you who want to do something to me, but I didn't agree.Everyone has nothing to do, so why break up?
Zhong Xiaoqin thought for a while: "The weather is hot, let's have a drink."

Han Lu was worried about buying a house a while ago, but now that his hometown is suddenly demolished, the financial pressure is gone, and he feels relaxed.

You say that I am the second generation of demolition, and I am, and there is no shame in admitting it.

These few days, he had a great time.Don’t think about saving money, what you like to eat, buy; clothes and shoes that you have wanted for a long time, buy;

From head to toe, a new look.

Han Lu from Xiaoguan also got in touch, and the other party said generously: "I heard that Aunt Chang told you about your situation, and my parents are very satisfied. Let's find time to meet up. How about Saturday morning? In the park, I Waiting for you under the welcome stone. When you see short hair and a white T-shirt, it’s me.”

Han Lu was very surprised, but this girl is very generous.No... wait, I should be the one waiting ahead of time!

On Saturday, Director Xiao Han went to the park in new clothes, and saw a girl standing under the welcome stone, looking at him with bright eyes, "Are you Han Lu? Hello, I'm Guan Jing. "

Miss Xiaoguan really has the same small nose and small eyes as Chang Yuehua said, and looks ordinary, but the combination of facial features is very attractive.

Xiao Guan stretched out his hand.

Han Lu shook hands with her: "We seem to have met before, but I can't remember it at the moment."

Guan Jing: "During the public examination, I am the staff member, and you are the examinee."

Han Lu: "Ah, I remembered, I remembered, teacher!"

Guan Jing giggled: "I'm younger than you, but I can't afford it."

Han Lu: "Those who are capable are teachers."

Guan Jing: "Climbing a mountain?"

Han Lu: "Let's go, the kapok is open, let's go pick some, take it home and eat stewed chicken."

(End of this chapter)

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